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Pramod Madhwaraj Launches ‘Mathru Purna’ Scheme in Udupi District

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Pramod Madhwaraj Launches ‘Mathru Purna’ Scheme in Udupi District

Udupi: As an initiative by the Karnataka State government for providing nutritious meal every day “Mathru Purna”, a scheme meant to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women in rural areas was launched in Udupi district on Monday, October 2 at the Board High School.

The formal stage function began with state anthem, Gracy Gonslaves assistant director for child and women welfare department welcomed the gathering and said that the idea behind the scheme is to improve maternal health that will have a direct impact on the child’s nutrition. This will help curb child malnutrition, the single biggest contributor to under-five mortality.

The free meals will take into consideration each beneficiary’s food preference. Local Anganwadis will have the freedom to alter the diet in case the stipulated items are not easily available in the region. Food will be provided for 15 months, from the start of pregnancy up to six months after delivery. The scheme will provide them with meals that’ll include rice, dal or sambar, green vegetables, pulses, egg and groundnut-jaggery (chikki). Those who don’t eat eggs will be given two kinds of sprouts, she added.

Pramod Madhwaraj district minister in-charge inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp and said that the Chief Minister Siddaramaiah led Congress government is committed to making Karnataka a hunger-free state. When our chief minister announced Anna Bhagya scheme many people started to criticise the chief minister but today thousands of people are benefiting from the Anna Bhagya scheme effectively in our district.

Pramod Madhwaraj district minister in-charge inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp and said that the Chief Minister Siddaramaiah led Congress government is committed to making Karnataka a hunger-free state. When our chief minister announced Anna Bhagya scheme many people started to criticise the chief minister but today thousands of people are benefiting from the Anna Bhagya scheme effectively in our district.

Udupi District has been in the forefront in all fields including education and health compared to other districts in Karnataka. In fact, Udupi district has low infant mortality compared to the country’s average. This may be because of the medical facilities available in the district and the level of awareness among the people.

In the last budget, chief minister Siddaramaiah had announced the ‘Mathru Purna’ scheme to improve maternal health, which will have a direct impact on the nutrition on the child. In several parts of the State, very young girls who are malnourished, give birth to infants who are also malnourished. The move is aimed at improving maternal health with proper nutrition for pregnant women and lactating mothers. I am hopeful that this scheme will be a big success, he added.

Udupi CMC president Meenakshi Madhava Bannanje, Udupi ZP vice-president Sheela K Shetty, TP president Nalini Pradeep Rao, ADC Anuradha, DCH Rohini, Information department officer Rohini and others were present.

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6 years ago

There is absolutely no reason to be malnourished or undernourished in the Udupi District in general in India. Whole Milk – Green Label NANDINI Milk costs today Rs.40.- a litre, 1 Doz. Chicken Eggs costs Rs.48.- to Rs.50. per one Dozen, Fresh whole Chicken costs approx. Rs.140.-/1Kg, Skin-on, and barring the lean period of monsoon (3 months – June September) – All vegetables coming from North Karnataka costs around Rs.20.- to Rs.45.- per Kg. So in reality, the above-mentioned healthy and nutritious food is not expensive and affordable even to the common labourer earning Rs.500.- per day. What needs to… Read more »

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