Home Mangalorean News Gulf News NKA Kuwait Celebrates ‘Christmas Cheer 2018’ for a Cause

NKA Kuwait Celebrates ‘Christmas Cheer 2018’ for a Cause

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NKA Kuwait Celebrates ‘Christmas Cheer 2018’ for a Cause

Kuwait: Since its inception, year after year, the North Kanara Association of Kuwait (NKA-K) has been hosting annual charity events, for a cause. This year, was no exception as the enthusiastic committee members decided to organise the event, “Christmas Cheer 2018”, on Thursday, the 13th of Dec. 2018, at the Rajdhani Palace, Kheitan.

The purposeful event was held with the intention of supporting children afflicted with terminal illnesses and whose parents cannot afford their medical treatment. The proceeds from the event would be used to support these needy families.

Philanthropic guests from a host of cultural backgrounds came together as one community. Dorris Lobo invoked the grace of the Almighty and the President of NKA-K, John Fernandes, with a heart full of gratitude, welcomed the audience through a brief address. The Christmas candle, a symbol of the radiance that the season holds, was lit and the Christmas cake cut by the Executive Board of NKA-K with the hope and wish that the radiance of the Christmas flame reaches the underprivileged through their works of charity. The dance floor was taken over by tapping feet and happy couples in a series of dances and the dynamic DJ, Cheslee D’Souza, had a playlist to match every tempo and request. The talented and beautiful Emcee Jenny D’Souza engaged the audience with her energy and humour.

At every NKA-K event, children are made to feel special and a stage to showcase all kinds of talent is provided. The children’s talent contest, “Christmas Symbols”, organised by Marita Miranda, saw happy children and quite some on-the-spot entries from enthusiastic kids of various ages, displaying their talents. The tiny tots dressed as angels and little Santas was a delight to watch! Tase Noronha and Ayesha Rodrigues had a good time judging the three categories of competition. The winners and runners-up were awarded certificates and medals. The evening was dotted with various exciting games, spots and a game of Housie with many exciting prizes to be won. Gaspar Rodrigues auctioned a Christmas cake to raise funds to support a charitable cause. The support of the audience was evident and was in tune with the motto of the Association “United to Serve” which warmed all hearts. Ms D’souza thanked the audience and all those who had worked behind the scenes for the success of this event, on behalf of NKA-K.

A sumptuous buffet was opened after a blessing offered by Kris Rodrigues.

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