Pursue Your Career in Tech Field at St Aloysius ITI for Better Job Opportunities  

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Pursue Your Career in Tech Field at St Aloysius ITI for Better Job Opportunities

Pursue Your Career in Tech Field at St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute {SAITI} for Better Job Opportunities

Mangaluru: Would you prefer to do your Graduate and Post Graduate studies, and then after graduating wait a long time to get a better and good paying job” or Would you prefer to pursue your career in technical/mechanical field, and once you complete tour training/course, there is a job waiting for you at a reputed company? Bet that anyone would opt for the latter to pursue their career in the tech field and anticipate a bright future ahead. Do you know that Electricians, Plumbers, Air Condition mechanics, Automobile mechanics and those trained and qualified in any technical field earn big money than those in the medical field in European countries?

A licensed plumber/electrician or an AC Mechanic earns nearly $ 70-80 thousand {nearly Rs 5,360,000} per year in the USA, which even a medical professional won’t make that much. And for that matter, students who had got training in various technical fields from SAITI have been earning a good salary in India, and quite a few employed in the Gulf and Europeans countries are making big bucks and enjoying their lives. So don’t you think that One or Two years training in the technical field is much better than slogging and browsing through books and burning that midnight oil in order to pass your exams and then go job hunting? There is a lot of scope for those trained in the technical field, where jobs are ready, and you can make a good living. What’s your choice? Think twice before you step into your next career after SSLC or PUC.

It’s that time of the year when the SSLC/PUC results are out and we see parents running from corner to corner to get their children admitted to prestigious institutions. SSLC /PUC is the stage where many of the students find themselves in a dilemma and unsure which path to select. Some may blindly follow others only to find out later that they were not suitable to that field. Some may just rely on their parents or others for advice. But, the choice they make at this stage defines their future. Hence, it is very much necessary to make a conscious informed decision which matches with their capabilities and interests. Low cost of education and easy and faster employability makes the training at SAITI a real blessing to the academically weak and poor students. In the era, where even the BBM/Engineering/Medical Graduates are finding it hard to get employment after spending many years and quite a big chunk of money, the boys/girls from this institution join the workforce and get productive just within a year or two of joining this institution.

The students, who could not clear the exam or scored less, find themselves in a very difficult situation. Unable to get admissions in prestigious institutions and humiliation from friends and relatives makes every moment a nightmare. Uncertainty and fear make their life miserable. Is the life of these academically weak students is destined to be doomed? Many think so… But, contrary to the popular belief, St Aloysius ITI get plenty of examples where these so-called ‘useless’ or academically backward students progress to build a bright future, many a time even better than the students who pursue graduate studies or acquire Engineering/medical degrees.

Fr Eric J Mathias Sj-Director, SAITI

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Fr Eric Mathias Sj-the Director of St Aloysius ITI said, “Our institution not only provides the state of the art training, it also focuses on all round growth of the students. Confidence building and motivation are the very important elements that are integrated into the training process at every stage. Soft skills are also imparted to the students. Because of this, the students who once were regarded as ‘failures’, rise up like the Phoenix and become successful. We have many youth who from ‘nobody’ got transformed into ‘somebody’ and created an identity for themselves after joining our institution. St Aloysius ITI has indeed opened a door way of opportunities to the youth who otherwise would have been unemployed and might have been failures in life. Since its inception, the institution has been a guiding light to the youth.”

“The institution was started in 1981 to commemorate the Centenary Jubilee of St Aloysius College with the vision of empowering the youth, especially the youth from rural and backward sections of the society. In fact, initial idea was to start an Engineering /Medical college. Reflecting on this idea deeply, we the Jesuits felt that affluent people would, however, get plenty of opportunities, but people from poorer and weaker sections of the society do not have any meaningful opportunities. The immediate need was felt for the mission to empower the youth from these sections of the society and bring them to the mainstream. Thus was born an institution, which was soon to become one of the best in the field of technical education. The institution, through its wide array of technical courses, imparts technical skills at par with industrial requirements and helps to build a secure future”, added Fr Eric Sj.

Fr Eric Mathias Sj further said, “Being a part of St Aloysius Institutions, the work culture revolves around the core values- Compassion, Communication, Collaboration, creativity and Conscience. Various initiatives are taken to instil these core values in students so that they become ‘men and women for others’ in the true sense. The institution is committed to its mission of empowering the rural youth. Last year 10 poor boys from Siddi community of Mundgod, a remote place in North Karnataka were given free education, hostel and food facilities. This year 4 Siddi boys are being taken care by the Management. We give preference to youth from rural areas and poor families. We would like to help the youth from rural belts. But, ITI being a non-profit institution, this is possible only with the financial assistance from noble hearted people”

St Aloysius I.T.I. was started with the aim of providing skill based training to the marginalized sections of the society, especially the rural youth. This was meant for boys who could not complete their schooling either because they were too poor to pay the fees or because they were mentally not capable of studying. These boys and girls without an education and without any technical skills are not employable and would have become a problem and burden to the family and to the society. The technical school was meant to give such persons a chance to learn a skill and become employable and be a support for the family. Since its inception, it has been functioning true to its vision and has enlightened the lives of thousands of youth.

In 1980 when the College celebrated its centenary, two institutions were started to serve the real poor. One was a Home for the children to care for delinquents and destitutes. The other was a Technical School presently called ‘St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute.’ The institution has been affiliated to National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT), New Delhi and is run by the Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society (MJES). Since its inception, SAITI has been a ray of hope to the under privileged. Minorities, Dalits, Devdasis, boys and girls from the financially poor and backward communities are given preference. Being a unit of St Aloysius Institutions, it is well known for the quality of training imparted by highly knowledgeable and professionally trained staff.

Youth from poor families:

Most of the students at SAITI are from financially backward families. If these students were not given this kind of education, they would have fallen into the hands of fundamentalists, communal groups and right wing groups and would have been a part of anti-social activities. In order to enable the children of such families to take up a course in the technical institute, the institution has kept the fees low.

Youth from Rural Sectors:

The institute also educates the youth from rural sectors like Pannur, Manvi, Raichur, Mundgod, Bijapur, Gulbarga, etc free of cost. They are given free boarding and lodging and taken care of. They also help them to get employed and thus improve their and their families’financial condition. In the academic year 2016-17, 11 Siddi boys from Mundagod, a remote village in Karnataka, were admitted to various courses in the institution. They have completed their courses and are now employed in and around Mangaluru. In the academic year 2017-18, 17 students from rural areas of North Karnataka are being given free education with hostel facilities.


Our concern is especially for the girls. In India girls from well to do families are encouraged and supported to do higher studies. But girls from poor families do not receive any encouragement. After they finish their basic studies, they are kept at home to look after the younger siblings or to help in the household work or even to do some work to earn something to add to the family income. Sending them for studies is considered to be a drain on the family income especially if any fees have to be paid. We have been making a special effort to attract such poor girls to take up a technical course. In order to achieve this, we not only do not charge any fees but also offer additional perks like free midday meals and books. Our future plan includes starting some short-term courses for girls like electrician, electronics, computer, beautician, etc which would enable the to get employed and thus become self-reliant.

The courses SAITI offers:

• Stitching Technology: This is a course of 1 year duration. In this course, students are trained in cutting and stitching of men, women and children ware.

• Plumber: This is a course of 1 year duration. In this course, students are trained in pipe technology, sanitary fittings, repair & service of water pumps.

• Welder: This is a course of 1 year duration. In this course, students are trained in fabrication and different types of welding, namely, arc welding, gas welding, MIG welding, spot welding and TIG welding

• Mechanic Diesel: This is a course of 1 year duration. In this course, students are trained in repair and service of diesel engines, generator sets, calibration of fuel injection pumps, etc.

• Computer operator and Programming Assistant: This is a course of 1 year duration. In this course, students are trained in operating of MS DOS, MS Word, MS Excel, Tally, C-language, etc.

• TATA Motors: This is a course in collaboration with M/S TATA Motors and is of 1 year duration. In this course, students are trained in repair and maintenance of TATA vehicles. These students work at the TATA dealership and get hands on job experience.

• Electrician: This is a course of 2 years duration. In this course, the students are trained in house wiring, industrial wiring and repairs of electrical equipment.

• Electronics mechanic: This is a course of 2 years duration. In this course, students are trained in construction of various electronic circuits, testing of various electronic components, service and repairs of various equipment like TV, computer, mobile phones, cd/vcd/dvd players, etc.

• Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: This is a course of 2 years duration. In this course, students are trained in servicing and repairs of refrigerators, coolers and various types of air conditioner.

• Mechanic Motor Vehicle(MMV): This is a course of 2 years duration. In this course, students are trained in service and repairs of cars, jeeps and heavy vehicles.

• COE(Centre of Excellence): This is a course of 1 year duration. In this course, students are trained in multi skills like Air Conditioning, electrical, welding, automobile, etc.

• Sani-tech course: This is a short-term course of 3 months duration run in collaboration with M/s Jaquar & co. Ltd. In this course, the trainees get trained in fitment, repair and servicing of modern bathroom and sanitary fittings.

• Mahindra Auto Technician Course (for girls only): This is a course exclusively designed for girls under the joint venture with M/s Mahindra & Mahindra .

The management and staff of SAITI have been making a special effort to motivate girls/women to take up technical courses. As there is a huge demand for the trained persons in this field, an opportunity for girls could very well be termed as a step towards women empowerment and gender equality. They are offering admission to girls to all the courses. SAITI aim is to empower the girls/women by imparting them technical skills which would enhance their employability and make them self reliant.

Collaborations with Industries:

SAITI strives to give the best training to the students at par with industrial requirements.

• Tie-up with M/S Hyundai Motors: SAITI has a tie-up programme with M/S Hyundai Motors India Limited. Under this venture, along with the regular classes, MMV students are provided training in service and repairs of Hyundai vehicles. Exams are conducted to assess the progress and o successful completion of the training, students are recruited at Hyundai dealerships.

• Tie-up with M/S TATA Motors: SAITI have a tie-up with M/S TATA Motors in association with SKIP( Skills for Progress). Under this joint venture, they have the following courses:

LEAP Programme: It is a separate specially designed course in repair and servicing of TATA commercial vehicles. In this course, students undergo initial phase of training (3 months) at the institution and then at the latter phase (9 months), work at the TATA dealership and get hands on job experience.

TATA Automotive course (LEAP Plus): This is a 3 months course under tie-up with TATA . In this course, students will be trained in repair/servicing of TATA vehicles. Also driving training would be given.

TATA Commercial Vehicle Driving Course: This is a course of 180 hours in tie-up with M/s TATA. Under this, students will be trained in the driving of medium commercial vehicles.

• Tie-up with M/S Jaquar & Co Pvt Ltd: SAITI have partnered with M/S Jaquar & Co Pvt Ltd for our Plumber trade. Under this training partnership, short-term courses of 3 month duration are conducted in fitment and service of advanced sanitary and bath fittings.

• Tie-up with M/S Godrej: A tie-up venture with a reputed home appliance company M/S Godrej has been finalized and they would be starting short-term courses on installation and service of home appliances shortly.

• Mahindra Auto Technician Course (for girls); This is a course exclusively designed for girls under the joint venture with M/s Mahindra & Mahindra Limited.

International collaborations/ Exchange Programmes:

• Italy: Mr Alberto Pezzani and Mrs Silvana Rizzi from Italy visit the institution every year and sponsor a sewing machine to the top scorer in Stitching Technology trade. On the way back, they take clothes stitched by the students and sell them in Italy and the proceeds are used for social service works.

Germany: Johann Klinkhammer and Ms Anneliese Klinkhammer, Ms.Gisela Schmitten, Ms Gertrud Wirtz and Kaspar Wirtz, Ulrich Rath and Ms Adriana Francina Scherer visit the institution and interact with the students. This year, Frank Heuer, Ms Monika Heuer and Robert Heuer visited the institution and interacted with staff and students.

• Switzerland: Ms Aline from Switzerland visited the institution this academic year and interacted with students.

• U.K: Ms Dinah Findlay and Mrs Rosemary Illingworth from England were the speakers for the “International Exchange programme on technical Education” held in the institution on 7th November 2017

• France: Rev Fr John Eve Grenet- former Director of French Technical School visited the institution on 16th October, 2017. He interacted with staff and students regarding technical education.

Extracurricular activities/facilities:

Emphasis is given on all round development of students. Activities are conducted to aid personality development.

• Daily assembly and exercise

• Various competitions like elocution, singing, drawing, etc

• Value education classes

• Soft skill classes

• Entrepreneurship development programmes

• Awareness about industrial safety

• Emphasis on cleanliness and house keeping

• Basic computer operating practice to every student

• Library facility

• Sports day

• Talents day

• Annual day

• Institute magazine- encouraging students to develop their writing skills

• Meditation

• Audio visual facility

• Students of every trade are given hands on job training at industrial workshops

Employment Opportunities:

The main purpose behind the quality education provided by SAITI is to enhance the employability of students. During the training, along with technical skills, soft skills are also given to the students. Training at par with industrial requirements and partnership with industries ensure that majority of the students get employed during training period itself.

Ø Under the tie-up programme with M/S Hyundai, the complete batch of MMV students (20 no.) was recruited by M/S Advaith motors and M/S Kanchana Motors this year. Previous year too, all the students of MMV trade got placement under this tie-up. The institution has a 100% placement through this tie-up.

Ø The other companies who generally approach SAITI for recruitment are M/S Arvind Motors, M/S Apollo, M/S Ashok Leyland (Dubai), M/S Toyota, M/S Proctor and Gamble, M/S Mandovi Motors, M/S Concord Motors, etc

Ø Many independent small scale entrepreneurs also approach SAITI for recruitment

Ø Many of SAITI students have turned out to be entrepreneurs in their respective fields, while many others are working abroad and have succeeded in uplifting their families



K.R.R Rao, Kodialbail, Mangaluru – 575003, Ph : 0824 – 2449732

Director +91 9449625563; Principal +91 9448723159; Vice-Principal +91 9480656191; Training Officer +91 7411204006

Email: saitcprincipal@gmail.com; Website: www.staloysiusiti.org/

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