No Bull or Fuel! Take a Ride on John’s Eco-Friendly ‘Modern Bullock Cart’

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No Bull or Fuel! Take a Ride on John’s Eco-Friendly ‘Modern Bullock Cart’

No Bull or Fuel! Take a Ride on John D’Souza’s Eco-Friendly ‘Modern Bullock Cart’. His innovation is purely based on common knowledge and school-level physics. The cycle/cart can be developed at a cost of Rs 10,000 approx., and can be used in campuses, museums etc. John is looking forward to build a team of members who can help him take this unique concept to a higher level. Interested persons can reach him at 9900500693 or Email:

Mangaluru: He is not a Scientist, nor a Mechanical Engineer nor a Pro-Researcher- but just a Accountant by profession, now living a simple life with his family here in Bejai-Mangaluru after retirement, working as an accountant in various firms in Kuwait (1981-86); in Saudi Arabia (1989-2004); in Dubai (2009-2010); in Doha-Qatar (2011-Feb 16). Married to Lily D’Souza, aged 51, a home-maker, he is a proud father of a son named Joel (27) doing his ACA in the United Kingdom; and a 19-year-old daughter, Carol, who is pursuing her B Com studies in a local college. Let me now introduce to you John D’Souza, aged 57-the inventor of an Eco-Friendly “Modern Bullock Cart”, which doesn’t need Fuel, Electric Power, etc- but runs on its own- John calls it a “Revolutionary Concept- Evolution (Cost Factor/Centre) to Revolution (Revenue Sector)?”

John D’Souza came up with this unique idea of transportation to counter the alarming air pollution in India, and for that matter, Mangaluru too, which is seeing an increase in traffic movement. He has designed a Cycle/Cart, which he calls it a “Modern Bullock Cart”, which can carry around 10-15 people, putting the least burden on the cart puller, if there is one? He says, “Since I felt disturbed looking at the increasing pollution levels, I wanted to do something about it. Having spent over three decades brooding over the concept, I have finally succeeded in creating it”. We are in the 21st Century and New Millennium. Being the economy is new, fast and dynamic, we have been hearing the louder voice to Reduce, Recycle and Reuse, to protect the environment and save our Planet Earth. In the meantime, it is time to put a stop on the extensive and expensive consumption of fuel which releases unhealthy pollution, causes overall sky high costs and burns the economy. The surface transport sector is in a lengthy evolution mode.

At the time of the introduction of vehicle engine, the automobile sector has undergone a silly error i.e. instead of merely replacing the bull with the vehicle engine, the auto industrialists had kept both bull and the cart on wheels and pulled it with the expensive force of fuel energy. And as a continuation of that same minor error till today, the surface transport sector is still carrying and moving the bullock cart on wheels for thousands of miles, every day. Burden is Boon to Boom – Heavy burden on wheels can be a blessed boon, as an ample opportunity to boom. The massive dead weight of commuters and goods on wheels can be used as a powerful pushing force, which not only can save a huge volume of fuel, but also can generate a considerable volume of free and clean energy.

The option is the elimination of health-hazardous air pollution, peace disturbing sound pollution and drastic reduction of overall costs. Let’s think different and implement change to have wonderful solutions, with a revolution in the surface transport sector to see a World of Difference. As we know the Surface Transportation Sector is a Prime Sector of the Economy and it has been suffering from several severe problems. If an old silly error is rectified (which was committed during the introduction of vehicle engine) this prominent sector can prosper with a tremendous growth as it is ripe for a Rapid Revolution. While the Mobile Technology revolution enjoys on sky high revolution, why the Automobile Industry has to suffer the lengthy evolution on ground? says John.

“Lavish spending on oil (fuel) hinders the development, by causing inadequate health and education facilities, unemployment, current account deficit, low foreign exchange reserves and it also worsens the poverty level. Sure there is a need of concept change- As a concept change, if we pull, get pushed and move the weight on wheels, the option is to eradicate all problems of the surface transport sector and in the meantime, to enjoy a peaceful society, stable economy and clean environment. As a result of the concept change implementation, we can save a huge volume of fuel, generate considerable volume of free and clean energy, eliminate health-hazardous air pollution and peace disturbing sound pollution, reduce costs, minimize oil imports and fuel subsidies, save huge funds, start new projects and create enormous jobs, improve health and education facilities and reduce poverty, have surplus balance of trade and comfortable FEX reserve. We also can achieve our ambitious dream of becoming a Developed Nation, adds John.

The automobiles sector is ripe for a rapid revolution. Gravity power of the earth is the best natural force. Being it is a powerful natural force, abundant in supply, free, ready to use anytime and anywhere and its use can make a World of Difference, with multiple solutions. No expenditure for infrastructure is required to generate, store and process (unlike solar and electric energy and garbage/waste management). When asked, “How did the idea originate? What was the inspiration behind it”-John said, “The idea originated with a specific question?? How much do we spend on the expensive fuel (we import 85% of our oil requirement, which comprises a huge amount of our import bill) and what energy do we have (our young generation being major portion of our population, which is readily available, unused or underutilised)? .This situation made me think about ways to make use of abundantly available energy and eliminate or reduce the use of expensive imported fuel. The comparison and analysis of natural facts helped to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Encouraged by Mobile Revolution (Sky High Progress with multiple benefits), Auto-Mobile Evolution (Struggling on roads with severe problems)”

He further said, “Why can’t we look for solutions? If mobile revolution by information technology, why not automobile revolution through the implementation of a concept change, with a think different approach? Why not combined style of rabbit and tortoise (instead of mere tortoise style, which is expensive and with various drawbacks)? Are we comfortable to feed millions of vehicles with expensive fuel, by keeping millions of people hungry, thirsty, starve and die? Why not we can facilitate the 600,000 villages in India alone and many villages globally, with basic transport facilities?”

“Why not we can expand the capacity of bicycles as group carriers, instead merely for single riders? Why not a number of institutions and organisations provided with free and pollution free move inside the grounds, campuses and compounds? Why not billions of dollars from oil import bills and crores of rupees from oil subsidies can be saved? Why not hugely saved funds can be used for various infra and development projects to generate numerous jobs to place multiplying academics and job aspirants? Why not we can improve and multiply the capacities of all level of vehicles (starting from bicycles till the trains)?” added John.


Mobile Solutions: We carry the Smartphone in hand like a toy, which cumulatively comprises the advanced product version of telephone, telex, telegram, fax, courier, audio, video, television, news and entertainment, map, location, games, academy, writing pad/notebook, computer/data processor, office, camera, studio, library, research, world of information and several others, which are beyond my knowledge and imagination by considerably reducing the cost or making it almost free of cost. Auto-mobile Problems: On the surface, we have been moving millions of tons of dead weight of commuters and goods on wheels, with a primitive, slow and steady tortoise style, at 180-degree angle, by spending billions of dollars (which burns the economy, by making several people starve and die). The reward is the health-hazardous air pollution and peace disturbing sound pollution, sky-high costs of essential commodities, mounting costs of transportation, vehicles and their running and maintenance costs, space scarcity on roads and in parking.

“Being it as a global concern, which impacts greatly the society, economy and environment, I feel the urge to involve you and share my unique views and thoughts. Certainly, it cannot be a one-man show, since it involves a huge amount of money, manpower and time, with a concept change in all types of surface vehicles (bicycles, tricycles, light and heavy vehicles and trains) with the multiplication of capacities and efficiency. If my answers to the very basic questions below are true, then certainly we are going to enjoy a rapid revolution in the surface transport sector” opined John.

Q: What is the necessity and purpose of transport?

It is to move the people and goods from one place to another.

Q: What was the prime mode of transport prior to the introduction of the vehicle engine and fuel?

The bullock cart and other animals (elephant, camel, donkey etc.) were used to carry and move the dead weight of people and goods.

Q: What change they made in bullock cart, while introducing the vehicle engine and fuel energy?

They replaced the bull/ox by vehicle engine and their pulling force by fuel energy.

Q: What was the silly (but grave) error committed, while replacing animals with vehicle engines and fuel?

Instead of merely replacing the animals (bull/ox) with vehicle engine, they kept both the vehicle engine and cart on wheels, by making it a single piece. The reality is that we have been carrying and moving the bullock cart (bulls and the cart) on wheels, since a couple of centuries.

Q: Does the bull/ox carry any weight?

No, it merely pulls the cart on wheels.

Q: What weight on wheels the vehicles carry and move?

They carry and move the weight of both vehicle engine (the bull) and the commuter/goods (the cart) together, from a standstill position till the destination, with expensive force of fuel. Surely, an IDEA can change our life: There is an alternative to everything; Attitude change of people can change the whole society; A slight change in our routine style can save billions of dollars; Feed millions poor and needy people around us; Reduce dependency on imported and scarce energy; Utilize the available energy in abundance; Make millions of unproductive hours chargeable. And the OPTION is: Evolution, Revolution, Renovation, Re-Invention or Re-Engineering.

Do we need to wait till 2020 to make India a Developed Nation? India is shining today in the world map. But the sad thing is that majority of its population has stuck below a dark cloud of poverty, where they cannot see or feel the shine of their Beloved Nation. Why and How? Why do we have vehicles of tortoise style only and not any of rabbit style? Do we reach any natural height on an existing style, whereas rabbit style can take our vehicle to a set height after a certain distance of travel? Why all vehicles have to get started from the standstill position only, even with the help of advanced technology?

There are frequent ups and downs on roads. Why are all vehicles rectangle shaped boxes on wheels which are parallel (180 degree) to level roads only? As in business/investments, why vehicles cannot be targeted to reach a certain height after a certain distance of travel, being so much investment on fuel, roads and infrastructure? Why only break even or cost-to-cost deal exists? How long can we go on spending millions of dollars per day on fuel and oil? How can we ignore millions of available hours per day, due to unemployment? How many more miles we can travel without any margin or gain, but with only cost? What might be the difference, if the vehicles will be defaulted to 15 – 20 degree heights (instead of only to the level roads)? Even a small vehicle compliments a considerable sound and smoke pollution to the environment. Gravity power is free and abundant. Why this cannot be used for levels and downs, by using the fuel or energy for heights only?


1) 80% of load on wheels to be moved on land with completely cost-free energy and it will be a good respite to the expensive fuel energy.
2) The speed and capacity of vehicles to multiply by four to five times by using the carrying weight itself as the pushing energy.
3) Elimination or drop in air pollution and sound pollution due to low capacity engines and free movement of vehicles which is a fantastic compliment for good health and a better environment.
4) Engine capacity can be lowered as less power is needed to pull because of control, change direction and manage the speed is a priority than pulling the vehicle. Body strength of vehicles reduced with the lighter engines.

5) Production cost reduced due to low capacity engines and lighter vehicles
6) Lower utilisation of metals or materials by being several parts (of current vehicles) will be eliminated as unwanted or excessive.
7) Cheaper vehicles will be made available to customers due to lower production cost.
8) Single vehicle engine can be used for different capacity vehicles (multi vehicles with single engine
9) Good opportunity for enormous employment and human resource development
10) Huge savings generate funds for facilities, infrastructure and development


¨ India is in the process of becoming a developed economy by 2020
¨ Record high inflation today is mainly due to high cost of fuel and food products
¨ More than 70% of its population is depending on agriculture and lives in villages and remote areas, in poverty
¨ 45% of India’s population is below poverty line (BPL), which is more than the population at the time of India’s freedom
¨ Existing and increasing number of vehicles on roads Vs scarce and costly fuel
¨ Huge population vs. basic facilities, infrastructure and employment
¨ There are more than 600,000 villages and many of them have lack of transport facilities


¨ Multiplication in number of vehicles on roads
¨ High pollution and spoiling public health
¨ Increased sound pollution creates lot of disturbance
¨ High unemployment, which hinders overall development of our nation
¨ Huge spending on oil and fuel restricts progress in infrastructure and human welfare
¨What is the number of unemployed in India and what is the cost of oil (fuel) consumption of India per day?
. If 50% of oil cost saved, what might be the effect on the economy?

In conclusion, while looking and admiring John D’Souza’s unique idea, why not use the option, grab the opportunity, support the implementation and rectify hindrances to enjoy solutions. We can all be the leader of a rapid revolution which can create a peaceful society, stable economy and clean environment. Light to shine, water to flow, wind to blow and the time to act. Being you as the authority, be the leader of an exciting Revolution.

John is looking forward to build a team of members who can help him take this unique concept to a higher level.

Interested persons can call him at 9900500693 or Email:

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7 years ago

Best Concept.
Beautiful Article.
Best of Luck John.

Confused Desi
7 years ago

Congratulations to the gentleman for coming up with a newer solution to the age-old problem of transport. There was plenty of philosophy covering every aspect of human stupidity. All that I was really looking for was: Is this a new invention? If so, how does it work? After going through the article I am not too sure if the the force required to move the ‘bullock cart’ is gravity or the cycling effort. If it is the latter is that not how the cycle-rikshaws work? Perhaps I need to go through the super long article a couple of times to… Read more »

Henry Valder
7 years ago

Mr.Johns concept is very much innovative. The greatest truths are simplest.the saying goes.who on earth thought of it.but There are large heavy vehicles having separate engine block and dead wt.block. but h while negotiating ups some innovation needed.coming to John’s point, every vehicle can be manufactured using his concept sounds great. Iam with John. what can I do for you John.?

Jerome Saldanha
7 years ago

I will surely meet John when I come down on my holidays from Dubai- I am very much interested in joining in this venture with John- nice idea if it clicks? Seems very eco-friendly

Maurice Pinto
7 years ago

Really liked the model and idea of Mr John- But I am little worried whether this modern bullock cart will fit among the heavy traffic in Mangaluru. As of now there is traffic jam all the time on few busy roads. I suggest that this cart/cycle could be use for recreational purposes inside a large private premises or on straight level streets that are not too busy with vehicles.

Anyways best of luck to John. Nice article- was very interesting to read.

Suraj Shetty
7 years ago

I am interested in partnering with John in this unique concept- unless I see the cart and get more details from John when I come down to Mangalore from Mumbai next week, then I will join his team. Will call John or email once I am in Mangaluru. Best of luck to John on his innovation.

John DSouza, Mangalore
7 years ago

Thank you readers for going through my article of innovative idea and for your comments and well wishes. Confusion is NATURAL and questions are OBVIOUS Answers without questions are like Readymade, Fast Food My Curiosity is: While mobile revolution enjoys incredible solutions, why automobiles suffer miserably with lengthy evolution? If bull is vehicle engine and cart is commuters/goods, do you agree that we have been carrying and moving the bullockcart on wheels, since 200 years by imported fuel force? Do we really need to have so many tiny vehicles on roads which neither meet the increasing transport demand nor allow… Read more »

Susan Fernandes
7 years ago

Wow-very elaborate and interesting article. John has really put some extensive thinking in his project. But the problem in India is that no one comes forward to help a budding inventor or a budding creator in his endeavors- we have jealous people in our society. I wish and pray that John finds a suitable partner or partners in his project- and be successful in his innovation. Best of luck

Antony Pinto
7 years ago

From what I read and understand, John has designed a ‘trailer truck’ model? Don’t the ‘Janti-Vahana’ BMTC buses already run using the same concept as John’s? Don’t trains? So I do not see what is new here? Also, have you considered vehicle stability issues involved here during higher speeds dude to side to side motion?

Yeshavanth Gopal Shetty
7 years ago

When Ordinary men do Extra Ordinary work,appreciation becomes one’s Birth Right.John,probably u don’t know what contribution U tried to do to the Society & Environment which gives us a lot free of cost,most of the Times.U R patience,Concern & dedication is to be saluted,for sure. U R a Diamond Hearted Pure Soul & I heartily Congratulate you for your Selfless attempt. May God Be with U & strengthen your hands & Mind for many more inventions from U R little Brain for the need of the Society. May this be an Example for many more challenge seekers to make an… Read more »