Remove Trishul Replicas IMMEDIATELY, added on Road Median Barricades near Lady Hill Rd Stretch & Save Kids Lives
Mangaluru: One thing for sure in Mangaluru, when one safety issue is implemented, it is quickly followed by an Unsafety hazard issue- and thanks to the smart Engineers and officials at Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) who don’t look into the plans whether they will suit the needy issue, rather than issue permission to go ahead with the project- landing up in making changes and waste of money. And here we have a serious hazardous issue when it comes to the safety of a few children of a private convent school near Lady Hill who will be at risk of their lives unless this unscientific issue is FIXED IMMEDIATELY by the concerned MCC officials if they love and care for innocent children, who are still in their childhood and still in their naughty acts.
First of all, I compliment the builder/realtors, from Mangaluru, who have taken the initiative to barricade the road median stretch from Lady Hill Circle to Chilimbi (near More Supermarket Store), where nearby a new commercial complex is coming up (so there’s a catch here) and it all looked good to me all these days, until this morning I noticed that on top of the installed barricades, they have added sharp Trishul Replicas, which is nothing but a dumb idea, to have sharp and pointed objects on something that pedestrians can come into contact.

The trishula is a trident, a divine symbol, commonly used as one of the principal symbols in Hinduism. It is most commonly associated with the deity Shiva and is widely employed in his iconography. The symbol has a sharp pointed top which could hurt someone if not alert. And here on the barricades, they have used the replica of Trishulas, which has been posing danger to children and others who are ignorantly trying to climb the barricade to cross the road. It is always common for people/children who want to use shortcuts to reach the other side fast, no matter if they crawl, squeeze, try all their efforts etc by putting their lives in danger. I am bringing up this issue of having the pointed objects on the barricades, is for the fact that the school children and the public are trying to cross the barricade by stepping on the stones/pipes/fallen electric poles/etc (See photos) to reach the other side, however, if they lose balance/slip their body will pierce into the sharp object. Hope I made a sensible point. As per a street vendor nearby said that a schoolboy trying to jump off the barricade using the help of a lying electric pole was about to fall under a moving auto-rickshaw.
A few days ago a senior citizen who was quite taller was going back and forth trying to cross the other side of the barricade trying to put his feet in between until an auto-driver alerted him not to do so but that was before the Trishulas were erected. Even though there have been complaints from other businesses nearby on vested interests of their own, I think road median barricades/or covered landscape/gardens provided they are done systematically- however, in this case, the barricade sounds okay and definitely NOT THE SHARP OBJECT. Period!