Saudi girl shocks family by falling in love with Indian expat

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KSA (Emirates247): A Saudi girl has shocked her parents when she revealed to them that she is in love with an Indian expatriate and wanted to marry him.

The furious father quickly went to the lover’s employer and tried to persuade him to deport the man but his attempts have failed, according to a local newspaper.

The 23-year-old girl, identified as NM, told her family that she insists on marrying the Indian, who works as a delivery man at a shop in a mall in capital Riyadh.

‘Sada’ daily said the girl revealed that she met the man at the mall and that she had been in touch with him for a while.

“She told her mother that she fell in love with the Indian man after he filled her life with love…the mother quickly informed her husband,” the paper said.

“The father considered this against local traditions…so he hurried to the Indian man’s Saudi employer and asked him to sack the employee and deport him outside the kingdom…but it seems his attempts were in vain.”

According to ‘Sada’, the girl is still determined to marry the Indian expatriate although this is against local habits and the decision was a shock to her family.

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9 years ago

Very socking news.

1 Indian wants to 1 Saudi Girl.

But what is more shocking, is the number of Saudi men marrying Indian woman.

B. N. Pai
9 years ago
Reply to  Jay

Jay:Is shocked at the double standards practiced by Saudi People! What about we, Indians, condemning love jehad by all others, except by people RSS wants to be exempted? Example: 1. The Minister in Vajpayee cabinet and now in Modi cabinet, Mukhtar Abbas Naqui’s wife was a Hindu girl by name Seema. He forcibly converted her to Islam. Example 2. Minister in Vajpayee’s cabinet and a prominent Muslim leader of the BJP, Mr. Shahnavaz Hussain married a Brahmin girl, Renu Sharma, after converting her to Islam! Example 3. Late Mr. Sikanda Bakth, BJP Vice president and Vajpayee appointed Governor of Kerala… Read more »

Narendra Nayak
9 years ago

Hope her head will not get chopped off along with his too.

9 years ago

Love overseas Jihaad now?

9 years ago
Reply to  Drona

Drona, it is love jihaad in reverse in overseas!!!

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

This shows what a backward, tribal society Saudi is!!! Remember – this is the role model worshiped by black-flag Sharia Shaikh. The same backward, tribal Arab men visit old parts of Hyderabaad and malabaar area to marry young Indian brides every year!!

Pincode Pai – I don’t know why you keep posting here when every post of yours has only one agenda of blaming everything on RSS and BJP ?

B. N. Pai.
9 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

Original Duplicate Pai asks, “@Pincode Pai – I do not know why you keep on posting here when every post of yours has only one agenda of blaming every thing on RSS and BJP?” Paimaam, there are two reasons. Sir, first and foremost,you must deny the blames and explain the facts. Instead, you only attack me. why? I have made only true accusations and not false propaganda, as always done by you and your RSS! Just do one thing – that is, please tell which of the allegations made by me is false and explain why. However, the RSS made… Read more »