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‘Red Building Road’ is All ‘Red and Pathetic’! And Guess What, 2 MCC Corporators Live There

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‘Red Building Road’ is All ‘Red and Pathetic’! And Guess What, 2 MCC Corporators Live There

‘Red Building Road’ near Nagori, Mangaluru is All ‘Red {with red mud water} and Pathetic’! And Guess What, 2 MCC Corporators namely Ms Asha D’silva and Ms Sabitha Misquith Reside in that Ward

Mangaluru: Last year during the month of April “Red Building Road” was in the headline news, and Mangalorean.com had covered few reports, pertaining to the Road Widening Issue protested by the area residents. And this time, a couple of the residents from Red Building area had called in Team Mangalorean about the pathetic condition of the road, due the recent drainage work undertaken by MCC, which has made created lots of inconveniences and posing safety hazard for two-wheeler riders and pedestrians using the stretch of that Road.

In response to the calls, Team Mangalorean quickly rushed to the area and spoke to few of the residents there, and also clicked a few pictures to be incorporated along with the report. While only a portion of this Road is concreted, rest is in bad shape, and its condition seems to have worsened after the spell of heavy rain that the city received a few days back. Other than potholes, surfaces of the road has deteriorated due to lack of maintenance and ignorance of the workers who left it that way after the drainage work was completed. Some parts of this road is so bad, that two-wheeler riders are having a tough time to navigate through it- and sources reveal that many riders have fallen and hurt themselves, especially during the night when the road is lacking proper lighting.

Severine {name changed} in an angry mood speaking to Team Mangalorean said, “This road is like hell, fully deteriorated and dangerous to commute. For the last few weeks after the spell of heavy rains we have been facing lots of inconveniences walking on this road. The workers did their drainage work and left back all the mess for us to bear the consequences. During elections, the candidates come begging for votes, but when we face all these civic issues no one is taking quick action. It makes hard for school children using this road, including seniors who have stopped coming out of the house due to this bad road. I appreciate Mangalorean.com which is always ready to highlight the civic issues on behalf of the citizens”

A two-wheeler rider also speaking to Team Mangalorean said, “You won’t believe how many times that I have skidded while riding on this pathetic and dangerous road, but luckily had no injuries. It has been hard for motorists, especially bikes/scooters due to the slippery and mud-ridden road, and also due to potholes. Specially at night when there is no proper lighting on this stretch, there have been quite a few falls by the two-wheeler riders. I am extremely thankful to Team Mangalorean for stopping by and highlighting the issue, which I hope would wake up the concerned authorities and take quick action in resolving the agony faced by the residents of this area”.

Meanwhile Corporator of that Ward Ms Asha D’silva speaking to Team Mangalorean said, ” I know that the residents are facing inconveniences and hardship commuting through this road. The drainage work started few months ago, and when the work was about to get completed, the work had to be stopped due to election code. And after the elections, came the rains, which made it hard to continue with the work. I have already added in the patchwork list, but the weather is not permitting to do the job. But temporary filling of potholes is being carried out continuously. In the meantime, the residents have to take patience, and bear with us till MCC completes the work at the earliest”

Well said and clarified by the Corporator, but as of now, It remains to be seen how this usual patchwork exercise will hold up against the rain fury that is expected to unleash in the city during the monsoon. Until then the residents have to either be patient or curse the concerned authorities and keep their fingers crossed until the road is fixed.

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6 years ago

I feel sorry about the residents of this area. I was the resident of this area up to 1972. Of course those days were different. But now with the increased population in the area the problems too increased.
I wish the Corporaters of this area would attend to it.

Edwin D’ Souza USA

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