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PM Modi lauds cleanliness champions, calls for continued Swachh Bharat efforts in ‘Mann Ki Baat’

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PM Modi lauds cleanliness champions, calls for continued Swachh Bharat efforts in ‘Mann Ki Baat’

New Delhi: Addressing the 114th episode of his monthly radio programme Mann Ki Baat on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised the significance of cleanliness and the nationwide success of Swachh Bharat Mission.

Highlighting individual efforts, the Prime Minister cited an inspiring example from Uttarakhand’s border village, Jhala, in Uttarkashi.

“The youth of Jhala have launched a special initiative called ‘Dhanyavaad Prakriti’ or ‘Thank You Nature’ to keep their village clean. As part of this campaign, they dedicate two hours each day to cleaning their village. The garbage collected from the streets is properly disposed off outside the village. This effort is not only making the village cleaner but is also raising awareness among the people,” PM Modi said.

He urged people to replicate this campaign across other villages and localities, imagining the vast impact it could have.

The Prime Minister also drew attention to another notable effort in Puducherry, where Ramya, a local woman, is leading a team of youth from Mahe Municipality and surrounding areas to clean the beaches in Mahe.

“Their efforts are significantly improving the cleanliness of the area, especially the beaches,” he said.

“These are just two examples,” PM Modi noted, adding: “If we look around, we will find countless efforts across the country related to cleanliness.”

He reminded listeners that the Swachh Bharat Mission will complete 10 years on October 2, a milestone in India’s journey towards cleanliness and a fitting tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s lifelong commitment to this cause.

PM Modi praised the movement’s impact, stating: “Today, due to the success of the Swachh Bharat Mission, the ‘Waste to Wealth’ mantra is gaining traction. People are increasingly adopting the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.”

He also lauded 74-year-old Subramanian from Kozhikode, Kerala, who has repaired over 23,000 chairs, making them reusable and earning the title of the “RRR Champion” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

The Prime Minister concluded by urging everyone to continue participating in cleanliness drives.

“This is not a campaign for one day or one year; it is an ongoing mission until cleanliness becomes second nature to us. I encourage you to join the cleanliness campaign with your family, friends, neighbours, or colleagues, and I congratulate everyone on the success of the Swachh Bharat Mission,” he said.


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