Proclaim the Gospel to All and Become the Apostles of Hope: Bishop Simião Fernandes

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Proclaim the Gospel to All and Become the Apostles of Hope: Bishop Simião Fernandes

GOA: “Our call is to proclaim the Gospel to all and become the Apostles of Hope,” declared Bishop Simião Fernandes, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, during a poignant homily delivered on the feast day of St. Joseph Vaz. The theme of the sermon, “St. Joseph Vaz, a model to be zealous evangelizers of the Gospel of Hope,” resonated deeply with the congregation, calling upon the faithful to embody the values of the Gospel in their daily lives.

The Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Archbishop Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, took place at the historic site of the old Church of Our Lady of Health, Rua Escravo de Maria, Sancoale. This location holds significant historical relevance, as it is where St. Joseph Vaz penned a letter of bondage to Mother Mary on August 5, 1677. St. Joseph Vaz, a revered Goan saint, was canonized by Pope Francis on January 14, 2015, and has since been recognized as the Patron of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman.

In his homily, Bishop Simião emphasized the importance of becoming true apostles of hope, urging the faithful to proclaim the Gospel in all spheres of life—within families, in the community, and towards the environment. He articulated that living out Gospel values in these areas can inspire change and bring hope to those around us. “By fostering a spirit of gratitude, humility, and respect within our homes, we can strengthen our families and, in turn, our communities,” he stated. He echoed the sentiments of Pope Francis, highlighting the transformative power of simple yet profound words such as “Thank you,” “Sorry,” and “Please.”

Bishop Simião further noted the significance of prayer and the shared reading of the Word of God among families, which can cultivate a deeper faith and unity in love. He pointed to St. Joseph Vaz as an exemplar of these values, who instilled a profound sense of love and care within families during his lifetime.

Addressing the broader community, Bishop Simião stressed the Christian imperative to bring hope to those in need. He reiterated Pope Francis’ call for believers to be tangible signs of hope, particularly for the most vulnerable members of society, including migrants, individuals with disabilities, prisoners, the elderly, and youth suffering from various forms of abuse. “When we show concern for others and take action to meet their needs, we truly become apostles of hope,” he affirmed. He also highlighted St. Joseph Vaz’s dedication to proclaiming the Gospel to all, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion, as a model for contemporary evangelization.

In addition to social outreach, Bishop Simião underscored the importance of environmental stewardship, reminding the congregation that ecological responsibility is a divine obligation. He invoked the teachings of Pope Francis, who states, “Creation is God’s gift to us, and we are its stewards. Do not prey upon it.” The Bishop expressed grave concern over the ongoing environmental degradation attributed to unchecked development, including polluted rivers and deforestation. “If we do not become the proclaimers of the Gospel to nature, we may jeopardize it for future generations,” he warned, urging the faithful to take action to protect the environment.

To fulfill the mission of becoming apostles of hope, Bishop Simião called for collective participation, courage in the face of challenges, and unwavering trust in God’s providence. “Only then can we truly spread the message of Christ in society,” he stated, encouraging the faithful to engage actively in this vital work.

In concluding the Eucharistic celebration, Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão expressed gratitude and joy as the Archdiocese celebrated the 10th anniversary of St. Joseph Vaz’s canonization, coinciding with the Jubilee Year. “Over the past decade, we have witnessed a growing devotion to St. Joseph Vaz among our faithful, and we thank God for this grace,” he remarked.

Reflecting on the challenges faced in organizing the feast, Cardinal Ferrão acknowledged the difficulties encountered but emphasized the importance of trust in God and the support of the community in overcoming these obstacles. “St. Joseph Vaz himself endured many challenges and hardships. With unwavering trust in God and deep faith, he confronted them courageously. His life inspires us to approach our difficulties with the same faith and trust, knowing that God will guide us to resolve them peacefully,” he said.

The Cardinal also highlighted St. Joseph Vaz’s commitment to fostering understanding and harmony among people of different faiths and cultures. “He calls us to emulate his example by becoming instruments of peace and unity, spreading the light of hope in our society,” he concluded.

The celebration featured numerous other masses throughout the day, led by various priests, including Fr. Onasis Dcruz, Fr. Tomas Lobo, Fr. Polly Lobo, and Fr. George Ratos, among others. Special masses were held for the sick and elderly, as well as masses in Hindi, demonstrating the inclusive spirit of the Archdiocese.

Archbishop Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão welcomed the concelebrants and the faithful, while Sr. Hilda Lopes served as the liturgical commentator. Fr. Afonso Mendonça, Director of the Diocesan Liturgical Centre, coordinated the liturgical arrangements, and the choir, led by Clifford Pereira, enriched the celebration with their musical offerings. Fr. Kenneth Teles extended heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to the organization of the feast.

In this spirit of unity and hope, the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman continues to inspire its faithful to live out the Gospel’s message, fostering a community grounded in love, respect, and stewardship of both humanity and creation.

By Br. John Malvino Alfonso OCD

Pics. Joseph Fernandes

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