Mary-Hill Helipad gone Dump-Yard! And IGP lives Next Door?

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Mary-Hill Helipad gone Dump-Yard! And IGP lives Next Door?

Mary-Hill Helipad gone Dump-Yard! And Inspector General of Police-Western Range lives Next Door?

Mangaluru: This report is the for the kind perusal of Inspector General of Police-Western Range- P Harishekran, whose residence is very adjacent to the Mary-Hill helipad, which has been turned into a dump yard by some building contractors/builders by disposing off building debris etc and also young revelers at night leaving behind alcohol bottles, empty cigarette packs, snacks wrappers etc- I am not sure whether he has seen it or not?- but through this column I kindly request him to take action on behalf of some of the local residents there – some of them who use this area for their morning and evening exercise walk. received an email from one of our ardent readers, Arun Valder who stated that “Many builders are dumping the building material waste at the corner of Mary Hill Helipad. Can anyone stop this bad practice, since the Helipad area which was a clean and beautiful place has now become a dumping yard? You can check at the corner area of Maryhill helipad There is also sand and construction debris up at the corner not sure if it’s of some builders or sand mafia The road approaching the helipad is also dilapidated”. Valder has also filed a complaint with ‘Janahitha’- a website portal powered by KarnatakaMuncipal Data Society, on 8-7-2016, but until now no action has been taken. ( When Valder communicated with us on this issue, Team Mangalorean immediately sprung into action- and here’s what we found-

The road leading to the helipad from Mount Carmel Central School- Mary Hill is in bad shape, and along the side of part of the stretch of this road, construction debris has been dumped. Stepping into the helipad area, you’ll find more of construction debris and other garbage dumped all along the side of the helipad area. Surprisingly you’ll also find empty beer and liquor bottles, empty cigarette packs, snacks wrappers discarded by revelers who use this area as their hangout joint- and even though a sign has been posted by the Kavoor Police station that ‘Vehicle Learning on this ground is strictly prohibited’ (see pic of the sign), we noticed bunch of vehicles taking their driving test. When all this is going on, one would ask- how come MCC and even the IGP who takes this road daily and lives next door to this area have turned a blind eye to this pathetic situation.

I am not sure when was the last time a helicopter had landed on this helipad (for the fact there are two helipads here), because lately the CM and other top state politicians using taxpayers money have been arriving to the city by flights landing at Mangalore International Airport- unfortunately, this helipad has been of no use for a while- and it has been abused by some builders, local residents and others for different things. The photographs in this report will speak volumes about the present condition of this helipad area.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, a 61-year-old resident of that area, who wanted to remain anonymous said, “I use this path every evening for my walk, but once it gets little dark many youngsters and adults gather around this helipad indulging in various illegal activities. Sometimes I even get the smell of Ganja. They also drink and leave the empty booze bottles everywhere. Some bottles are seen broken, which is a safety hazard for walkers who walk barefoot or wear sandals. Some of us had earlier complained to the then IGP Arun Chakravarthy to take action against these troublemakers, but of no use. Even now I have seen the present IGP’s vehicle passing by in front of these revelers, but not even a single time IGP Harishekaran has stopped his vehicle and warned these guys. Sad, but I hope at least with your report some action will be taken. Thanks for taking the time to highlight this issue”.

In conclusion, on behalf of the residents living in this vicinity, Team Mangalorean makes a humble request to IGP- Western Range P Harishekaran and also the officials of MCC to take action of this pathetic situation that has been haunting many local residents for a long long time, including our reader Arun Valder. Until then let’s keep our fingers crossed as to what would be the impact of this report in a non-bias portal-Always!

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Joe D'Souza
8 years ago

Mr.Alfie, please note: Smart City is managed by People with whom we cannot expect anything. It is like Dog chasing the tail, we chase the officials of MCC. Every time You call an Official to take the complaint, He or She will tell you that they are in a meeting. My question to Local People is why you don’t take down the Licence Plate number of the vehicle that is used for drivers training or take a photo of that vehicle and hand it over to Kavoor Police or DCP Mr Sanjeev Patil and request them to take action. He… Read more »

Truth Seeker
8 years ago

Good reporting. Keep it up. By the way, you are being too polite to our officials and elected reps. Unless someone is physically blind, there is no way to ignore all the filth, trash and illegal things that are going on every step in city. It’s time to stop being polite and start calling out incompetent officials and reps (including elected MLAs and others) for intentionally ignoring city’s problems.

Navneeth Rai
8 years ago

Yet another eye opener. I wish this report will come to the notice of IGP and hopefully, he will take action. Great reporting Alfie and thanks for highlighting civic issues now and then.

Prashanth KS
8 years ago


Paul MS Cutinho
8 years ago

If government servants / law enforcement officers don’t take action against people who involve in illegal activities-then who else will? Well reported by highlighting every aspect of this long pending problem. City officials should charge or penalize those who had dumped all that building const. waste.

8 years ago

Thank you team Mangalorean for posting the detailed report on this issue. Hope MCC and Police commissioner check this and swing into action soon.

Antony D'Cunha
8 years ago

Very important issue raised by the people. Nice reporting by team Mangalorean. It is high time that the administration takes necessary steps to address the issues to fix the problems. It is a pity that such a nice place is turning into dump yard. Wake up Mangalore.

7 years ago

Great Eye Opener Report By Our STAR Journalist Dear ALFIE., U.S.A.,..It is A SMART REPORT for the ”TO BE SMART CITY”…, with Ms.Violet Pereira as Chief, is doing a Wonderful job. We Need These ”WATCH DOG REPORTS” To see our City Function properly. Hope ACTION will be taken,.–Jerardin D’souza – Founder – M.A.A. – Mangalore Alzheimer’s Association.

Shilpa D Bhat
7 years ago

I am also residing nearby and have noted all these things. I would also add on to improve the street lights on way to Helipad. We can also see increasing street dogs at this place. Hope these problems will overcome soon. I am really thankfull to the person who has raised this matter .