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‘Sailing with Resilience’ Book of MLC Ivan D’Souza’s 4 Year Achievements as Legislator Released

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‘Sailing with Resilience’ Book of MLC Ivan D’Souza’s 4 Year Achievements as Legislator Released

Mangaluru: Every year for the last three years MLC Ivan D’souza has released books of his achievements/accomplishments as a legislator- and this year was no exception. His Fourth Book named ‘Sailing With Resilience’ in English, and ‘Eju Jayesuva Chala’ in Kannada was released during a programme held at Kudla Restaurant Conference Hall-Mangaluru on Tuesday, 13 November 2018. The book was released by Dr A M Narahari-Registrar of St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru, along with MCC Mayor Bhaskar K; Former MCC “Super Mayor” Sashidhar Hegde; Dr K Janardhan Former Registrar Mangaluru University; MCC Deputy Mayor Mohammed Kunjaithbail; Dr Deviprasad Shetty- Director SCDCC Bank; Prof Vasudeva Belle-Kannada Lecturer in a Government Institution; Ms Kavitha D’Souza- Ivan’s wife among others on the dais.

The programme began with a prayer, followed by welcome address by MLC Ivan D’Souza, where narrating his journey of four years as legislator said, “I started my political career in 1984, and it is after 34 years of continued rigorous and dedicated work that I had the opportunity to serve the state as a legislator. Today I remember words of Basavanna, “Work is Worship” which have been my vision and principle as I complete four fruitful years of my service as a legislator. I had made serious efforts to enter the Legislative assembly thrice, and it is only on 24 June 2014 I got the opportunity to enter the Legislative Council”.

“As a legislator, I have raised many questions on various civic issues, and many had been approved by the government and materialized so far. I think I have given my best as a legislator through my service to the community. I have helped many families during the tragedy in their homes and provided financial aid. For my hard work and dedication, CM Siddaramaiah appointed me as Chief Whip of the Council, and I have the position since last two years. I have benefited immensely from my visit to all the 27 districts of the state interacting with people and making them aware of the plans and programs of the govt. I have maintained an impeccable track record of 100% attendance in the sessions of the Council. This is a record. I am determined and committed to serving people with the same vigor and dedication in the future too. I thank all of you for your support and blessings and promise to work for and with you always” added MLC D’souza.

After releasing the book, Dr A M Narahari said, “I have known Ivan D’souza for decades as we have been associated with each other through various projects. He is also an alumnus of St Aloysius College, and I happy to note that he has completed successful four years as a member of Karnataka Legislative Assembly. He has been working with the same passion and zeal with which he started four years ago. He is a go-getter and gets things done with determination and commitment. Unlike many other politicians who fail to demonstrate their duties efficiently, but Ivan has proven that his personality is completely different from the rest. It is only when you have the capacity to dream, you will be an achiever, and Ivan has proved it”.

“For the last four years I have been drafting Ivan’s achievements which are incorporated in a book, and this is the fourth one released today, which I am very proud of His accomplishments as an MLC. As a legislator, he has carried out the onerous responsibility with high efficiency. He has been instrumental in bringing some of the burning issues to the notice of the ministers concerned and most of the grievances have been addressed. Ivan is a people’s man, and he always has the keenness to be with people even outside and beyond the purview of his constituency. Hew has also shown his commitment to the minorities, especially Christians, and ensured that they get their due as per the provisions of the Govt His achievements are quite long to describe, but surely Ivan has made history as a legislator. Wish him all success in his future endeavours”, added Dr Narahari.

Prof Vasudeva Belle and Mayor Bhaskar K also spoke and commended Ivan D’souza’s contribution to the society, and his achievements as a legislator. The book release ceremony was graced by his well,-wishers, many Catholic priests, friends and relatives. The programme was compered by Nagendra Kumar- an Ex-MCC Corporator.

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5 years ago

Foremost among his achievements is his annual celebration of “Tipu Jayathi”. Hope you include this every year as I feel your constituents, in particular the Christians will be very proud of you.

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