NMPA Requests Director of Fisheries, GoK, to Resume Kulai Fishing Harbour Project

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NMPA Requests Director of Fisheries, GoK, to Resume Kulai Fishing Harbour Project

Mangaluru: A state of art Fishing Harbour which is beingdeveloped at Kulai with the joint efforts of Ministry of Ports, Shipping& waterways, New Mangalore Port Authority and Government of Karnataka with the prudence to provide the quality and best facilities to the Fisherman community of the District has been stalled by a group of people with irrelevant, unethical and baseless allegations.

A complaint was received from 49 % JV partner, M/s GCC citing some concerns in the execution of the project with regard to alignment, layout of breakwaters and tranquillity at the mouth of basin. After the due approval of Port Authority Board, a technical committee comprising of 3 experts, one each from NIO Goa, NIOT Chennai & NCCR Chennai was constituted to look into the issues raised by GCC, 49% JV partner. The three-member Technical Committee visited the Kulai fishing harbour site, perused the documents related to the project and reports of NITK, Surathkal and concluded that the layout and alignment of the as built breakwater based on the recent RTK survey conducted on 06.01.2025 is in agreement with original layout stated in tender by NMPA.

As suggested by the Three Member Technical Committee, M/s CWPRS, Pune was requested to carry out study of the hydraulics of the Kulai fishing harbour toalleviate the fears raised by fishermen once for all. M/s CWPRS, Pune after carrying out the mathematical model studies for wave tranquillity, concluded that the development with North breakwater of 831 m length and South Breakwater of 264 m length is found to provide suitable wave tranquillity inside the basin and at the entrance of harbour for Navigation of trawlers and small fishing crafts even during monsoon.

The Vigilance department of NMPA independentlyappointed National Institute of Technology, Calicut to examine the issues / complaint raised by the 49% JV partner M/s GCC, regarding subject work. Accordingly,NITC who have domain expertise in oceanography and construction of breakwaters inspected the site and carried out field survey on 24.02.2025 in presence of Vigilance dept and Civil Engg Department, NMPA.

NITC in their report have stated that, the apprehensions raised by local fishermen, Dept of Fisheries, GoK and M/s GCC Mangalore have no merit. It is also stated that, the allegations appeared in the press and newspapers are unfounded. NITC have also substantiated the views of both Three Member Expert Committee and NITK Surathkal with regard to the breakwater layout, alignment and construction. It is also agreed upon that, the constructed portion of the breakwater is in agreement with the original layout submitted by NMPA.

Based on the reports of three-member committee, CWPRS, Pune and report received from NIT, Calicut, the Port vide various letters have requested the Director of Fisheries, GoK to immediately permit to recommence the work at Kulai Fishing Harbour in the interest of fishermen community.

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