31.6 C
Monday, March 31, 2025

John Monteiro (84), from Lower Bendur,

John Monteiro (84), from Lower Bendur, husband of Juliana Monteiro, father of Leslie /Sherly, Diana / Patrick, Ashok / Preema Passed away on February...

John Baptist Pinto (66) Niddel House, Kulshekar

John Baptist Pinto (66 Years), Husband of Lilly Pinto, Father of Loy Pinto, s/o Late Joseph M Pinto and Late Florine Pinto (Niddel House,...

Roman D’Souza, Vice President, KCWA, Hyderabad

Roman D'Souza, aged 55 years, a great friend, guide, well wisher of many and Vice President of KCWA, Hyderabad, left for heavenly abode on...

Rosy Rasquinha (85), Marianagar, Mangaluru

Rosy Rasquinha (85), wife of the late Maurice Rasquinha and mother of Joyce ( + Apolin D'Souza, Muscat), Harry ( + Hilda, Muscat) and...

Renny Olivera (57), Sastan

Renny Olivera (57), Sastan Renny Olivera (57) Wife of Late Leo Olivera, Mother of Lorna/Arun Ferandes, Larson, Diana. Passed away on February 3, 2016. Funeral cortege...

Sr M Avila BS nee Aleykutty (92) of Southern Province

Sr M Avila BS nee Aleykutty (92) of Southern Province passed away on Tuesday, February 10, at 3:30am, at St Paul's Convent, Tennhipalam, Malapuram...

Martin Sydney D’Souza (72), Moodbidri / Bijai, Mangaluru

Martin Sydney D'Souza ('Sydney'), aged 72, son of the late Peter (+ Elizabeth - Moodbidri), husband of Jennet, father of Sajan, brother of Elfreeda...

Paul Fernandes (95) Karimanel, Venur

Paul Fernandes aged 95 years Husband of Late Carmine Fernandes, Father of Alice/Late Felix, L.J.FErnandes/ Elize, Peter/Eugene, Lilly/ Faustine, Sr. Benny, Mathias/Gracy, Jethrud/Edwin, E.Fernandes/Lizzy,Apoline/Edmund,...

Claudius Thomas Joseph Gonsalves (75), Mangaluru

Claudius Thomas Joseph Gonsalves, (C.T.J. Gonsalves) (75) Chartered Accountant, H/o Late Flavia M. R. Gonsalves, Father of CA. Sunil / CA. Adelyne, Dr. Sarita...

MD of AD and CT Agnel Rodrigues (55), Bejai, No More

Managing director of Agnel's Adventure and Coastal Times English News Agnel Rodrigues (55), Bejai, No More Mangaluru: Managing director of Agnel's Adventure and Coastal Times...

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