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Savdhan! Vishram! Sea of Cadets Converge at NCC Training Camp at St Aloysius

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Savdhan! Vishram! Sea of Cadets Converge at NCC Training Camp at St Aloysius

Savdhan! {Attention} Vishram! {Stand At Ease} Sea of Cadets Converge at NCC {National Cadet Corps} 10-Day Annual Training Camp at St Aloysius College {Autonomous}- Mangaluru

Mangaluru: St Aloysius College {Autonomous}-Mangaluru campus looks like a “WAR-ZONE”, with bunch of Lt Col’s, Army Officers, NCC Cadets and many others running around the campus-Except there is NO WAR, instead the NCC cadets all geared up in the training spree, engaged in drill, march past, firing/Rifle training, etc. The 10- day Annual NCC Training Camp for the academic year 2017-18 is in progress at St Aloysius College campus, which commenced from May 21 and will culminate on May 30, 2018. The management and staff of St Aloysius college is happy since the camp is being held in the college premises after 58 years of gap. The Camp is organized in association with NCC Group Head Quarters, Mangaluru and the 18 Karnataka Battalion, NCC, and it is one of the major training activities conducted by the Battalion. The aim of this camp is to acquaint and the train the NCC Cadets with the syllabus and various subjects which are to be imparted to them.

The ‘Aims’ of the NCC laid out in 1988 have stood the test of time and continue to meet the requirements expected of it in the current socio–economic scenario of the country. The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service among young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces.

NCC also tries to Create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated Youth; To Provide Leadership in all Walks of life and be Always Available for the Service of the Nation; To Provide a Suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to Take Up a Career in the Armed Forces’ To Develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure, and Ideals of Selfless Service among the Youth of the Country.

During the inaugural of this NCC Camp on 21 May 2018, while addressing the Cadets and NCC Officers, Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ-Principal of St Aloysius College said, ” NCC plays a Significant Role in Personality Development. Discipline learnt during student life molds one’s personality. National Cadet Corps (NCC) which works with the motto, “Unity & Discipline” has been doing great service to the youth of this nation in this regard. I am happy to announce that St Aloysius College has the privilege of having all the three wings of NCC- Army Wing, Naval Wing and Air Wing”. Commanding Officer Col. Regi Philippose of 18 Karnataka Battalion explained the schedule of the ten day camp and wished that the participating cadets become exemplary citizens of our country.

Administrative Officer of 18 Karnataka Battalion, Lt. Col. Gracian Sequiera, Subedar Major R B Gurung were present on the dais. NCC Officers from the various schools and colleges, Maj.Dr.Radhakrishna Shetty, Capt. G R Bhat, Capt. Shakin Raj, Lt. Sudha Shetty, Lt. Elias Pinto, Lt. Ashok, Chief Officer Jerald Fernandes, First Officer Niranjan Jain, First Officer Ravindranath Shetty, Third Officer Praveen Gowda, JCOs and NCOs were present in the programme. SCUO, Sonika Dechamma welcomed the gathering, CQMS Payal proposed the vote of thanks.

The ten-day rigorous training camp will include military subjects such as drill, map reading, weapon training, field craft, battle craft, firing, PT and yoga. 600 Cadets from 12 colleges and 16 schools belonging to 18 Karnataka Battalion are participating in this camp. The camp activities are being conducted by the officers and PI Staff of the 18 Karnataka Battalion NCC along with ANOs from over 16 schools and 12 colleges. Col. Regi Philipose, Commanding Officer of 18 Karnataka Battalion NCC is the Camp Commander, while the Deputy Camp Commandant is Lt. Col. Gracian Sequiera, the Administrative Officer of 18 Karnataka Battalion NCC.

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 Col. Anil Nautiyal, Group Commander of NCC Group HQ, Mangaluru visited the training camp, where prior to interacting with the cadets, he met Fr Praveen Martis Sj- Principal of St Aloysius College-who later escorted Col. Anil Nautiyal to show the St Aloysius Chapel, also joined by Col. Regi Philipose, Lt. Col. Gracian Sequiera, Lt Col Amit Ashri {Army}, Lt Shakin Raj {ANO-Army Wing}, S/Lt Hariprasad Shetty {ANO-Naval Wing}, and Flying Officer Ashwil Kerkera {ANO- Air Wing}. The whole NCC officers group were astonished at the paintings inside the Chapel, and promised to visit the Chapel again once the painting renovation is done, which is in progress now.

Later Col Anil took a tour around the training area and also made a visit to the NCC Army, NCC Air Wing and NCC Naval Wing Offices based at St Aloysius College, and later took a salute from the NCC cadets. Addressing a large group of cadets, Col Anil Naitiyal said, ” I am happy to note that the training is going on fantastically with loads of activities. I want everyone of you to go in a positive point after the camp, and not with a negative point, like complaining about the food, facilities, no proper bed, etc etc. But you should be lucky to find this training place right in the centre of the city, and also at a prestigious and renowned institution. In the past training camps have been held in remote areas, but everyone was happy with no complaints. Similarly should be case here”.

“Remember that this camp will help you build your physique, your character, your self esteem, and will also make you a better leader of this nation. Someday you may represent your nation to protect from intruders. This camp is shaping you, for your future endeavours. You should be proud of wearing your uniform, which brings uniformity, keeping behind race, religion and creed. You are all one, the Citizens of India, irrespective of caste or creed. Whenever you get an opportunity to take part in NCC activities, grab it and don’t wait, because you may not get a second chance. Make avail of all the opportunities and facilities this camp has to offer. Also in the meantime, take care of your health, drink plenty of water and stay healthy.” added Col Anil.

While concluding Col Anil inspired the cadets and staff alike reflecting on his experiences and motivating factors, which spurred him on to choose a career in the armed forces. He being a former NCC cadet, asked the students to be very active in NCC activities. He urged the students to inculcate some of the qualities like, leadership, discipline, character, compassion, community service etc. He advised the students to pursue a career in the armed forces and asked them to serve their motherland. Col Anil Nautiyal while leaving the college premises praised St Aloysius College and its management for the excellent arrangements and spacious area provided towards this NCC Annual Training Camp.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Col. Regi Philipose, and Lt. Col. Gracian Sequiera shared information pertaining to the Camp, giving elaborate details, like: 10 ANOs, 19 PI Staffs and 8 Civilian Staffs will be present rendering their services throughout the camp. This camp will be attended by nearly 400 male cadets and 200 female cadets of the NCC who have come from various institutions of Dakshina Kannada. During the training camp, there will be physical training, Drill, Weapons training, Firing, Personality Development, Health and Hygiene, Communication Skills, and participation in cultural events. There will also be Map Reading and Battle Craft training. Cadets will be provided the best and hygienic food, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, with expenses borne by NCC HQ.”

“After completion of each year training the cadets will receive certificates- A {First Year}, B {Second Year} and C {Third year}. The ‘C’ Certificate is very useful for anyone when they seek for jobs, since many jobs are reserved for those having C certificates. NCC undertakes Basic Leadership Course, Annual Training camp, Mountaneering Course, Republic Day Camp, Thal Sena Camp {TSC}, Ek Bharath Shresta Bharath Camp, Advance Leadership camp, Youth Exchange Programme, where cadets will have a chance to go abroad, Trekking Camp, among may others. “

“During the annual training camp here, cadets will also have co-curricular activities, sports/games, etc. Rifle training will be given on how to handle .22 Rifles and 5.56 INSAS Rifles. There will also be a rally on 28 May, where we will bring an awareness on Swachh Bharath, Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol etc. Our main intention is to keep the cadets happy during the entire training period, and see that they are also healthy, without anybody getting sick. We are happy with all the facilities and area provided by St Aloysius College. We are also happy to note that the participants here are more than the past annual training camps”.

Speaking on the motto and aim of NCC-ATC, Lt Col Gracian Sequiera said, ” This Camp is to inculcate Unity and Discipline, so that the Cadets become better citizens of this country, and to serve the nation with Integrity and Loyalty. Through such training camps, these cadets would be useful in case of War, so that they can assist in First Aid, Traffic control and other basic needs. The NCC-ATC will also aim at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service among young citizens. It will also provide an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces. And like our NCC pledge says, ‘We the cadets of the national cadet corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizens of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings’- we feel proud of ourselves”.

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