MFC Chicken- It’s Finger Licking Taste! Not Anymore- MCC Shuts Down Shack

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MFC Chicken- It’s Finger Licking Taste! Not Anymore- MCC Shuts Down Shack

Mangaluru:  Just like Iran may not love America politically, but Iranians love American food — especially fast food. With no formal diplomatic relations between the two countries, though, it’s rather hard to find a McDonald’s or a Pizza Hut. But if you wander through the streets of Tehran, you might find a Pizza Hat or a Mash Donald’s. The rise of the “fake franchise” of American food brands are all over the globe, even in India- and for that matter, even in Mangaluru. For example- Bisleri Soda, originally made by an Italian Company, you can find ‘Sizleri’ soda manufactured by a local beverage company here, in the same bottle design. How about America’s favourite Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)- with their slogan “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good’ was faked in a different version by MFC Restaurant-opposite to Athena Hospital, Falnir Road-Mangaluru, with their slogan as “It’s Finger Licking Taste!”. Even MFC brochures/pamphlets matched very close that of KFC?

But not anymore- MFC which has been selling “It’s Finger Licking Taste” fried Chicken like hot cakes, especially during evening hours was shut down this morning by Mangaluru City Corporation for not having a “Trade Licence”. Not only that, the residents around this food shack had complained many times to MCC and the District Administration officials about the health and safety hazards created by MFC. Last year the nearby residents had even launched a signature campaign and submitted it to MCC, but no action was taken. A few residents had even requested MFC owner to abide by some safety and health rules- but he never heeded to their kind requests.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Dr Prakash Shetty a resident of Britto’s Lane near to MFC said, “I am very glad that MCC took action against this fast food shack. As a resident living just a few blocks away from this joint, me and other locals here faced lots of inconveniences due to the traffic parked illegally on the road by MFC customers. Even the sign board erected by MFC blocked the view of the traffic entering our street. Another health safety issue was that MFC was releasing all the waste water onto to our street, which many times emanated bad smell. We the residents are extremely happy with MCC’s action, and would kindly request them not to issue any trade licence for an eatery place since it will once again create problems”.

When Team Mangalorean contacted Dr A Manjaiah Shetty – the Health Officer of Mangalore City Corporation he said, “The original person who rented this premises was Deepak Kamath (name changed), who operated a business called ‘Dosa Camp’- after he closed down his business he rented it out to Asif Iqbal (name changed) who started the Fried Chicken and other food items business- but later Asif rented it out to yet another person named Imitiyaz MS (name changed) who was running it until today- and whose trade licence expired recently. For some reason, Shenoy doesn’t want to renew his original licence, since the building owner who presently lives in the Gulf wants that premises back. So there are no chances that the present owner of MFC may get his trade licence renewed and get his business back”.

Yet another, elderly lady residing on the adjacent street to MFC said, “We had the same problem with parked vehicles when the business dosa camp was operating, but it was not bad as in recent days after MFC started their business. During the evening hours, customers coming for food pick-up or dine at MFC used to park their vehicles illegally thereby creating a nuisance for other motorists coming and going out of this street. Also, the waste water let out by MFC into the road, was flowing all the way down the street giving out a bad smell.”
Now that MCC has taken action on this business under the new Mayor Kavitha Sanil, they should continue to crack down on many businesses in the City which have been running without “trade licences’ and many food establishments running without safety health procedures. MCC should also crack down on illegal mobile food shops that have been increasing in the city in non-hygienic condition. Do all these mobile food canteens have a licence to run their business – I very much doubt. If that’s the case, how come even a mobile food van of KFDC, owned by the state government is doing business illegally near Kadri Park. But if they have permission from the MCC, then I am sorry to say this?

On a final note, when MCC is evicting poor strict vendors who although are a nuisance for pedestrians and traffic, but have no other option to earn their living- therefore MCC has to even evict all these mobile food vans, that are occupying the pedestrians path. We all know prior to becoming a Mayor now, Kavitha Sanil had raided many illegal shops for not having trade licences- but now as Mayor of MCC, hope she directs her colleagues to take strict action against businesses without trade license and also running the business in non-hygienic conditions.

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Residents of Britto Road
8 years ago

Thank You Mr Alfie Dsouza for responsible reporting, is the only online news who do responsible reporting.

On behalf of all residents of Britto road and Mother theresa road we thank

R S Bhat
8 years ago

I love veg- It’s Finger Licking Taste! – because I am a vegetarian, but I am really overwhelmed that finally a problem that we the residents on Britto Lane were facing due to the customers vehicles of MFC parked wherever they wanted, thereby creating hassles to others. Thank God, no more foul smell from the waste water let out from MFC.

Thanks and writer D’souza for highlighting this story. Thanks MCC and Dr Manjayya Shetty- HO at MCC. Only hope that no fast food joint will come up at this location.

Manohar Kamath
8 years ago

Like the author has mentioned, MCC should also go beyond many other businesses (probably there might be hundreds of then) operating without a trade licence. Why just nail one shop? Shut down others too who are doing business illegally.

Sudheer Preetham S
8 years ago

Finger licking taste-right-but every time I ate chicken and rice item from this place I had to run three or four times to the toilet at night and during wee hours. MCC should check hygienic conditions of food establishments in Mangaluru–if you look at some of the kitchens of restaurants/fast food etc- they are not hygienic-just filthy. Anyways great reporting by

Truth Seeker
8 years ago

Good job! Many chickens saved!! Looking at the low hygiene standards, one has to wonder the overall judgement of those who used to visit this place for ‘finger licking’ taste!! Oh well, hope they open a dosa camp, not any meat based business!

Muzamil husain
8 years ago

They not only infringed the KFC logo and name they served unhygienic food.

Please see google reviews for this restaurant and you will know for yourselves.

7 years ago

there are many shops like this in our kudla. MCC should check all and take action

Micheal Veigas
7 years ago

I had gone there and took parcel Chicken grilled. My God i was shocked to see at home it was a rotten old more than 2 days old i just put it to the dog because it was night. I too wanted to complaint but then i just forgot it. To be frank they use the old cooked items very very dirty people. Thank you MCC for closing this shop MFC i am very very happy now.