Seon Ashram and Kristharaja Seva Trust get Aid from a Reader of

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“I must be willing to give whatever it takes to do good to others. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true love in me, and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me. It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. For it is in giving that we receive.” ― Mother Teresa

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead “.— Nelson Mandela

“Give yourself entirely to those around you. Be generous with your blessings. A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Mangaluru: In the past through our reports and articles many ashrams, orphanages, non-profit organizations, the poor, the less fortunate have received donations/aid from our readers, who were inspired and motivated by the contents of the reports and articles. At, the members who call themselves as “Team Mangalorean” not only try their best to give the best coverage, but also involve in various community services. When we see a suffering or a sick person lying on the street, we call for help/ambulance and see that the person is taken immediately to the hospital for treatment. Through, many readers and well-wishers have helped those who were seeking help to build houses, need money for their children school expenses, hospital expenses etc etc- and we feel very much blessed for making a difference in their lives. We sincerely thank our well-wishers/readers for their generosity and kind gesture towards the less-privileged people.



Unlike other donors who want their identity revealed and need to be praised, but all our ( well-wishers/donors who have helped those in need having learnt through our website wan t to remain anonymous, and want want nothing in return. Just like this generous senior lady, who read about Seon Ashram article in our website, and came forward to donate a good amount of money in memory of her Late husband- and she wanted no publicity and wanted to remain anonymous. Yours truly on her behalf handed over the cheques to Seon Ashram and also to Kristharaja Seva Trust, since our generous donor/reader was reluctant to be photographed. Quoting, Sir Wilfred Grenfell who had said that the service we render to others is really the rent we pay for our room on this earth. It is obvious that man is himself a traveler; that the purpose of this world is not “to have and to hold” but “to give and serve. Service to the poor and the less-privileged is like doing God’s work.

According to Mathew 25:35-36, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, ….”, we should know that giving is something done voluntarily. Giving should not be done under compulsion, coercion, duress, or conviction. When you do give, you are to give what you have chosen in your heart. Those who take pity on those less fortunate than us are true neighbors and care givers. And for that matter Seon Ashram with the kind contribution and support from donors and well-wishers has been serving the less fortunate and the mentally challenged folks for the last so many years.

Quoting Pope Francis where he tells, “In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed everyone, it is unfathomable that there are so many poor persons. Poverty today is a cry. I believe in the kindness of others, and that I must love them without fear. None of us can think we are exempt from concern for the poor and for social justice. The world tells us to seek success, power, and money; God tells us to seek humility, service, and love.” The joy of being able to bless and give someone you love and care, and to make them smile, is priceless. The satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the lives of others cannot be overstated.

Knowing that you have helped make someone else’s life a little brighter and better is a special feeling, and one that will last with you for a long time. And in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy. So if you are looking for a way to enhance your act of sharing and giving experience, try giving back now. Give to the less fortunate, ashrams, non-profit organizations, needy families and children, and others a feeling of hope, and make a difference in their lives. Among many other ashrams, orphanages, non-profit organizations etc, you can also think of donating to Seon Ashram and Kristharaja Seva Trust.

Seon Ashram Trust- a Home Away from Home for People with Disability

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The vision of ‘Seon Ashram Trust is “To create a supportive environment for a holistic development; To raise the quality of their (Ashram residents) life; To enable them to become self-reliant; and To integrate them with the mainstream society”; and the Objectives of the Trust is “To identify, enroll and rehabilitate mentally challenged individuals who are destitute; To provide shelter for people suffering from depression or who are oppressed or those who are abandoned; To provide minimum with basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care to the inmates; To provide vocational training to the inmates; To provide education to the orphan children; To spread community awareness and participation towards the care of the disabled community; To collaborate with other like-minded institutions, NGOs and individuals to attain Ashram’s common goal”.

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Seon Ashram Trust, located at Gandibagilu in Belthangady Taluq. where the care and love that the founder of the Ashram, UC Paulose, his wife Mary, and his family members show towards the 386 residents ranging from the age group of 1 month old infant to 100-year-old adult is unbelievable and has touched our readers a lot through my article which was published few months ago- the Paulose family nurture and care for these folks just like their family members, irrespective of caste or creed. These residents are with various disabilities like mentally ill, senior citizens who are destitute, widows; children who are orphans; people with physical disability and victims of sexual abuses.

As Jesus had said according to Mathew 25:30 in the Bible, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do, unto me”- with reverence to these words of our Lord, lay person UC Paulose supported by the dedicated family, generous donors and well-wishers, founded this home and ever since its inception has taken good care of the residents just like his own family members. This is a live story of a miracle village, Gandibagilu in DK district, at least for 386 destitute and sick people, whose lives were originally shattered for one reason or the other and were confined to the street corners and railway stations, who had to resort to food from the garbage bins. These people, unwanted by the society, have been and are being, picked up with love and care by an uneducated couple without any of their own income source with only one ambition in life – service to mankind.

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All facilities provided the inmates are obviously free, as all of the beneficiaries are originally orphans and destitute. The Trust completely depends on the caring and sharing individuals and institutions that have supported the organization in the last 16 years and nurtured the humanitarian attributes of the Trustees and the Trust’s staff. There are nearly 30 orphaned children who receive English medium education at the cost of the Ashram. Some charitable and community institutions outside India have also supported the children’s costs. Though the Trust is recognized and approved by the Government, the latter’s financial support is meager and grossly inadequate for the growing costs.

Among the projects at the Trust are the 80-bed Psychiatric Hospital, and also the ashram runs a school “Little Flower English Medium School” at Ranganpalke in Karkala Tq, and also Seon Ashram Hostel at Ranganpalke, for school going children. Among the 386 inmates the Ashram takes care are- Mentally ill-173, Mentally Challenged (Retarded by birth)-77, Aged (Seniors)-62, Child Care (Babies)-19, School going children-30, and Physically handicapped-25. The Ashram has no permanent financial source to feed the ever-increasing number of inmates and depends heavily on the generous donors and benefactors like you. Through increased awareness, some funds are now provided by some NGOs and individual donors.

The efforts made by the Ashram have also drawn the attention of countless people who visit this place, observe the love and care given to the inmates and extend their appreciation for this charitable work. The Government officials and the Non Governmental Organizations have visited the Ashram, appreciated the good work done by this institution and have bestowed several awards to the Ashram and its founder. Every year, Seon Ashram is becoming popular for its self-less service and is drawing the attention of people from far and near. The efforts have also received widespread media attention.The major objective of the institution is to look at the problems faced by people discarded by the society and the concern for the sick and the suffering.

Last Sunday, yours truly along with our well-wisher and her friend made a visit to Seon Ashram- and on the same day there was a medical camp undertaken by Yenepoya Medical College/Hospital-Derlakatte, in association with All Cargo Logistics. The chief guest for the occasion was Surendra Shetty- Head Manager of All Cargo Logistics-Mangaluru Branch, inaugurated the Camp by lighting the traditional lamp, along with guests of honor on the dais namely Tilly Peris- a social worker, Mangaluru; UC Paulose- Founder of Seon Ashram Trust, and Mohammed Razak- Camp coordinator, Yenepoya Medical College. The medical students along with doctors did a check up on the inmates of the Ashram. Sandhya-manager of the Trust, and Jancy- in-charge of Trust office compered the function. After the formal programme, the donation cheque was handed over to UC Paulose on behalf of our well-wisher by yours truly.

U C Paulose in his prayerful appeal to readers says, “With struggles and trials, with the bountifulness of God, through our donors and sponsors, we have been marching ahead to reach out our set goal. Any mission, any vision needs willing hands and generous heart. Every bit of your outstretched charity will be of great value in serving the inmates. We invite your gracious visit to our Ashram and for generous contribution in cash or kind, more or little. Your contribution can also be like : Expenses of one inmate per month at Rs 3450/; sharing a meal with our inmates and make your special day memorable; One child’s Education and Nutrition at Rs 2500 per month; or Contribution can be in the form of groceries and daily basic items. Your donation to our Trust is exempted under 80G of Income tax Act. We along with our inmates, assure our prayers. we have special prayers for your intentions. Thank You”.

The Trust seeks support of all humanitarian and benevolent people and charitable institutions to run this effort to assist the affected and deprived people and to provide them with basic amenities. Large funds are required to provide good living conditions to the inmates and the Trust is struggling to cope with the mounting requirements. Donors may support by way of meeting a child’s education and maintenance cost or the costs related to a mentally retarded adult or towards other daily expenses. Donors may also provide support in kind for the inmates – clothes, toys, equipment, medical supplies etc. The Trust has also plans to facilitate accommodation to 500 Psychiatric patients; To assist and support rehabilitated residents to settle down in life with essential facilities; and To implement child care centre.

Following details are for funds transfer or any other contribution to the Ashram:

DD (Demand Drafts)/ Cheques in favour of “Seon Ashram Trust” by post is possible using the postal address:

Seon Ashram Trust
(A non-government non-religious organization of secular credentials)
Gandi Bagilu Post – Via Kakkinje,
Belthangady Taluk, DK
Karnataka – 574 228

Tel/Fax: +91 8256 235228; +91 824 4252512 (Mangalore office); Mobile: +91 9448011928;
Email:; Website:

Or :

Ashram Bank Account Details :

Domestic (India)

Seon Ashram Trust(R)
Syndicate Bank, Branch Kakkinje
Belthangady T.Q, D.K District, Karnataka
A/C No: 01773070000059
IFSC Code: SYNB0000177, SWIFT Code: SYNBINBB008

Seon Ashram Trust(R)
AXIS Bank, Mangalore,
Branch Essel Tower, Ground Floor, Bunts Hostel Circle Mangalore
A/c No: 077010100127783
IFSC Code: UTIB0000077

3. Foreign Currency (International OR Western Countries) and Through NRI Account directly you can transfer donation to below using this bank account.

Seon Ashram Trust(R)
Syndicate Bank, Branch Kakkinje
Belthangady Taluk, D.K. District, Karnataka
FCRA A/C No: 01773070000082
IFSC Code: SYNB0000177, SWIFT Code: SYNBINBB008

Note: Donations are subject to exemption under Section 80G Of Income Tax 1961.


Christharaja Seva Trust, is a non-profit organization which was started 12 years ago, with the main purpose to offer prayers for the purpose to proclaim God’s word to all his children and to give good news to the generation, with the help of its members. So, on 1st March 2006, the Christharaja Seva Trust was registered with No. BLT-4-00065-2005- 06. A monthly magazine called “Antharangada Ale” was brought out on 6th November 2008, with nearly 1000 subscribed readers. In the beginning prayers were held in Badhiyar from 2005-2008- later the prayers were held on the rooftop of residence of Valerian and Violet D’Souza in Ujire, from the year 2008-2015.


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Last year, on a 3 acre land purchased through various donations from well-wishers/benefactors a prayer house was built in ‘Assisi Nagar’-Gumpalaje in Belthangady Taluk, which was blessed and inaugurated by Bishop of Belthangady, His Excellency Bishop Rev Dr Lawrence Mukkuzhy and the journal ” Antharangada Ale” was released by Karnataka State Director of ICYM- Rev.Fr.Franklin D’Souza in 2008. On 11 February, 2016 a new grotto was blessed and inaugurated by Rev Fr Bonaventure Nazareth-PP Belthangady Wardo. The Trust is managed by three lay persons namely-V.C.Varghese Alias Jose Vernoor-Managing Trustee; Bro. Michael Veigas- Trusty and Bro. John P.T.- Trustee.



Since its inception, the Trust has organized various activities namely- on 11-12-2006, De-addiction Camp in Badyar, Belthangady Taluk, Mangaluru and Kerala; On 13-03-2007 and 14-03-2007, Youths Camps were held in in Badyar, with many Youths from Belthangady participated; For the Mentally disordered and poor orphanage persons, the Trust arranged camp in Badyar on 4 March 2006; On 02-08-2009, in various locations of Belthangady area , large number of Youths attended the Unemployment camp in Badyar.

The Trust members are seeking help from well-wishers/donors since they are planning to build a : Retreat Centre; Small hospital for the poor with about 150 beds; a Ashram for the Bachelors; To create a Rosary Group; and to build a studio for relay of prayers through T.V. Channel to proclaim the words of God- because in this society, so many people are desired to find their life, for to those the Trust wants to give God’s message and proclaiming God’s word to built a God’s Kingdom.

A cheque was handed over to Managing Trustee VC Varghese by yours truly on behalf of our ( well-wisher/reader , which was very much appreciated by rest of the board members of the Trust. If any one of our readers want to extend their support/financial contribution can do so by contacting the following Trust members or remit funds directly to the trust account :

V.C.Varghese Alias Jose Vernoor Managing Trusty Mobile No.9449164146 E-mail id: ; Bro. Michael Veigas Trusty Mobile no.9449953980 E-mail id: ; Bro. John P.T. Trusty Ph.No. 08256-318319
Christharaja Seva Trust Web site:

The Trust Bank Account Details :
S.B. A/C No: 2749101002521
IFSC Code : CNRB0002749
Canara Bank-Belthangady

Trust Postal Address:

“Assisi Nagar”, Gumpalaje, Belthangady Post, Belthangady Tq-574214

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9 years ago

One of the biggest business type for people to venture into, with zero investment, is charity. Charity brings in big money. And most countries waive tax on funds collected by the charities. But more contributors do not ever try to find out who the members of the charity trust are! Usually the charities do not disclose the trust members. In those rare instances where you get to find out the details, it is a huge family business. I knew a woman whose brothers and mother were the trust members. And she printed booklets to distribute how she was creating an… Read more »