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People’s Doctor’ Dr. Edward Nazareth Felicitated for His Golden Journey in Konkani Literature

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People’s Doctor’ Dr. Edward Nazareth Felicitated for His Golden Journey in Konkani Literature

Mangaluru: Dr. Edward Nazareth, a renowned orthopedic surgeon from Mangalore, was felicitated on September 15, 2024, at Sandesha, Mangalore, for his golden jubilee in literary service. The event was organized by the Karnataka Konkani Writers’ Association.

Mr. Stany Alvares, President of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy, presided over the celebration and praised Dr. Nazareth’s contributions to Konkani literature. “Through his numerous writings on health and valuable books, Dr. Nazareth has educated people to understand illnesses and live a healthy life. His heart-touching short stories have shown empathy towards common people,” said Mr. Alvares.

Rev. Fr. Michael Santhumayor, Principal of Milagres College, Mangalore, and the chief guest, also applauded Dr. Nazareth’s service to Konkani literature.

Dr. Nazareth has published ten books on health issues, five short story collections, and two novels. A translated biography, ‘Registananthem Phul’, written by Mrs. Flavia Albuqurke, was released during the program.

The event also featured presentations by Mr. Dolphy Lobo and Mrs. Lavina Tara Mascarenhas on Dr. Nazareth’s literary work. Dr. Nazareth thanked the editors and readers who supported him throughout his literary journey.

The programme was attended by editors of several Konkani periodicals and eminent Konkani writers. Mr. Henry Mascarenhas welcomed the gathering, and Mr. Edmond Preetham proposed the vote of thanks.

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