Home Mangalorean News Local News Mluru Bishop Confers Sacrament of Confirmation to 31 Children at Rosario Cathedral

Mluru Bishop Confers Sacrament of Confirmation to 31 Children at Rosario Cathedral

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Mluru Bishop Confers Sacrament of Confirmation to 31 Children at Rosario Cathedral

Mangaluru: Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha the New Bishop of Mangaluru for the first time conferred the Sacrament of confirmation to 31 children here at Rosario Cathedral on Thursday 9th November. Arriving at 6.00 pm, Bishop catechized the children for half an hour in which he explained the need of faith today among the youth. He instructed the children regarding the faith in Trinity in simple words. Citing the example of St Theresa of Kolkata bishop explained the importance of the Holy Eucharist. He said ‘Mother Theresa would open her houses only where the priests are available to offer Mass which expressed her great desire and her deep faith in the presence of the Lord in the Eucharist.

The Bishop presided over the Holy Eucharist. During the homily he said that “We need to be witnesses of Christ in the present world; Holy Spirit is the one who empowers us to proclaim our faith boldly.” He continued saying that after receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit the young people need to take every opportunity to witness Jesus in their lives. Rev. Fr. J.B Crasta the Rector of the Cathedral, Rev. Fr Flavian Lobo Asst parish priest, Rev. Fr Rocky Fernandes and Rev Fr Victor D’Souza concelebrated the Eucharist.

The Rector thanked the Bishop, Fr Flavian one who prepared the children for the Confirmation and Parents and Children. He also said that the celebration of the sacrament of confirmation was one among the 450 Jubilee year spiritual activities. The whole liturgy was conducted by the Children with the guidance of the Assistant Priest. The Bishop thanked the parents and children and wished them all good. Prior to the sacrament of confirmation Rev Fr J.B Crasta conducted the adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. The Cathedral Choir sang traditional hymns during the Eucharist under the leadership of Antony D’Silva the choir Master.

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