Name: Vaylon Reginaldo Lobo |
I am Vaylon, studying in Grade II. I like to paint, sing and dance. Recently, I joined the Oriental Karate Club, Abudhabi. I am a white belt at present, I am working towards a yellow belt. Wish me luck!
I have an Aquarium at home, with five gold fishes. I have named them, 1- Serena, 2- Marina , 3- Doris, 4- Sunny, and 5- Goldie. I enjoy watching them, feeding them and sometimes I even speak to them. They always reply back by opening & closing their mouth.
I have drawn the pictures my aquarium, dog, cat and butterflies in our garden. Hope you all will like it!
I am going to Goa, during this summer vacation. My Grandparents are anxiously waiting for me. I am also looking forward to meet my dog "SPOTS." Hope you enjoy your vacation too.