Oota Ballavanige Rogavilla! Fr Muller Nurses host ‘Nutrition, Health and Fitness Expo ’18’

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Oota Ballavanige Rogavilla! Fr Muller Nurses host ‘Nutrition, Health and Fitness Expo ’18’

“Maathu Ballavanige Jagalavilla, Oota Ballavanige Rogavilla “- it’s a proverb in Kannada which means “One who knows how to talk will have no fights and one who knows what to eat will have no sickness“? Fr Muller College of Nursing Fraternity host ‘ Nutrition, Health and Fitness Expo 2018 with the theme ” Go Further With Food” on Saturday, 5 May 2018

Mangaluru: As part of World Nutrition Day/National Nutrition Month, Fr Muller College of Nursing Fraternity has organized ‘ Nutrition, Health and Fitness Expo 2018 with the theme ” Go Further With Food” on Saturday, 5 May 2018, at the Fr Muller Hospital Campus. The Expo focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits- and in addition, provides the most valuable and credible source of timely, scientifically-based food and nutrition information.

“Go Further with Food” is the theme for World Nutrition Day 2018, and its importance is timely for many reasons. Whether it’s starting the day off right with a healthy breakfast or fueling before an athletic event, the foods you choose can make a difference. Preparing foods to go further at home and within the community can have a positive impact, as well. Nutrition experts help people adopt healthier eating styles, while reducing food loss and waste. Through events like these people can be aware of their food groups and balanced diet from which they can get good nutritious things.

A healthy diet should include the whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fat-free milk or milk products, meats, fish, nuts, seeds and etc. The objective of this event is to enhance the nutritional practice awareness among people of the community through timely education, different competitions, and many other campaigns and to make a healthy Nation. Lactating mothers are greatly encouraged to feed their newborn baby the first milk known as the colostrum’s and mother milk for 6 months to provide the newborns a great level of immunity and healthy living.

‘Nutrition, Health and Fitness Expo ’18’ event began with invoking God’s blessings, followed by welcome address by Sr Jacintha D’souza- Principal of Fr Muller College of Nursing-Mangaluru. The Expo was inaugurated in a unique style- this time “Palm Jaggery” played an important role. Palm Jaggery made from sap extracted of palm trees In Southern India, has a high value due to its medicinal properties and nutritive value-and the sweetness of Jaggery symbolizes Goodness and Auspicious Beginning. Therefore, this Expo was inaugurated by unwinding the palm jaggery, by the chief guest- Ms Sanjana M Shenoy-Consultant Dietecian/Nuti Health, along with other dignitaries on the dais namely- Fr Richard Coelho-Director, Fr Muller charitable institutions; Sr Jacintha D’souza; Sr Deepa Peter and Ms Shiji P J, both Convenors of the Expo.

In her inaugural address, Ms Sanjana Shenoy said, We need to plan well before we eat. These days people gain weight because of excess food they consume, what we call Over-Eating. We should follow our ancestors and seniors who used to eat a lot but also walked a lot, but these days, people eat a lot but don’t walk instead travel car or other mode of transportation. Also you shouldn’t listen to people who tell you, what to eat and what not to eat. Always take advice from a professional dietitian and also gain information from renowned publications. Don’t look for short cut to manage weight- it’s always better to have few Kgs extra than few Kgs less. Also don’t go by the diet prescribed by Foreign authors in some books-their diet won’t suit our local food. Always remember, a healthy diet and balanced diet/food will make you healthy and make you live longer. Have a healthy life, by strictly following your diet and deciding what you want to eat”

Quoting a Kannada proverb-“Maathu Ballavanige Jagalavilla, Oota Ballavanige Rogavilla”, which means “One who knows how to talk will have no fights and one who knows what to eat will have no sickness“ {one who eats good and healthy food doesn’t have any kind of illness. Both the phrases are too similar where they end up indicating the meaning that prevention is much better than curing}, Fr Richard Coelho said, “When we eat moderately we will have well-being health. Gone are those days, when we used to eat lots of cooked rice, along with pickle or curds, but the present generation is hooked to junk food, which is nothing but unhealthy food. Decades back people ate a lot, but also walked a lot, thereby keeping them fit and trim-but substituting walk, these days we have Gyms, Health Clubs, and other Weight Reducing facilities. But either way, we need to maintain our physique and health. And one best way is to follow a strict diet and eat moderately- and in the same also ask for God’s blessings to keep you free from any diseases/sickness”.

Sr Deepa Peter introduced the Chief Guest, while the vote of thanks was delivered by Ms Shiji P J- and the programme was compered by Sr Nancy Priya and Ms Joyce Fernandes of Fr Muller Nursing Fraternity. The Expo 2018 comprised of 23 booths set up by the students of Nursing/Physiotherapy Colleges in and out of City. Prizes will also be awarded to the best booths with good presentation and good nutrition messages! Until then “Let’s Go Further With Food”!

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6 years ago

Oota roga OK. Nota?
Make sure you elect some one on 12th. No NOTA please.