Manjunath Pai-Owner of Popular ‘Giri Manja’ Restaurant Passes Away at age 40

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Mangaluru: Got Fish! Restaurateur Manjunath Pai (40), fondly known as ‘Giri Manja’, or “Manjanna” by his chums and customers who owns Kudla’s popular fish joint ‘Giri Manja’s restaurant died due to a massive heart attack here on August 12.

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On August 12, while he was attending a function at the T V Ramana Pai hall, he suffered a massive heart attack.

For over two decades ‘Giri Manja’s restaurant located near Kalikamba Temple, (near Car Street) and managed by Manjunath Pai had gained popularity among fish lovers of Mangaluru. People thronged the restaurant during lunch hours. One could see the large number of vehicles parked outside the restaurant, and customers waiting patiently to get a seat as the restaurant is packed during lunch hours. ‘Giri Manja’s’ restaurant has been featured in many media publications and TV stations for their authentic Mangalorean style seafood cuisine.

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Manjanna’s sudden death has shocked many of his friends and customers, who were closely associated with him, and since he was always at the cash counter he greeted his clients with a smile and humor. Regular customers will surely miss “Manjanna” who had kept the authenticity of Mangalorean cuisine to its standards and also keeping the fare quite reasonable.

Manjunath Pai is survived by wife, 2 children and relatives.

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9 years ago

A down-to-earth person and a humble human being was manjanna. Just cant believe that he is nomore. He ensured that all his customers who visited his hotel left on a happy note. He shall be surely missed by all the community. I have no words to say, but only to pray in god to rest his soul in peace.

9 years ago

Sorry to hear this news. May his soul rest in peace.

Dr Praveen Shenoy M
9 years ago

I remember the days we used to play cricket together. .RIP my friend