No Holiday on Good Friday/Easter in Christian Country called America

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Mangaluru: Believe it or not- The United States of America (USA) which has the most Christian population in the world, with about 78% of Americans are Christians don’t get a Federal Holiday on Good Friday nor Easter Sunday, while in India where the majority are Hindus and the Christian population is around 2.8% has holiday on Good Friday. I cannot believe Good Friday is not a federal holiday in US. It is among the most important holiday for Christians, in some ways more important than Christmas Day. It is the day Jesus Christ was crucified. In all Christian majority nation, and even some non-Christians-Good Friday is a public/federal holiday, while in the U.S. it isn’t. This is ridiculous !

When I was employed in US for nearly 23 years, and if my schedule was to work on Good Friday or Easter, and as a firm believer in my faith since younger days in India, I always took two personal days off to attend the church services, and also to celebrate Easter with my family folks in Chicago suburbs. While comparing the large number of holidays that we have in India, just look at the list of 2016 Federal Holidays in USA -there are only 11 Fed holidays in US this year, namely January 1-New Year’s Day; January 18-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; February 15-George Washington’s Birthday; May 30-Memorial Day; July 4-Independence Day; September 5- Labor Day; October 10-Columbus Day-November 11-Veterans Day; November 24-Thanksgiving Day; and December 26- Christmas Day (since Christmas falls on Sunday, so the holiday is on Monday 26 Dec)

good friday-01 It’s hard to believe American Christians who are the majority in the country have to work on Good Friday, banks, postal offices and other places remaining open. It is very very sad! People won’t work on Christmas and Thanksgiving, but do work on Good Friday. The Stock Market is closed, and some schools, but the majority businesses and things remain open like any other Friday. But Good Friday is a state holiday in eleven U.S. states including Connecticut, Texas, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina and North Dakota. State and local government offices and courts are closed, as well as some banks and postal offices in these states…Over 135 countries commemorate Good Friday as a National Holiday. For many of these countries trading is ceased, as a result the financial institutions are closed for the day in observance of this special day. However, in the United States, Good Friday is not a Government holiday at the Federal level, although individual states and municipalities may observe the holiday. Private businesses and certain other institutions may close or not for Good Friday, according to their preferences.

The U.S. observe non-sense holidays such as Martin Luther King and Presidents Day, but not Good Friday and Easter. Yes, I understand Easter falls on a Sunday, but is should be on the list of federal holidays too. I understand that not everybody observe the day, or are Christians, but 78% of Americans are, and it should be a holiday as for Christmas. To be honest – I am very surprised that even Christmas is a holiday. Very sad !

Good Friday is the day when Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. The Easter date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox. This is an important event in Christianity, as it represents the sacrifices and suffering in Jesus’ life. The crucifixion was the culmination of a number of events in Holy Week, including: the triumphal return of Jesus to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; the washing of the disciples’ feet by Jesus; and the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. Some churches organize a prayer vigil on Good Friday for various causes, such as for cancer patients or for the American troops who have been sent to the middle-east.


Easter is on a Sunday while Thanksgiving is a Thursday & Christmas can be any day of the week. Nobody gets off work for Easter since most people don’t work on Sundays anyway. Easter is a more religious holiday than even Christmas so many people do not observe. But Christmas has a national feel of family, dinner, gifts, basketball or football. Christmas is also during winter and generally much colder than Easter. Thanksgiving day is a secular holiday with religious overtones. Easter is the most religious of the 3 holidays and therefore leaves out Jews/ Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, etc.

We should know that in some European countries, Easter is a big deal and they get off for Easter Monday. Even though there had been many representations by Christian organization in US to make Good Friday and Easter Sunday a Federal Holiday, but until now there has been no changes. Good Friday and Easter Sunday – NO HOLIDAYS in AMERICA!

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9 years ago

It is religious holidays that are sad, not sincere work… India needs to take the example of the USA on religious holidays for all denominations. It is getting ridiculous at present!

9 years ago

The USA is not officially a Christian country, but a secular nation. About 70% profess to be Christian. But only 25% regularly attend Church services. Besides, not all Christian denominations hold Good Friday services and many hold them in the evening after work. This means that only about 10-15% of the population attend church on Good Friday. Churches would not be packed even if it was a Holiday.

Anand Dsilva
9 years ago

I cannot believe it. It is a holiday here in the gulf even. Good friday always falls on a Friday.

Noel Dsouza
9 years ago

Martin luther king and presidents day are not non-sense holidays. They are important holidays here. It is disappointing that you say so.
U.S.A is not a christian state but a secular state. People can profess whatever religion but it cannot be mixed at the national level.

Morever all good friday services are held late in the evening so everyone that intends to go to church has a chance to attend them.

shAIKh mOhd rizwan
9 years ago

Dear readers, In the past in an deliberate attempt to dilute the importance of the day Narendra Modi government’s decision to observe December 25, the day of Christmas celebrations, as national Good Governance Day. But in the Muslim-majority Pakistan adopted a resolution to declare the Hindu festivals Diwali and Holi, and the Christian festival of Easter and Christmas,Muslim-majority Pakistan on Tuesday adopted a resolution to declare the Hindu festivals Diwali and Holi, and the Christian festival of Easter and Muslim-majority Pakistan on Tuesday adopted a resolution to declare the Hindu festivals Diwali and Holi, and the Christian festival of Easter… Read more »

9 years ago

I agree with this article.
In Canada, when I worked in the hospital, if you worked on Good Friday it was considered a Super Stat holiday, paid double time and a half. It was a big deal. Everything is closed pretty much.
Now I am in the US, it is sad how it is not observed as a day off and just “another day”.
At least they haven’t found a way to commercialize Good Friday, thank God for that.
I guess they get their share from Easter.

9 years ago

The United States is a secular country. Good Friday is not an official government holiday but most employers give employees the day off.

Ned D'Cunha
9 years ago

Please check & comment.

9 years ago

Well they even don’t have a holiday when elections are held. This applies to all including presidential election.

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

America is a Christian country? Interesting – I didn’t know. May be, I missed a little passage in the constitution!!

Jihaadi Shaikh – Don’t try your taqiyya tricks here. This is not about Smirit Iraani. If this article proves anything, it is that India has more respect towards religious minorities than US. Also, take a look at the list of public holidays in your country Paakistan. They declared Dec 25th as a holiday to celebrate Jinnah’s birthday, not as Christmas.

John Crasta
8 years ago

This may be disappointing. What is more important than a holiday is to realize the full potential of Good Friday and Easter cannot be understood without understanding the meaning of “Redemption” There is a misconception among some that Jesus died on the cross for forgiveness of sins and all our sins are forgiven and we can avoid hell as long we profess to be Christians. This is not so and here below are my views. Jesus defeated Satan by his death and resurrection. But book of revelation 20:1-3 tells us that Satan has been given some time and as such… Read more »

8 years ago

Maybe I missed a little passage in the Constitution – Rampa.

Lol! you have missed out on LIFE. Go, get one.

8 years ago

The US is secular. The European ran away from England during the Christian persecution to the New World. The English King wanted to be King to the New Land too as provisioned by Christianity. They fought a war against the Christian King of England. That is why US european afraid of Christianity. Christianity at that time means accepting King and priests as superior. There is no Christian King in the US. Everyone is created equal in democracy thus there is no use for Christianity.

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

Joker Praveena,
I don’t think you know anything about US constitution and founding fathers!! No – I am not talking about ‘padris’!! LOL Your low-quality posts are a good indication of ‘dinka-dinka’ culture and its influence on people like you!!

8 years ago

“lol.. your low-quality posts are a good indication of ‘dinka-dinka’ culture…’

Joker… do you remember the times when YOU used to watch that Joker called Rajakumaaaaara in Mysooru and Putturu? You called it something like “good-old-days’! And that ‘Dinka dinka” culture is ALL thanks to the Indian Kannada masters – which our Rampa forgets to acknowledge!

Rampa flees to ‘my so-called Western masters land”… he becomes master of the east + west. He has interpretations about Trumpaaaa and more about his Srimaana Modijieeeee. Jeez… what a Joke! What a joker!

8 years ago

History is ignorant of history. The majority of Americans are Christians and they are not afraid of Christianity. Americans do not want the state mixed up with religion.

7 years ago

I somehow came across your article when I was trying to find why there are NO RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS OTHER THAN CHRISTIANS in USA. USA should be a secular country and still there are 2 FEDERAL holidays (Christmas and Thanksgiving) only towards Christians. That is absolutely absurd and your Article whining that you want MORE? So what is considered Secularism? Christians gets all their holidays and None for other Religions?