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Mangaluru: Father Muller Medical College, Central Library Committee Celebrated the ‘National Library Day’ on 17th August 2024. To Commemorate 132nd Birth Anniversary of Father of Library Science Padmashri Late Dr. S R Ranganathan which is marked as an annual event. August 12th is celebrated as National Library Day in India. To mark the celebration, Health Sciences inter collegiate undergraduate general knowledge Quiz ‘MULLER LIBER – 2024’, was held where various Health Science Colleges of D.K & Udupi districts participated in the event.

Prizes to the Quiz Winners, Best Library User Award, BMJ Research to Publication Recognition award were be given.

Dr Vishala B.K. Selection Grade Librarian, St. Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangalore was the Chief Guest. In her address she provided a glimpse into the life of Late Dr S R Ranganathan, the Father of Library Sciences, on how his aptitude towards research and insightful scrutiny made an impact in Library Sciences. She emphasized the importance using newer technologies and resources in research that may upskill the works and help in dissemination. The services of the librarians on their day should be enunciated, the public or user only see’s the issuing of books, but the maintenance, cataloguing, listing and procuring are some of many works that the Librarians do.

Fr Ajith B. Menezes, Administrator, FMMC presided over the event and addressed the gathered, saying it’s better to have a book as a companion rather than wasting time on futile events and relations. Building a relation with books will bring a sense of purpose and meaning giving positive guidance that can have an impact on one’s life. He expressed that his energized self is because of the books he reads every day without fail. “As humans we are limited so knowing all the books that one’s read is not possible but the meaning a book or two may give in our lives’ will linger.”

Earlier in the day the MULLER LIBER Quiz was held for all Medical/Para medical and Nursing conducted by Quiz master Dr Anil Shetty Professor of Pediatrics, FMMC. The Health Sciences Inter Collegiate Undergraduate General Knowledge Quiz MULLER LIBER-2024. Twenty-seven colleges in and around the D.K & Udupi districts participated in this event. The preliminary rounds ended with 6 teams in the final quiz.

The first prize was bagged by AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, 2nd by Father Muller College of Physiotherapy, 3rd Father Muller medical College, 4th Manipal College of Health Professions, 5tth NITTE Institute of Physiotherapy and 6th Laxmi Memorial college of Physiotherapy. Cash prizes worth Rs 1,00,000/- was distributed overall throughout the day.
Fr Jeevan Sequeira Admin FMMCH, Fr Nelson Pais Admin HPD, Dr Antony Sylvan D’Souza, Dean, FMMC, MC Members of FMCI, Dr John J.S. Martis, Chairperson, Central Library Committee, Dr Janet Dotty Lobo, Chief Librarian, Faculty, Students, Invitees will be attending the program.

Dr John J.S. Martis, welcomed the gathered while Mrs Sandra Jyothi Saldanha, Associate Professor, Nursing education, FMCON proposed the vote of thanks.

Dr Archana Bhat, Associate Professor of Pathology FMMC and Ms Claudia Johnny, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry of Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences compeered the prize distribution and concluding ceremony.

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