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Moriyek Hogalsiya! Bendore Church & Athma Jyothi Ashram All Geared Up for ‘Monti Festh’

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Moriyek Hogalsiya! Bendore Church & Athma Jyothi Ashram All Geared Up for ‘Monti Festh’

  • Sokodd Sangata Melliya, Sokodd Lagim Soria, Amche Talle Ek Koria, Moriyek Hogalsiya! St Sebastian Church, Bendore-Mangaluru & Athma Jyothi Ashram-Kadri, Mangaluru all geared up for the Big Festh, ‘Monti Festh’ in Fervour and Devotion

Mangaluru: “Monti Fest” aka Feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary is a major Mangalorean Catholic festival which falls on September 8 every year. This festival celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in the Mangalorean Catholic community involves blessing of Novem (new crop). The festival derives its name from the Monte Mariano Church at Farangipet in South Canara (now called Dakshina Kannada), and was initiated by Joachim Miranda, a Goan Catholic priest at Farangipet in 1763. The Church is also known as Mount of Mary. Oral history goes to state that the Nativity festival of our Lady was first celebrated at Monte Moriano to coincide with the annual feast of the church. The term ‘Monthi’ has been derived from the word ‘Monte’ and over the years has been modified to be known as ‘Monthi Fest’. On this solemn occasion, the Catholics partake in a community feast or a family feast having only vegetarian dishes. Though Tippu Sultan destroyed the churches of South Canara, he spared Monte Mariano Church in deference to the friendship of his father Hyder Ali with Father Joachim Miranda.

Monthi Festh Celebration at St Sebastian Church, Bendore, Mangaluru:

Parishioners of St Sebastian’s Church, Bendore-Mangaluru, along with their children took part in a procession which commenced at 5 pm on 30 August, being the First day of the Novena. Quite a large number of faithful along with their children had gathered for the Novena, where a Mass was held, following which the Children showered flowers/petals on the statue of Baby Mary. The Novena mass was celebrated by Fr Vincent Monteiro, The Parish Priest of Bendore Church, along with Fr Anil Pinto, the Assistant Parish priest. In his homily, Fr Vincent said, “Mother Mary is the mother of Lord Jesus. She is not only the Mother of Jesus but the mother of all. She Loves Children and this is apparent with her appearance to little children Francis, Lucy and Jacintha at Fathima in Europe. One of those children is now a nun and is still alive. In every successful human being there is a woman, she is none other than our own mother. She always thinks about the success of her child”.

Fr Vincent also thanked all those parishioners who have given their mite for the successful celebration of this feast, and those who sponsor the sweets packet during the novena days for the children. Since it was raining heavy, the showering of flowers to the statue of Baby Mary, was held in the indoor church corridor- even though it was congested due to the large number of children gathered, but it went on well. Fr Vincent conducted the prayer, and during the hymn, “Sokodd Sangata Melliya, Sokodd Lagim Soria, Amche Talle Ek Koria, Moriyek Hogalsiya”, the children tossed flowers at the Baby Mary’s statue.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Fr Anil Pinto said, ” We have already started the 10-days novena, which will commence every evening at 5 pm, and after the mass, the children will shower flowers at the Baby Mary’s statue. If the weather is good we will have the flower showering outside in the church parking lot, but if it rains it will done inside . On the Feast Day, September 8, the festive mass will be held at 8.15 am, after which the sugar canes will be distributed to the children. Prior to the mass, two processions have been arranged, one from Presidency Zone, and the other one from Nanthoor- where the statue of Baby Mary will be carried:.

Why is this feast very important to Indian Christians especially Mangaloreans and Goans, people on the west coastal belt? Monti Fest is the celebration of family bonds, filial relationships and a feast which makes us aware that we are very much part of the nature around us bringing us closer to Mother Nature. The speciality that we venerate and celebrate Mother Mary’s birthday because she is the mother of the Messiah the saviour, redeemer Lord Jesus Christ. So automatically as Jesus is the son of God she becomes our heavenly mother too. It is really amazing to see that all Konkani Catholics unite wherever they are spread across the Globe with one spirit and zeal and make it a point to celebrate this great festival of Monti fest all over the world.

It is really amazing to see children with full joy and enthusiasm, where they brought flowers in their respective colourful baskets to honour Blessed Virgin Mary. Christians all over the world will be celebrating the feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary(BVM) or simply the birthday of Mary, the Mother of our saviour Jesus Christ, as well as our Heavenly Mother. The feast of Nativity is traditionally celebrated on September 8, which is commonly called by the locals as “Monti Fest” in Konkani. There will be nine days of Novena as a preparation for the feast, which already started on 30 August, at various Catholic Churches in City and DK, and on the tenth day, on 8 September the feast is celebrated. The Catholic Christians residing in the west coast of India (Karnataka, Goa, Mumbai and Vasai) celebrate the birthday of Mother Mary as “Monti Fest”. The birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary which is celebrated with the blessing of the new corn and family meal is one of the great celebrations of Konkani Catholic community residing all over the world.

Monti Fest celebration at Athma Jyothi Ashram-Souza Lane, Kadri, Mangaluru:

Athma Jyothi Ashram being next to my house, I woke up early on 30 August morning, where the First day of the Monthi Festh started at 6.30 am, and following the mass, a few children accompanied by their parents showered flowers at the statue of Baby Mary. The mass was conducted by Fr Peter Cyprian D’souza and Fr Dolphy Devdas Serrao, of the Ashram- After the offering of flowers in the church, the Holy Sacrifice was offered. In his Homily, Fr Dolphy Serrao reflected saying, “ ‘Monthi fest’ – a feast that is close to the heart of all Christians of Kanara (Mangaluru) which has a special role to play in every Christian’s life. Every feast we celebrate is not just for fun, or merrymaking, rather it has a message hidden in it, an incident to recall or a specific purpose to remember; So also Monti festh. On this day we commemorate the immaculate birth of Mary, and along with this celebration, this feast also encourages family bonding. On this day let’s reflect on, firstly, Never ever sacrifice ‘your family’ for anyone or for anything. Secondly, prepare your children for the next world – this was the message of Mary revealed at one of her apparitions”

On the Feast day, 8 September, It is a tradition in Mangaluru for the Catholic families to gather together and share a vegetarian meal consisting of at least 6-8 vegetarian dishes. The grains taken form blessed paddy stalk or corn is added to the milk or “Vorn” (Payasam) and offered to the members of the family in a symbolic gesture of thanksgiving for our Lady’s blessings. The festival has a special relevance in the modern world as it keeps the community together not just in South Canara (DK) and Mangaluru city but in all different continents where Mangalorean Catholics have settled. They continue to celebrate Monthi fest in whatever way they can in their countries and enjoy the nostalgia connected with their own families and parishes back home.

No doubt, Monti Fest is gaining popularity all over the globe these days, as it is celebrated in every town where the population of Konkani-speaking people is sizeable. Singing of hymns, ‘Sakkad Sangatha Melyam’ and ‘Moriyek Hogolsyam’ has been an inherent part of Monti Fest. The people feel blessed and blissful by paying obeisance to Mother Mary on her birth anniversary. One of the earliest Monti Fests was celebrated at Milagres Church, Mangaluru in the city in 1906. Even the busiest of people take time off to be a part of the procession, to hail Monti’s kindness and get divine blessings, on ‘Monti Fest’. Happy Monte Festh to every Kodiyal Catholics who reads this Article, on behalf of Team Mangalorean in advance. May Mother shower her blessings on all of you and us.

End this column with “Sakkad Sangatha Melyam” hymn on YouTube:

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