Pangla Parish Spreads ‘Kristha Kirana’ Christmas Message on Wheels

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Pangla Parish Spreads ‘Kristha Kirana’ Christmas Message on Wheels

Udupi: As the Christmas season approaches, the Udupi district gets colourful. While shops display colourful stars and greeting cards among other fascinating attractions, bakery owners are busy preparing delicious, designer cakes and special delicacies (also known as kuswar) that include rice laddoos, nevreu, gulio, kidiyo and tukdi.

On the other hand, many churches, as well as enthusiastic youth, begin preparations for the Christmas crib a month in advance — creating streams, “building” Rome or Bethlehem — exhibiting their creative ideas.

In addition to these, The St John’s Evangelist church organised the Christmas Truck Show, a two-day mobile street show, to spread the message of peace and love at Shirva and Shankerpura on Thursday, December 21.

Under the leadership of Fr Royston, more than 60 artistes rendered a stupendous performance and won the hearts of the crowd. The vibrant stage setting, costumes and sounds and lights perfectly complemented the performances. The audience watched with rapt attention, appreciating each and every performance and scene.

According to Fr Royston Fernandes writer of Kristha Kirana and also the assistant Parish Priest of Shankerpura Church, the mobile show comprises of a huge stage, all built on two trailer trucks, with 60 artistes from all age groups performing. The Indian Catholic Youth Movement took the leadership to organise the Mobile Christmas show. Today, the real meaning of Christmas is lost. Our parish members have decided to give the best Christmas message through this 25 minutes of the mobile show. Music, dance, skits and a Christmas message will all be part of the mobile show.

Further, Fr Royston said that Christmas is the celebration of the birthday of Jesus. Jesus came to this world to love humanity. He lovingly forgave sinners cured the sick. He loved everyone and invited us to love everyone including our enemies. He called us to serve others lovingly. He is not just in heaven but also on this earth. He is within us and everywhere. But the world has forgotten his presence. Today, Christmas has become just a celebration without Christ. It has lost its meaning. Christmas has been commercialized. We spend on gifts Santa and cakes. There is a dire need to follow the message of Christ. Humanity has to live the values proclaimed and lived by Christ. Walk in the path of righteousness. Two thousand years ago Christ was born in a filthy manger. Today he wants to be born within us in our hearts. Therefore we need to purify our hearts. We need to promote life. Throw away our selfishness and extend a helping hand to the wounded humanity by our loving care, he added.

Fr. Denis D’Sa PRO Udupi Diocese, Fr Ferdinand Gonsalves Parish Priest of the Church, Fr Louis D’Sa Director Diocese Inter-religious dialogue commission, Fr Vincent Coelho Principal St John’s College and others were present on the occasion.

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