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Serving the Lord, Fr. Sebastian Mathias of Lucknow Diocese celebrates Golden Jubilee

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Serving the Lord, Fr. Sebastian Mathias of Lucknow Diocese celebrates Golden Jubilee

“Dear Heavenly Father, open My life and let it shine. So all may know, that I am thine. Give me the courage to say a Word, to all I meet, for you, Dear Lord. Help me to show by my very religious life, what it means to be a Catholic Priest” – Fr Sebastian Mathias

Mangaluru: The Golden Jubilee of Fr. Sebastian Mathias from Lucknow Diocese was celebrated at St Joseph’s Cathedral Church – Lucknow on the 21st of October. Along with Fr. Sebastian Mathias, Fr Sylvester Sequiera also celebrated his Golden Jubilee and three new priests Fr. Anup Lakra, Fr. Nirmal Baxla and Fr. Praveen Moras were ordained, on the same day. The highlight of the day was the presence of five guest Bishops at the Ordination Mass and the Felicitation programme and the Dinner thereafter.

Archbishop Albert D’Souza of Agra, Bishop Oswald Lewis of Jaipur, Bishop Ignatius D’Souza of Bareilly, Emeritus Bishop Ignatius Menezes of Ajmer and Emeritus Bishop Isidore Fernandes brought joyful Episcopal presence to the ceremonies along with Bishop Gerald of Lucknow. While Archbishop Albert D’souza was the Main Celebrant, the Ceremony and the Homily were given by Bishop Gerald of Lucknow. There was a Felicitation Programme after the Mass, followed by a sumptuous dinner in the Campus of St. Francis College.

As Fr Sebastian completes his 50 long years as religious life, He did it with full assistance of God. So it would be right to call this achievement of His religious life, a fulfillment of God’s plan in his life and of course it does not stop here-it continues till His last breath. Fr Sebastian deserves mine and yours congratulations and good wishes while He celebrated His Golden Jubilee serving Christ. He has lived for fifty long years in true religious manner, true to his commitment, and being true and obedient in serving Christ Jesus. It is said that the life of a religious person may be compared to a building of a Cathedral-once a firm foundation has been laid, the building rises slowly. It is true with the life of Fr Sebastian, where He built his house on the rock like a wise man so he was able to preserve it for so many years and this foundation he received in his family itself.

He was born in Pangla, Udupi on 20 January 1943 to Ignatius Mathias, who lived a principled life, and Ms. Elizabeth Mathias, who was a loving and caring lady, belonging to St. John Evangelist Church. The couple brought up their children with piety and deep faith in Almighty, and both being a God fearing and loving parents, Fr Sebastian had a very spiritual and moral upbringing, which also motivated Him to serve the children of God. It is at home that the seed of religious life was sown in him.

Fr Sebastian’s mission has been very clear in life, to reach the least in society in the remotest places in the world and to uplift them with basic needs of life: shelter, food, clothing and education. He lives an austere, detached and prayerful life, and is hailed as the friends of poor. His followers, friends, students, colleagues and well wishers are proud of his achievements. It is not for completing 50 years as a Priest, but because for living those years with love of poor. Fr Sebastian who is a person of courage, strong faith, values, ideals, love, and years of wisdom makes him who he is. He always stands up for what is true and what is right and knows what is truly important in life. His spiritual life bears witness to the joy of loving, the dignity of every human person, the value of little things done faithfully and the surpassing worth of faith in God. We simply should adore his qualities and ideals, thereby accepting him as a role model in our lives.

These are the Big achievements of Fr. Mathias: 1959: Joined St. Paul’s Minor Seminary – Lucknow; 19th October, 1968: Ordained as a priest in St. Vincent Ferrer Church – Valencia, by Bishop Basil Dsouza; 12-July-1969: Coordinator – St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Lucknow; 12-January-1971: Vice Rector – St. Paul’s Seminary, Dilkusha; 30-April-1974: Parish Priest – St. Francis, Nainital; 22-July-1979: Higher studies in Systematic Theology – Rome; 1979: Professor at Allahabad Seminary; 1989: Assistant to the Deputy Secretary General CBCI – Delhi; 10-January-1991: Parish Priest – St. James, Hardoi; 27-April-1992: Principal – Cathedral School, Lucknow; 11-April-1997: Parish Priest and Principal – Don Bosco, Lakhimpur; 05-April-1999: Parish Priest and Principal – St. Ann’s, Palia; 31-December; 2003: Parish Priest – St. Dominic Savio, Indiranagar; 18-December-2008: Chaplain – Holy Cross, Khairabad; 24-December-2014: Parish Priest – Nitya Sahaya Matha Church, Gaurabagh.

“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. A Psalm of David-The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. …”Fr Sebastian encouraged the gathering to have faith in God for everything good to happen in their lives, and without Him life is incomplete, He said.

In conclusion, now that Fr Sebastian Mathias has reached his Golden Jubilee year and moves into a new spiritual landscape I and Team Mangalorean/Mangalorean.com join you all and pray that He will with a new energy and deeper joy, celebrate ‘the breadth and the length, the height and the depth’ of Christ in his life. This is a Holy time, a time to ‘listen thickly’ and be fully present to the mystery that holds him. Who can tell the treasures the Lord has in store for Him, the gifts still hidden in his heart? Who can know the wonders that the love of Christ, ‘which is beyond all knowledge’ will open for Him? We, and He, can only pray to Jesus Christ, ‘Glory be to him…’ May He journey well, as He embraces the whole of His life, the weave of youth and maturity, May God grant Him good health so that He continues to serve the Lord till His last breath. May He be an inspiration and role model for all of us on our religious journey.

While our blessings and our prayers go with you, Dear Fr Sebastian Mathias on this your Golden Jubilee year, let me end this column with the thought-provoking lyrics from the psalm: “I will sing forever of your love, O Lord.” –

“I will sing forever of Your love, O Lord
I will celebrate the wonder of Your name
For the word that You speak is a song of forgiveness
And a song of gentle mercy and of peace

Let us wake at the morning and be filled with Your love
And sing songs of praise all our days
For Your love is as high as the heavens above us
And Your faithfulness as certain as the dawn

I will sing forever of Your love, O Lord
I will celebrate the wonder of Your name
For the word that You speak is a song of forgiveness
And a song of gentle mercy and of peace

I will sing forever of Your love, O Lord
For You are my refuge and my strength
You fill the world with Your life-giving spirit
That speaks Your word
Your word of mercy and of peace”.

Note: Few details on His Uncle Fr Sebastian, was contributed by Alban Mathias

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