Home Mangalorean News Kannada News Oscar Fernandes Inaugurates Newly-built Don Bosco CBSE School Shirva

Oscar Fernandes Inaugurates Newly-built Don Bosco CBSE School Shirva

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Oscar Fernandes Inaugurates Newly-built Don Bosco CBSE School Shirva

Udupi: The inauguration of the new school building and the celebration of affiliation of CBSE New Delhi of Don Bosco CBSE School Shirva was held on Saturday, February 23. The full-fledged school affiliated to CBSE New Delhi surrounded by a vast space with facilities has been erected in the campus of Our Lady of Health Church, Shirva.

The newly built building was inaugurated by Rajyasabha member Oscar Fernandes and the Bishop of Udupi Diocese Dr. Gerald Isaac blessed the premises. The formal stage programme began with a welcome dance by the schoolchildren. Fr Mahesh D’Souza, principal of the school, welcomed the gathering. The formal stage programme was inaugurated by the Bishop Dr Gerald Lobo along with other dignitaries by lighting a traditional lamp. Fr Denis D’Sa, the correspondent of school, delivered the introductory remarks.

In his introductory remarks, Fr Denis D’Sa briefly narrated the background of Don Bosco School and said that the foundation stone for the new building was laid by the Bishop of Udupi on 7 September 2016. Affiliation to CBSE was secured on 25 May 2018 with the affiliation number 830838. Presently, there are 1000 students and 85 staff members.

Speaking on the occasion, Oscar Fernandes said that Shirva has been one of the important centers of education in the Udupi District. He pointed out the mission of the successive governments to empower people, especially from the lower strata of the society by providing them with education.

Ivan D’Souza in his message said that those who had received education from St Mary’s Educational Institutions are found in different parts of the world occupying important positions. He stressed on the contribution of Christian Missionaries in particular and Christian community in general in imparting quality education to the people irrespective of caste and creed.

Prof Mathew Nainan, Director of Little Rock Indian School Brahmavar who has been guiding the school governing council, Fr Stany Tauro and Fr Mahesh D’Souza were felicitated on the occasion for assisting to secure the CBSE affiliation.

In his address, Prof Nainan said that he was closely associated with St Mary’s College, Shirva in the 1980s when he along with the then parish priest of Shirva, Fr Henry Castelino had to make several trips to Bangalore to secure approval for the college. That was “a struggle worth remembering as it achieved a certain objective.” He further said that if one does his work with dignity and honour, such work is always rewarded. Prof Nainan expressed his happiness of being a part of the celebration of securing CBSE affiliation to Don Bosco School.

Chief guests of the function, Kaup MLA Lalaji R Mendon and Former minister Vinay Kumar Sorake hailed Christian educational institutions for their selfless services towards imparting education, coupled with discipline, to the people.

Former correspondent Fr Stany Tauro, former HM’s Ireen Rodrigues and Gretta Noronha, School contractors and Engineers, donors those who contributed above one lakh, present correspondent Fr Denis D’Sa, and principal Fr Mahesh D’Souza were felicitated during the programme.

In his presidential address, Bishop Most Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo congratulated everyone who was responsible for securing the CBSE affiliation for Don Bosco School. “Education is to refine sensitivities and perceptions that contribute to national cohesion, scientific temper, and independence of mind and spirit – thus furthering the goals of socialism, secularism, and democracy enshrined in our Constitution, says National Policy on Education. The Catholic Church is the biggest education provider in the world. In India, under the Catholic Bishop’s Conference, the Catholic Church has 171 dioceses through which it pursues the ministry of imparting knowledge to young minds. For the Catholic Church, education is to teach the students to live, to discover the deeper meaning of life and of transcendence, to learn to interact with others, love creation, think freely and critically, find fulfillment in work, plan for their future. In one word, to learn is to be. It is in and through education that one can hope for a more human and humane future and a more harmonious society,” he said.

Educating young minds is freeing them from various evils, affection, oppression, and bondage which the society offers in plenty, making people – especially the youth – victims and slaves of them. Educating them means opening their eyes to the truth, justice and peace, and so to walk and live in freedom, and respect human dignity. Being educated means being aware of one’s legitimate rights and how to respect those of others. Educating someone is to lead one from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light and from falsehood to righteousness, he added.

Recalling the Shriva Education history, the Bishop said that Msgr Hilary Gonsalves was the great architect of this vision of educating children at Shirva. “Trusting in divine providence and the protection of Our Lady of Health, he established the school and priests who succeeded him continued his vision and mission in all earnestness. Their foresight, zeal, hard work and determination helped in building Shirva educationally and for what it is today. Let the noble work which began in Shirva over 100 years ago continue unabated and may the Catholic Church promote the mission of Christ walking in his footsteps under the patronage of Mother Mary, so that this school and all our educational institutions in this campus may truly be centers of learning, seats of wisdom and temples of peace and love, truth and righteousness,” the Bishop said concluding.

Blossom Fernades, Fr. Antony Serrao (Secretary, CBE Mangalore), Wilson Rodrigues (Member, Udupi Zilla Panchayat), Geetha Wagle (Member, Udupi Taluk Panchayat), Varija Poojary (President, Sirva Panchayat), Fr. Ashwini Aranha (Assistant Parish Priest, Shirva), Wilson D’Souza (Vice President, Shirva Parish Pastoral Council), Mrs. Leena Machado (Secretary), Melwyn Aranha (Commissions Coordinator, Parish Pastoral Council), Avni Ferrao and Alden Correa (SPL and ASPL respectively, Don Bosco School) and members of the Finance Committee of Shirva Parish were present on the dais.

Wilson D’Souza, Vice President of Parish Pastoral Council, delivered the vote of thanks. Shayona D’Almeida, Ivine D’Souza and Sr. Leticia compeered the programme.

Following the stage function, musical entertainment was organized featuring Anuradha Bhat and Ajay Warrier, celebrated Indian playback singers, with renowned professional music team from Bangalore led by Rajgopal and dance performances from film industry team from Bangalore.

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