Plight of Women Manual Scavengers highlighted at UN Forum by Dr. Preethi L.N.

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Plight of Women Manual Scavengers highlighted at UN Forum by Dr. Preethi L.N.

The shocking and tragic lives of India’s most oppressed group, the woman manual scavengers, was discussed at the United Nations and urgent and effective measures have been urged to eradicate this inhumane and illegal practice.


On February 17, during the 90th session of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in Geneva, Dr. Preethi Lolaksha Nagaveni, an International Human Rights Law scholar from Mangalore, presented her insights in a general discussion on Gender Stereotypes. She exposed the severe hardships faced by women manual scavengers in India.

The session, organized by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, was attended by Heads of various UN committees, representatives from 14 countries including Austria, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, and the UAE, as well as delegates from UNESCO and 17 International NGOs. Dr. Preethi was one of the only two experts who were invited to participate in the discussion in an individual capacity. The video statement presented by Dr. Preethi LN and co-authored by Dr. Amit Anand has been published on the official UN website.

Dr. Preethi highlighted the loopholes in India’s legal mechanism regarding manual scavenging, the lack of awareness among this vulnerable section of our society, and the failure to effectively implement laws like the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. She also pointed out the hostile treatment these workers face from authorities when they fight against injustice and atrocities. To completely eradicate this inhumane and illegal practice, she emphasized the urgent need for a comprehensive policy including education, awareness, alternative professional training, skill development, employment opportunities, rehabilitation, and accountability of the authorities.

Debate in the British Parliament:

Dr. Preethi and Dr. Amit’s Written Evidence on the healthcare access issues faced by South Asian women in the UK and on Britain’s Modern Slavery Act, 2015 and Illegal Migration Act, 2023 have been reviewed by Select Committees of the UK House of Commons and House of Lords respectively. These reports have been referenced in parliamentary discussions, and their recent Written Evidence on the Draft Mental Health Bill has also been published on the UK Parliament’s official website, recognizing the significance of their research.

At the United Nations:

Previously, these two young scholars have brought global attention to the rights of persons with disabilities, women’s rights, racial discrimination against African-origin people in the U.S., violence against the LGBTQ population in India, and sexual abuse against children. Their findings have already been published on the official UN website and referenced by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, affirming their work’s global recognition.

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