Pedalare! Italian Cyclist Armando makes a Pit Stop in Mluru on His World Tour

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Pedalare! Italian Cyclist Armando makes a Pit Stop in Mluru on His World Tour

Pedalare! (that’s Italian for ‘To Pedal/Ride) Italian Cyclist 72-year-old Armando Basile makes a Pit Stop in Mangaluru on His World Tour. Since 1983, Basile has been cycling all over the world. He has so far traveled 1.5 million kilometers, with a goal of reaching 2 million kilometers before he reaches the age of 100.

Mangaluru: One of the beauties over the course of being a Journo/freelance person is crossing paths with interesting people. Yesterday was one of those extraordinary days when I had the pleasure of meeting Armando Basile, an Italian bricklayer who spent his working years in Germany and fell in love with biking the world. Having met many people and media personnel in Mangaluru, I personally was most interested in hearing about his adventures and listening to his stories, so we decided to have a chat over a cup of coffee at cafe Day. At 72 years, stepping into 73, this may sound totally incredible even to the most fanatic cycling enthusiast – but not to Armando Basile.

He explained that he began cycling in 1983 as a way to strengthen his back after suffering a debilitating injury. “My Doctor said I could swim or bike and I choose to begin bicycle,” he said with his heavy Italian accent. His wife Gisela joined him on his first ride from Germany to Paris. The beauty of that tour inspired them to cycle around the world. Together they rode 480,000 km through almost every country in Europe, as well as the United States from New York to Los Angeles, throughout Africa, in Australia from Perth to Sydney, then from Canada to Mexico, before Mrs Basile was tragically killed in a cycling accident in 2005. Armando said he struggled with the death of his wife but chose to continue cycling as a way to keep himself busy. He has now ridden way past the 1.5 million Km mark and plans to reach a 2 million km before hanging up his helmet forever or when he becomes a Centenarian.

Visiting Mangaluru for the second time, Armando has already circled the globe six times in the past and this is his seventh lap of globe, who explores the world traveling without a watch, computer or a Smartphone. This is something that the present generation should take a note and follow in His footsteps. He further said, “This is the fourth time that I have visited India as part of my world tour. I have made several friends in Mohali and Amritsar. After my wife died in a tragic accident, presently I have a girlfriend back in Germany. Through the pension that I have been receiving after retirement I manage my life and my cycle tour. From Mangaluru, I will head to Mumbai. Once I reach Delhi I will fly to Thailand on November 11. I have to pedal my way to Delhi for some extent over two weeks,”.

“I don’t spend my nights at a lodge or hotel, instead spend night at petrol bunks. Apart from that since I have plane ticket, I can even take a rest at airports in the cities I land as well. I am happy with my expedition, which gives me lots of happiness and pleasure. For my daily expenses I use my credit cards, which come in handy with no hassles or problems whatsoever. Until now I have traveled nearly 12 lakh kilometres, being to 80 countries before reaching India. I love the temples in India, and also the people here who are friendly and courteous. Being to India four times, I have even learnt enough Hindi to communicate with people here”

Armando Basile travels on his bike equipped with all his needs, including a mini office, a mini kitchen, and a mini closet. When fully stocked, his bike weighs 60 kilograms, the same weight as him. He said he always starts his trips in America, then moves to Australia, before making his way North through Asia, from Bali to Malaysia, then Thailand and India. He said once he got robbed in Bangladesh, where they stole $1000 and hit him on the head, but he was okay. Basile said he intends to have his last ride when he reaches 99, and then would take a holiday when he turns 100.

One may not believe Armando Basile is 72 when one sees him riding a road bicycle with heavy luggage on the rear and the front of the bike. But one has to believe it as the “youngster” is on his seventh ride around the globe. Basile began his present cycle journey on 25 June 2018 from his home town and rode to Geneva over the Alps; then to Croatia, to Albania, Greece, Turkey and Armenia. From Tiflis in Georgia, he took a flight to New Delhi and first visited a friend in Amritsar before riding on the East Coast, and reach Kerala. From Mangaluru he will be riding on the West Coast to return to Delhi.

From Thailand, he would ride to Malaysia and Indonesia before taking a flight to the Philippines and then Australia. He will then fly to San Francisco and ride up to Chicago from where he would take the last flight back to Frankfurt in Germany before embarking on the last leg of the 300-km ride to his hometown. Armando Basile intends to convey the health benefits of cycling to people. He interacts with curious people inquiring about his ride wherever possible. I feel proud that I met Armando, and will cherish the 20 minutes that I spent with him interacting over a cup of coffee and a brownie. Wish him a safe journey back to his hometown in Germany.

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