Home Fit & Fun Sports Pakistan, China ink 51 accords, MoUs in diverse sectors

Pakistan, China ink 51 accords, MoUs in diverse sectors

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Islamabad, April 20 (IANS) Pakistan and China on Monday signed 51 agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) for cooperation in diverse fields.

Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif witnessed the signing of agreements in Islamabad.

The two leaders also unveiled plaques of eight projects to be undertaken in Pakistan with Chinese assistance.

Sharif and Xi performed ground-breaking of five projects through video link.

The projects and agreements relate to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, energy, infrastructure, agriculture, research and technology, education and other fields.

The prime minister said the agreements and MoUs signed by the two countries have sound financial and technical backing.

He reaffirmed that friendship with China is corner stone of Pakistan’s foreign policy.

He said there are strong public sentiments driving our relations, which provide a sound basis for their strength.

Sharif said the most prominent hallmark of Pakistan-China relationship was consistency and resilience, irrespective of political developments, changes in the two countries and major regional and international developments.

Pakistan-China ties have remained robust. Relations between the two are based on shared ideals and principles of mutual trust, mutual benefit and respect, he said.

In his remarks, President Xi said the main objective of his visit is to further cement and give new boost to the strategic partnership and friendly ties with Pakistan.

He assured Sharif that China would continue playing its part for sustainable socio-economic development of Pakistan with particular focus on development in Balochistan province.

The Chinese president said special attention would be paid to further strengthen economic strategic partnership with Pakistan in next 10 years.


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