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Pump Up Your Muscles: 5 Must-Know Tips for Beginners

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Pump Up Your Muscles: 5 Must-Know Tips for Beginners

If you plan to embark on a bodybuilding journey, you may be eager to see the physical results. We understand the anticipation, but it may tempt you to overlook some essential factors crucial to bodybuilding. Big gains require more than just exercise and protein. It involves fuelling your body with the right nutrients and allowing it to rest and recuperate.

You may also need to opt for bodybuilding supplements such as collagen and protein powders to meet your extensive body requirements. This article covers some important tips to speed up your gains and why they are essential. Read on.

Begin It Like a Pro

This quick list will inform you about the correct approach that helps reduce side effects and gives you a massive physique:

1.  Warm it Up

It is the most crucial step to take before any physical activity. Warm up stretches your muscles and prepares them to bear the strain of exercise. Ideally, do it for around 10 minutes and avoid doing any jerky movements in the warm-up session.

2.  Lift Heavy Weights                           

Lifting weights helps improve your endurance and makes your muscles stronger.  Focus on increasing the muscles gradually to avoid straining them. If you are lifting for the first time, start with the weight you can lift 12-15 times without overstraining yourself. This progressive approach will also challenge your muscles to bulk up.

3.  Take Muscle Nutrients

Take special foods or supplements that increase your testosterone levels. Testosterone is the male hormone that generates a protein that further helps build muscles. You can take t booster tablets to increase your testosterone levels.

Other nutrients you may need are omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and dry fruits, lean proteins from turkey breast, chicken, cottage cheese, complex carbs from grains, and cereals with fresh fruits and vegetables.

4.  Allow Muscle Recovery 

It may be tempting, but you do not need to lift weights daily; doing heavy weight training every day may increase your risk of injuries. You can divide days for different muscle groups, such as legs, arms, core, etc., to let your body rest and recover after an intensive workout. You also need to manage muscle soreness, for which you can use equipment like foam rolling, stretching, and massage.

5.  Stay Consistent

One thing that beginners need help with is keeping consistency. Trying out multiple changes simultaneously may feel overwhelming and can dampen your spirit. You can start with a desired pace, which you can stick to as you progress in your training. 

6.  Take a Calorie Surplus Diet 

There’s a simple rule to bulking up – eat more often but wait before you gorge on your favorite macaroons and sugar-glazed doughnuts. You need calorie-rich foods that fuel your gains and not just your cravings. Pick healthy, unprocessed foods and keep sugar consumption within the limit as guided by your trainer.

The Bottom Line

Gaining muscles is a progressive journey that requires the right exercise plan, diet, and resting time. A systematic bodybuilding approach can help you stick to your fitness goal and prevent injury-related harm. Along with a workout plan, you must eat foods that help strengthen your muscles. You may take omega-3, collagen-rich foods, and testosterone-boosting supplements to meet your daily requirements and get optimum results.

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