Home Agency News MoD to organise CORE on Sep 9 to review security preparedness

MoD to organise CORE on Sep 9 to review security preparedness

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MoD to organise CORE on Sep 9 to review security preparedness

New Delhi: Ministry of Defence (MoD) said on Sunday that it will organise the Combined Operational Review and Evaluation (CORE) programme on September 9 to review the security preparedness of the combined forces.




“Army, Navy, Air Force, senior officers from the Ministry of Defence, External Affairs, and Home Affairs will also participate in the five-day programme in New Delhi from September 9 to 13,” said a MoD official.


He said that the programme will discuss some vital issues including the changing nature of warfare, globalisation and interconnectedness, and lessons from recent ongoing conflicts in the world.


“The impact of non-kinetic warfare, cyber and information warfare, and adoption of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems in the military are some of the topics that will also be discussed,” the official added.


He said that the programme is for senior officers of tri-services, adding, that the five-day development cum orientation programme has been designed for Major General and equivalent officers from the three services, along with officers from the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of External Affairs, and Ministry of Home Affairs.


“CORE programme has been conceptualised to prepare senior officers of the Indian Armed Forces for future leadership roles, by developing skills in strategic planning, duly anticipating, and preparing for future threats, challenges and conflicts,” the official added.


The Ministry of Defence said that the effective conduct of future wars will hinge on three vital elements, military leaders, combatants (man-machine interface) and support staff.


“The Indian Armed Forces are taking dynamic steps towards modernisation, both in concepts and inventory and future senior military leaders must stay abreast with changing geo-political dynamics and futuristic combat scenarios augmented by disruptive technologies and advancements to take comprehensive decisions,” the MoD said.


It added that the CORE programme aims to foster jointness and integration and enhance cooperation and coordination among different services to create a detailed understanding of the operational environment.


“The programme will comprise panel discussions and lectures by 30 eminent speakers and subject matter experts from varied fields, curated around a unique different theme on each day,” the MoD official added.


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