Mukut Mogarnad Celebrates Parish Feast in Dubai

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Mukut Mogarnad Celebrates Parish Feast in Dubai

Dubai: Mogarnad Parishioners had a day of Fun and Frolic at Zabeel Park which will be etched in the memories of each and everyone gathered for a family get-together on Friday 24 Feb 2017.

Though the weather was cloudy and the wind blowing with a threat of rain, Almighty God and the Parish Patron Mother Mary did not let the efforts of the Organising Team go in vain. In Spite of bad weather forecast, a big number of Parishioners gathered as early as 9.00 am for their first ever celebrations of the Parish Feast here in UAE.

The day began with invoking the Blessings from the Almighty and Mother Mary through the beautiful Prayer led by Walter Lobo and his team. The Celebrations started at 10:00 am with a tasty Breakfast of Idlis, Golibaje and Tea. Vice President, Delson D’Silva welcomed the gathering. President, Ronald Martis explained to the crowd the motive of establishing the newly formed association the “MukutMogarnad” and its future vision.

The committee members who were introduced to the gathering are as follows:

President              : Ronald Martis,
Vice President       : Delson D’Silva,
Secretary             : Violet D’Souza,
Joint Secretary     : Clarin D’Souza
Treasurer             : Loyed Lobo,
Cultural Secretary : Avil D’Silva,
Sports Secretary   : Mukthi Rodrigues
Advisors               : William Lobo, Wilfred Lobo, Maxim Almeida and Sunil Pasanna

Each and everyone gathered was Happy and excited to meet friends of the good old days in the school and the Parish. The Programme was beautifully conducted and managed by Delson D’Silva, which started with a warm up game of ‘Treasure Hunt’ and thereafter, there was no stop for the games and fun filled variety of activities until 5 pm. The crowd was divided into four groups and each was given a colour code viz, Orange, Green, Red and Yellow.

With Maximum points ‘Orange’ under the captainship of Nelson Crasta, emerged as the winner of the day.

Sumptuous lunch with Mangalorean dishes was served. TambdeGule, Sukrunde, flutes, horns and whistles added Vodle Fest flavor to the celebrations. The Programme concluded at 5:00 pm with the distribution of gifts to the winners. Sunil Pasanna delivered the vote of thanks. The organising team was satisfied with the success and the enthusiasm of all the participants. All the parishioners gathered, have shown a keen interest in building the organisation to new heights and have vouched for their support and co-operation for all the future events and projects.

Click Here for Photo Album

by Avil D’Silva, Pics Deepak Pereira

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8 years ago

Nice coverage.. Thank you Mukut team for this well organized and meaningful event