Home Mangalorean News Raichur man clicks link on phone, gets blackmailed over morphed video

Raichur man clicks link on phone, gets blackmailed over morphed video

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Raichur man clicks link on phone, gets blackmailed over morphed video

Raichur:  A man in Karnataka’s Raichur district lodged a police complaint that he had been blackmailed for more than a year over a morphed video after clicking on a link that he received on his phone from an unidentified number.

In his complaint, Mahendra Kurdi, a gauge operator in the Hutti gold mines, alleged that he got the video link while he was at work.

When clicked on the link, he was shocked to see himself in the footage chatting with a nude girl on a video call.

The video also showed Mahendra doing exactly how the girl did in the call.

The unidentified miscreants threatened Mahendra that if he did not pay a hefty amount of money, the video would be made viral on social media.

Despite Mahendra not approaching the police, the video went viral and was also sent to his family members.

He then approached the police and complained in this regard.

The complainant had earlier worked as treasurer of a private school.

In the video, Mahendra was projected as a staffer of the school.

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