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PAGE’s World Alzheimer’s Month Kicks Off at Kadri Park, with the Theme ‘Remember Me’

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PAGE’s World Alzheimer’s Month Kicks Off at Kadri Park, with the Theme ‘Remember Me’

Mangaluru: A bunch of organizations and district authorities taking a step towards a “Dementia Friendly City” and with the theme “Remember Me”, launched the “World Alzheimer’s Month-September 2017” on Saturday, 1 September at Kadri Park-Mangaluru at 7 am to raise awareness of Dementia and Challenge stigma, in association with ‘PAGE’ (People’s Association for Geriatric Empowerment) comprising of Kasturba Medical College, Mangaluru; Vishwas Trust; Spoorthi Charitable Trust; Mangaluru Alzheimer`s Association; Action Group of The Elderly (AGE -Mangaluru); Mangalore Senior Citizen Association (MaSCA); Bright HR Solution and Services; Indospect Pharma; Abhaya Ashraya; Sushehg Trust; KMC Navachaitanya NitteEducation; Mangalore Inner Wheel; Rotary Club, Lions Club; Yenepoya Medical College; Sahaya; St Aloysius College, Mangaluru, among many other organizations. Chemical Fertilizers is the main sponsor of this project.

Talk about a perfect weather- No Rain, Only Shine!- and for that matter all the “Youngsters” between the age of 50 plus to 80 plus woke up early in the morning and assembled at the Kadri park ground for the big launch of World Alzheimer’s Month- while the other “Youngsters” who were lazy to get up being a lazy day, showed up a bit late and joined everyone at the Park, to make it a huge gathering. Many attired in red and white, a few in just red clothing, others attired in just white, while a few others attired in their preferred clothing gathered to support a good cause pertaining to Alzheimer’s disease. It’s indeed nice to note that the City of Mangaluru with the tremendous efforts put in by the energetic members of “PAGE” ( People’s Association for Geriatric Empowerment) in taking its step towards a “Dementia Friendly City”.

With the theme “Remember Me” for this Alzheimer’s Month, PAGE is all set to make Mangaluru Dementia Friendly, and such important memories will make them stick. September 2018 will surely mark the seventh global ‘World Alzheimer’s Month’, an international campaign to raise awareness of Dementia and challenge stigma. Alzheimer’s is an ailment which in simple language, takes one away from the reality of the present situation. Normally it is associated with forgetfulness. It is not just simple forgetfulness. It is an inability to relate the past to the present. In the final stages one no more recognizes one’s own family, he or she lives with, mistakenly takes the kitchen for the toilet or any other such gross discrepancies.

Today while Alzheimer’s is spreading fast, we have to find means of avoiding it by keeping the mind active, playing indoor games, solving cross word puzzles and other such, without getting alarmed over forgetfulness of immediate things which comes with ageing. At the same time the past is almost indelibly written in the memory. We must keep our minds active and receptive at all times. Dementia is a term used to describe different brain disorders that affect memory, thinking, behaviour and emotion. This disease knows no social, economic or ethnic boundaries. Alzheimer’s has no current cure, but treatments for symptoms are available and research continues. Although current Alzheimer’s treatments cannot stop Alzheimer’s from progressing, they can temporarily slow the worsening of dementia symptoms and improve quality of life for those with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers. Today, there is a worldwide effort under way to find better ways to treat the disease, delay its onset, and prevent it from developing.

Organizations like PAGE/Mangalore Alzheimer’s Association (MAA) and many other associations/medical and social institutions are now bound to play an important role in caring for the elderly with symptoms of Alzheimer’s/Dementia. They say that Dementia has no cure, but a lot can be achieved by proper care and awareness projects organized by these concerned organizations, who have come forward for the rescue of the Dementia affected people. Welcoming the gathering, Dr Prabha Adhikari-Founder of KMC Nava Chaitanya and Vice President of PAGE said, ” The theme for World Alzheimer’s Month 2018 is “Remember Me”. We’re encouraging people all around the world to learn to spot the signs of dementia, but also not to forget about loved ones who are living with dementia, or those who may have passed away. What is Dementia? It is a disease of the brain with death of nerve cells of the brain and its connections. Although it starts with memory loss, as the disease spreads to other parts of the brain, the individual looses his ability to speak, understand, calculate, judge, and slowly changes the person and his personality beyond recognition. In its final stages the disease affects his ability to speak, eat, bathe, walk or self-care completely that he becomes totally dependent.”

She further said “The individual suffers from lot of depression, anxiety and fear at early stages, abnormal behaviour, hallucinations with aggression at middle stage. There are lot of behavioural changes too. The care giver will suffer much more than the patient and will need lot of support and anxiety. It may completely change a dignified elderly beyond recognition. This not only distresses the patient but also the loved ones who will have to struggle manage such a patient and try and keep up the dignity of the individual for nearly 7-10 years. Alzheimer`s Disease is a type of Dementia named after the German doctor who described the disease. Dementia is a slow disease. It takes 6-10 years to progress form one stage to the other It is a progressive disease. During this month we will bring awareness about this disease through various programmes in trying to improve the quality of life of those suffering from dementia and their Carers”.

The “World Alzheimer’s Month” was inaugurated by releasing a bunch of red and white balloons in the air, by the dignitaries on the dais namely- J. Arun Chakravarthy-IGP-Western Range; M Venkatesh-MRPL MD; K. Prabhakar Rao-Director, MCF; Kadaloor Sathyanarayana Acharya-the new Principal District and Sessions Judge of Dakshina Kannada, Mallanna Gowda, civil judge and secretary of District law services, DK; MLA Vedvyas Kamath; Dr Devraj- Principal, SDM Law College, Dr Prabha Adhikari- Vice President-PAGE; and Er Jeradin D’souza- Founder-MAA/Secretary of PAGE; among many others on the stage, which was followed by a short march past inside the Park.

Addressing the gathering, M Venkatesh said “It is natural to feel worried about the future, but you are not alone – whether you have dementia or you care for someone with the condition. Mangaluru should be happy that PAGE and other social services and voluntary organizations under PAGE can all provide advice and support to help you and your family. Living a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, including people with dementia, and is the best way to help prevent dementia. Many of my family members suffered illness, but there was no proper during that time. Role of family members is very important to take care of people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Eating well and exercising are important for everyone. PAGE has health and well being advice for everyone. I am happy that PAGE and other organizations are caring for those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia”

IGP Chakravarthy speaking said, ” If a friend or family member finds it hard to talk to you, make the first move and explain that you still need to see them and tell them how they can help you. This is a very good initiative taken by PAGE when it comes to caring for those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. But sadly, Mangaluru has become a place of elderly abuse recently- children are neglecting their parents and elders. They put them in old age homes, nursing homes, which is very bad. Due to this many institutions have sprung up in the City to take care of elders. But there in no love or care shown towards to elders than at home. We should bring awareness on this elderly abuse, and see that we don’t see many elders lying in old-age homes or nursing homes”

Judge Kadaloor Sathyanarayana Acharya speaking said, “When you’re a caregiver for a person with Alzheimer’s disease, one of your main goals is to help your loved one do as much they can do on their own. This helps them keep their sense of independence. Break down tasks into small steps, or even write out easy-to-follow directions. Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia often involves a team of people. Whether you provide daily care giving, participate in decision making, or simply care about a person with the disease, and its nice to note that PAGE along with other organizations are doing their best to care for such patients. When you’re starting out as a family caregiver, it’s hard to know where to begin. Perhaps you’ve only recently realized that a loved one needs assistance and is no longer as self-sufficient as he or she once was. Or perhaps there has been a sudden change in their health. Now it is time to take action, and take stock of the people, services, and information that will help you provide care. The earlier you get support, the better. PAGE and other organizations can help you”

Other dignitaries on the dais also spoke and complimented PACE for their selfless efforts in showing love and care for Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients. The vote of thanks was proposed by Er Jeradin D’souza, and the programme was compered by Miss Deepali Mallya-Research student, NITK. Following the formal ceremony, the enthusiastic group of elders and youngsters walked in the park participating in a contest, finding names of medicinal plants in the Kadri Park garden. There was laughter fun and smiles on every Seniors face. Seemed like it was truly a Holy ground! The assembled ”Old Youngsters” sang and laughed with rare zest and energy. And the bevy of old-timers were joined by the “Big Star Attraction” of the day, “Selfie-Man” Er Jeradin D’Souza in their fun-n-frolic. After a few group photographs, everyone went home with sweet and happy memories..and such important memories…make them stick, with the theme “Remember Me”. Sugar Test and Blood Pressure was conducted during the event by Yenepoya Hospital team.

The valedictory function will be held at Town Hall, Mangaluru on 22 September 2018, from 9 am-1 pm; other programmes that will be held during the WAM are : Memory walk and Memory games; Month long awareness Programs at least 100 including Memory testing of 1000 elders; Fancy Dress Competition at Forum Mall; Purple run on the 30th of September 2018 morning; and Memory Clinic workshop 1ST of October.

In conclusion, in my perspective, there is lack of awareness on the condition along with stigma. It is considered as madness, and these individuals are socially isolated. To prevent wandering many of the elderly with dementia are even chained and fed as animals. They definitely need the love and care of the loved ones and the society at this stage of their lives. Although it is not curable, early diagnosis has interventions that can keep them active and independent much longer. And to bring much awareness about this disease we have chalked out various projects during the World Alzheimer’s Month. Your support and patronage is very much needed in our efforts to make Mangaluru Dementia Friendly. Thank you all for your great support”.

For more details contact: Vishwas Trust at 08242430718 or Dr Prabha Adhikari at 9880991290 or E mail: prabha.raghuveer@gmail.com

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