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NO ‘Ganapathi Bappa Morya’ Excitement but a Sombre Ganesh Chaturthi Festival Amid Covid-19

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NO ‘Ganapathi Bappa Morya’ Excitement but a Sombre Ganesh Chaturthi Festival Amid Covid-19

Mangaluru : ‘Ganesh Chaturthi’, and the City is gearing up with excitement, with devotees seen thronged at shops and markets buying Lord Ganesh idols, flowers, Moode leaves, ginger plants, vegetables and what not, that is required to celebrate the great feast. Ganesh Chaturthi festival in Karnataka is different from other regions as the festival is preceded by the Swarna Gouri Vratam or Gouri Habba and therefore the Chaturthi festival is also known as Ganesh Gouri Festival. But the excitement is kind of dull this year as restrictions have been imposed by the government and district administration in the view of Covid-19 pandemic- but as part of tradition devotees are still going ahead with the feast in a low key, with no processions, large celebrations like earlier years. Thanks to Coronavirus for killing the excitement and fun of Ganesh Chaturthi and the chanting of ‘Ganapathi Bappa Morya’!

Yes, Ganesh Chaturthi is back, and with it the most lovable deity of contemporary Hinduism, year after year- and 22 August is the day of the BIG Feast. The public celebration of the festival has spread to the whole country, including towns and villages. Shops ( some makeshift shops, just for the occasion) are flooded with colorful Ganesh idols in different sizes and lots and lots of colorful glittering decorative items, tempting the devotees to buy them. Flower vendors have set up their business on the footpaths and at busy junctions, but not like last year.

Kudla is wearing a festive look with devotees flocking in from different parts of the Coastal City to pick up their favourite Ganesha idol, and the city is abuzz with activities. Prices on most idols have gone up due to the rise in cost of clay, and also that clay is not easily available. Inflation has not dimmed the locals – People never care for the price, since they have to celebrate their favorite feast, no matter what the circumstances are. Idols made of Plaster of Paris are also a big hit, since they are a bit cheaper than clay made idols- even though they are prohibited by the State Pollution Board-but beware, The Pollution Board Officials are keeping an eye on you- and will seize POP Ganesha’s?

The main street during the time of “Ganesh Chaturthi’ – the Car street which is usually buzzing with excitement and activities, wore a dull look, as not many people were seen buying the goodies required for the Feast. However, Street vendors were busy making a few bucks here and there, either selling idols, flowers, moode leaves, sugar cane, vegetables etc; etc; Both the street vendors and shop owners are glad the demand has been okay so far, but could have been better. Car Street flower market which is usually booming with business during this festival, had few shoppers. Even early morning rush was seen near Clock Tower, Town Hall , where out of town flower vendors were selling flowers in various glittering colors, attracting lots of devotees to buy on a bargain deal.

Going Green this year, Ganesh Idols with Sapling encased within is the new initiative implemented by few environmentalists, NGO’s and activists. The initiative entails procuring a made-to-order clay idol of Lord Ganesha, with a sapling of devotee’s choice encased within. The idea of preserving sanctity of the idol worshiped with devotion, post immersion was borne out of a media campaign of how these idols posed an environmental hazard when disposed unscientifically. We wanted to add green touch to the endeavour and decided to enclose the idol with a sapling of a tree species endemic to the area so that a new life form could grow from within the idol post immersion. To ensure that the immersion of idol is in sync with prescribed traditions, one environmental federation has suggested that a pit the size of the idol be dug and filled with water and idol immersed therein. Clay will dissolve in water and allow the sapling inside to grow. People will also take extra care to ensure that such sapling is cared for well given its religious connotation of a tree having grown from within an idol”

On the other hand the regular and traditional Ganesh Idols are getting the final touches before the big feast that’s happening tomorrow, 22 August. Ganesha Moorthi makers located on Car-Street and few other locations in the Coastal City are all set to create some unique idols of Lord Ganesha. It’s natural to wonder about how they’re made and the amount of work that’s gone into creating them. If you’re interested in finding out, it’s possible to see the statues being crafted-Where and how depends on how much time you have available, and one place in town you can witness the carving talents of these statues is at Ravi Bhandary’s business, located on Car Street Cross Road, Mangaluru

Idol making is big business. The skill is handed down from generation to generation, plus many experienced artists come down to Mangaluru during this time of the festival to help in the labor intensive process. It gets underway around a few months before the festival takes place. Ganesh idol making industry in City is huge, especially at this time of the year. But, just how huge is huge? The figures are impressive. From hundreds to thousands of idols are made here. People from neighbouring towns, and from places as far as Hassan, Sakleshpur, Shimoga, Madikeri, and even from Kerala buy Ganesh idols from Ravi Bhandary. But not this year, due to the pandemic, Ravi has cut down drastically in making large quantities of images- and only as per pre-orders.

The statues of Lord Ganesha are carved in more than 300 different forms and poses. They consider it as a holy mission which bring them closer to the Lord. While most of the idols are done solely by Ravi, but during occasions like these he takes help from 3-4 artisans to overcome the demand of statues for Ganesh Chaturthi. These artisans are here to showcase their skills. An idol depicting Ganesh with Sri Radhakrishna with peacocks on either side and another one showing him savouring ghee with Lord Krishna are couple of the major attractions this time. Idols sitting on lotus, cow and snake are also added to the variety of idols available during this festival season.

Ganesh idols are worshiped individually and in a collective manner on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. But this is not the only occasion for them to earn as they were busy in making the idols of Goddess Durga and other lords throughout the year. “We are always working. We make Durga idols during Navaratri. Idols of Lord Shiva for Shivratri and idols of Lord Ganesha for Ganesh Chaturthi,” said Bhandary, but the sales this year is very low. Elaborating the sequence and process of making these pious statues, Bhandary said that mainly the sculptures are made of mud and clay. But as per the new trend, the Ganesh idols are mostly made of plaster of Paris or China clay. “We prepare Ganesh idol from China clay or mud. The demand these days is for idols made from plaster of Paris. These are lighter and more attractive. There is a difference between idols made from mud and plaster of Paris, said Ravi’s assistant who was giving final touches to a 4 feet Ganesh statue.

There are references in the Puranas that Ganapati was created from grime. Hence, the artisans find it appropriate to use a Ganesh idol made of mud for ritualistic worship. It is worth mentioning here that as per the Hindu mythology, the spiritual Idols should be a seated one, not standing. Bhandary informed me about the reason why the Idols were made only in sitting position. If a guest pays a visit to our home, we offer him a seat and not keep him standing. During Ganesh Chaturthi, we invoke Lord Ganapati, that is by inviting Him. One should offer Him a seat and proper hospitality. Hence for this spiritual emotion, all the statues of Ganesha are made in sitting position, said Ravi. He informed that scientifically the reason for sitting statues is due to the entire weight of the idol resting on the feet. The idol may break if it is kept in the standing position for ten consecutive days.

Making idols is a holy mission for the artisans. “Every idol-maker should be pure and spiritually inclined. He must keep one thing in mind that it is not he who is making the idol, rather it is the Lord, who is getting it done through him,” said the senior artisan. “An sculptor should have a faith that making idols is not a vocation but a holy mission. When an idol is made with faith, amidst chanting of the Lord’s name and observance of all the restrictions, it becomes more pious” Ravi added.

Already a few clients were at Ravi’s place this afternoon placing orders for Ganesh idols-Hundreds of magnificent Ganesha idols in different sizes and themes were stocked inside the shop, and some were wrapped in transparent plastic sheets. While Ravi Bhandary who could spend only a few seconds since he was busy giving final touches to the idols, and attending customers also, he managed to give me enough information on their idol making business.

Their business was started by Govinda Bhandary 94 years ago, which is now run by his son Ravi Bhandary. About 70% of the idols they make are from clay, and the remaining 30% are made from Plaster of Paris, which comes ready-made from other states. The prices are a bit expensive since clay is not easily available, and also it takes pretty good hours to create a clay idol. It takes an hour and a half for the artists to put in place the initial structure and then 48 hours for it to completely dry off. Then they have to be given final touches and painted, in some cases. “To make a fully completed 3 feet Ganesh idol takes 6-7 days”, said Ravi.

The prices for clay idols start from Rs 200…..Rs 1000, and the largest idol will cost around Rs 7000 to 8000. Bhandary said, ” Many of my customers are like my well-wishers, who offer me pretty good money for the idols without me even quoting them a price. Our customers are happy with our work and quality, and they keep coming back year after. Satisfying our customers is our motto, and creating quality products is our business. Most of the time we don’t fix prices for the big Ganesh idols, our regular clients fix the price”. Business is brisk for the big idols despite rising costs of inputs. Although the most wanted idols are the life-sized ones made of Plaster of Paris, however many people prefer the eco-friendly clay idols, since they easily dissolve in water which is good for the environment. So if you are looking for a clay-idol of Ganesha or idol made of Plaster of Paris, head on to Ravi Arts, in cars Street cross road, where your search for your favourite “Ganesha” will be over.

All obstacles, whatever they may be, are rooted out by worshiping Ganesha, and it is the blessing necessary to any society.Ganesha derives all his qualities from the elephant. The elephant is huge and strong yet gentle, qualities of Ganesha. The elephant is known to be wise: Ganesha symbolizes wisdom and knowledge- and that’s exactly what this Feast stands for.So, although there is a soar in prices of Lord idols, flowers, vegetables, but the celebration mood is still buried deep in the heart of the devotees, who are all excited to celebrate the big feast. Weather has been perfect for all the shopping spree today, unlike last year it rained heavily. So while Hindus are getting ready for the BIG Feast , Team Mangalorean would like to wish our beloved Hindu readers a Happy and Fun-Filled “Ganesh Chaturthi.” well in advance.

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