Miley Cyrus’s movie withdrawn from porn film fest

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Los Angeles, Feb 12 (IANS) Singer Miley Cyrus’ short film “Tongue Tied” has been withdrawn from the New York City Porn Film Festival as her representatives claim they were misled about the event.

The film features the scantily-clad pop star in a number of suggestive poses while wearing bondage gear.

“Miley was proud to make a film with acclaimed filmmaker Quentin Jones. She did not instigate this festival submission and is not participating in any way,” Cyrus’s representative said in a statement, reports

Organiser Simon Leahy had previously said that Cyrus submitted the film after hearing about the event through mutual friends, and showed proof of an email exchange with production company Cadence, allowing the footage to be used.

Leahy has complied with the request to remove the film from listings, but insists it still would have fit well with the festival as it isn’t a seedy event.

“Basically they didn’t do their due diligence. We asked to show it at the festival. Obviously the story went totally viral that freaked everyone out. We don’t want to cause any harm to Miley and her image,” Leahy told

“It’s like we are an art festival. Even though we’re using the work porn, we’re not some cheap LA porn award festival,” he added.

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