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Rahul Gandhi calls for revitalising tourism in Wayanad, over a month after devastating landslides

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Rahul Gandhi calls for revitalising tourism in Wayanad, over a month after devastating landslides

New Delhi: Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Sunday virtually took stock of the recovery and rehabilitation work in Kerala’s Wayanad and enumerated a few steps to restore people’s livelihood and also enhance their means of earning, in the aftermath of devastating landslides.

The Congress MP, in particular, stressed the need to revitalise tourism in Wayanad and dispel a common notion that the entire district was in a bad state because of colossal landslides that hit the district on July 30.

“Once the rains cease, it is imperative that we make a concerted effort to revitalise tourism in the area and encourage people to visit. It is important to note that the landslide was localised to a specific area in Wayanad, not the entire region,” the Congress leader said.

Rahul Gandhi said that Wayanad is a stunning tourism destination and its beautiful landscapes make it a tourism hotspot. He also urged everyone to make a concerted effort towards reviving and restoring tourism in landslide-hit Wayanad.

Speaking to Congress officer bearers, former Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi, took stock of the relief and rehabilitation measures in the landslide-hit region via video conference. Top Congress leaders including KC Venugopal and Priyanka Gandhi joined the virtual interaction.

He further said that Wayanad will soon be ready to welcome tourists from across the country and the world with all its natural charm and this is one area, that would greatly help the people in reviving their livelihood.

He also commended all sections of society, including the social welfare organisations, who came forward to help Wayanad in times of distress.

“Wayanad is steadily recovering from the devastation caused by the tragic landslides. While there is still much to be done, it is heartening to witness people from all communities and organisations coming together in relief efforts,” he said.

“As we have done in the past, let us come together once again to support our brothers and sisters in beautiful Wayanad,” he added.

Notably, Wayanad was hit by catastrophic landslides in the wee hours of July 30, resulting in devastation, destruction and displacement of a large number of people. More than 350 casualties were reported while thousands were rendered homeless. The worst affected regions of Wayanad included Chooralmala, Mundakkai and Vellarimala villages of the Meppadi region.


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