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Motorists Need To Use Common Sense when Parking and NOT Blame The Cops

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Motorists Need To Use Common Sense when Parking and NOT Blame The Cops

Mangaluru: This is in response to the road protest staged by few people who were outraged at the cops when they found out that the wheels of their vehicles were locked by Traffic Police on the stretch of Falnir Road between Hotel Moti Mahal and Milagres Centenary hall. But what was the need for these people to protest? Looks dumb and silly. They were at fault for parking their vehicles illegally. Sadly, its always the educated and rich people who violate traffic rules, because they know they can get out of it easy. Bah humbug! The cops had the full rights to wheel lock the vehicles since they were parked illegally on the road. Like one of the protesters had alleged that there were no signs that mentioned “No Parking”, and so people had parked without knowing it.

Hello, use your common sense- you don’t need a “No Parking” sign every nook and corner, where to park and where not to park. The road is not a place to park if you are attending a wedding reception. And for that matter, Milagres hall has three ample parking spaces provided- one inside the Hall premises, one behind the Harsha Showroom, and one opposite to Hotel Moti Mahal, near Horse Riding Academy. All these three parking spaces can accommodate hundreds of vehicles. The only problem with these people is that they don’t want to walk a little distance from the parking space to the Hall. They would rather park their vehicles illegally on the road side closer to the Hall- and later face all these consequences/arguments with the police.

In this wedding season, commuters are the worst hit with illegal parking creating traffic snarls on most roads here. To add to the woes of commuters here, halls are lacking parking spaces, and one among them is Milagres Centenary Hall, on Falnir Road, Mangaluru. Especially, during wedding reception belonging to a particular community, here a large number of guests are invited, it’s always a mess near this said Hall, where the commuters and motorists are very much affected. This situation has been going on for months and years, and still, no one has come to a solution, where this problem could be eased out. Everyone is playing a blame game- the management has their own reasons to tell, Security personnel blame on the guests for not obeying them, while others blame it on the Traffic police for not enforcing strict laws.

During every wedding season, or probably throughout the year, whenever there is a huge wedding or a mega event, especially during the daytime hours, the stretch of the road in front of Milagres Hall faces acute traffic congestion in the evening hours. And this year has been no different. The movement of public transport facilities, such as buses and auto-rickshaws, also get affected, apart from other private vehicles. Also facing problems are the ambulances who want to reach the hospitals or clinics in time before the condition of the person gets worse.

But in spite of all these inconveniences and hardships faced by the commuters and motorists due to traffic parking near the Hall, no one from the hall management nor the Mangaluru City Corporation nor the Mangaluru City Police are least bothered about it. Apart from blaming these concerned authorities, the guests also need to be blamed, because, in spite of various parking options provided by the Church Hall management, motorists still park their vehicles on either side of the road, thereby creating traffic chaos. While the guests are trying to park their vehicles or trying to enter/exit out of the Hall, lead to traffic congestion and make motorists wait on the road for long. Illegally parked vehicles near wedding venues constrict road width leading to the traffic jam. Why don’t people still understand that?

With such kind of situation facing due to parking pertaining to this hall, it is advisable that more security personnel need to be employed or arrangement should be made with the traffic police so that there is a smooth flow of traffic on this stretch of the road. When there is a traffic jam, imagine the plight of an ambulance trying to reach the patient to the hospital in time. It is every citizen’s responsibility to respect the value of life. Lack of awareness among motorists and the general public about the seriousness of ambulance movement is disheartening.

The police, hospitals, event halls and citizens have to chip in to solve this serious problem. But there must be a solution where everyone understands responsibilities and acts accordingly. Hoping that the Parking Woes and Traffic Congestion will be looked into and eased out at the earliest before someone dies in an ambulance because of this carelessness and ignorance. And simply protesting on the road and blocking traffic for hours, doesn’t make any sense, when you were guilty of parking your vehicle illegally. Period!

Educated People Parking Vehicles on the Free Left Zone near Bendore

Recently Traffic Cops have erected signal cones for free left turn in order to easy movement of traffic near Bendore Circle (in front of Vas Bakery/More grocery store)-but sadly not many are obeying the rules. One could see vehicles parked for a long time when they either go to the grocery store or the bakeries or other businesses on that stretch of the road. It’s nice to note that the City Traffic police are coming up with various plans to control and easy flow of traffic, but unfortunately, they are facing all kinds of complaints and arguments with the public and motorists. The reason because they are not doing the right way.

While many motorists and commuters welcome this Free Left turn near Bendore, but the shop owners have been losing revenue, because of no parking allowed on the Free left turn stretch of the road. Also due to this new plan, two-wheelers ares seen parked all along the footpath, making the pedestrians to walk on the road. In case, a four wheeler happens to park on the free left spot, then the entire plan is screwed up- and it has been happening. (see pics of vehicle parked). Ever since the cops introduced this plan, not even a single cop has been posted to monitor the activity or to instruct motorists/commuters of the new plan.

Couple of days ago, two cars bearing licence plate no’s- KA 19 ME 4102 {Maruti Celerio}, where the driver had gone shopping at the More Super Market; and the other car with No: KA 19 MA 1976 {Maruti Waganor}, where the driver had gone to the bakery -both these drivers who were educated, had parked their vehicles blocking the entire stretch for other vehicles to pass through for nearly 20 minutes or so. When Team Mangalorean asked the driver who had gone grocery shopping at More, when he returned why he had parked his car right in the middle of the road- a simple answer came from him, “Okay, I will move it now”. What a dumb answer from an educated person.

In conclusion, in my perspective, there is no need to blame the police. Many think the various plans taken up by traffic police don’t go far enough – and that we should provide more reasons for putting fewer cars on the road. The only effective long-term solutions are to improve alternative modes – walking, cycling and particularly high-quality public transit. The solution to beating traffic congestion in cities, if it comes, will probably take a long time to reap rewards. But if at least some of these new ideas are a success – whether it’s one-way routes, free left turn, smart parking places etc – the days of Kudla’s epic tailbacks may finally be consigned to history. If you look at Bengaluru the city traffic police have introduced many new traffic plans, and commuters are adjusting to it. So Mangalorean also need to cooperate in this regard. So let’s cooperate with Traffic police and see what best could be done to ease out traffic snarls and congestion in Mangaluru.

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