Shala Prarambhothsava! It’s Back to School Again for Kids in City

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Shala Prarambhothsava! It’s Back to School Again for Kids in City

“Back To School Again”Spending my vacation in the summer sun, Gettin’ lots of action and a lots of fun. Scorin’ like a bandit ’til the bubble burst -Suddenly it got to be June First. Woe is me, all summer long I was happy and free. Save my soul, the board of education took away my parole. I gotta go back, back, back to school again. You won’t find me ’til the clock strikes three; I’m gonna be there ’til then…I gotta go back, back, back to school again. Whoa, whoa, I gotta go… back to school again!- Lyrics of song “Back to School Again” from movie “Grease”

Mangaluru: Yes, the children are back to school again! Some turned up with sleepy eyes, others were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on the first day of the school. After nearly two months’ holidays, thousands of school students, hauled out of cozy beds, battled dank weather and morning traffic to return to school today, 1 June 2017. While few schools started functioning on 30 or 31 May, but many opened back on 1 June.

Meanwhile, during the last few days bookstores and stationary section of grocery/department stores were flooded with parents and anxious students who were waiting to buy their textbooks and stationery. Everybody was anxious to buy their favorite color of pens, fancy note books, etc etc- it was once again that time of the year that the parents had shell out some of their hard earned on their kids school supplies. After the fun and indulgences of the holiday season, going back to school can be a less than thrilling prospect for kids. And the parents are all ready to put their kids back to school on the right foot.

The holidays are over and by now most children have already worn out the batteries in their electronic gadgets and smart phones. So maybe it’s just as well that they’re back to school. And for parents after a few weeks with the kids at home, it’s quite possible that their return to school is a cause for celebration … but hold that thought! Before you get too carried away, the prospect of going back to school can be less than exciting, and sometimes even demotivating for kids, resulting in lower grades and even lost friendships. So parents set up an action plan to start your kids off on the right foot this year!

I always loved the first day of school. Excited children with scrubbed faces and brand-new backpacks stream onto the freshly waxed floors of the school. Their bright eyes reflect my own feelings of excitement and anticipation. It’s June, and another school year has begun. First-day doors open onto hectic activity. In the preceding week, staff meetings cluttered with “administrivia” interrupted teachers’ busy preparation of their classrooms. The hiring of new staff/teachers had to be planned and finalized. And even on that first day, the “urgent” pile on teachers desk dwarfs the “to do” pile!

School is a Privilege, Teach Your Children to Appreciate It- Every child’s school experience is unique and you may find you have two different perspectives about school in one household. Parents, treat your children as the individuals that they are and remember, the most important thing about getting them back to school is that they benefit from their education. Communication, planning and remembering that school is a privilege and not a punishment are three great ways to get all your children back on the right track for a successful school year in 2017-18!

Shala Prarambhothsava at Mount Carmel Central School:

But the first day of school never loses its magic. Amid all the preparation and administration, the real reason for school makes an appearance as the students pour into the halls, ready to learn and eager to meet new teachers and friends. The students’ energy echoes the enthusiasm of teachers and the relief of many parents. And that was the scene at Mount Carmel central school-Maryhill, where the children back to school were escorted by their parents, and later tried to mingle with their teachers and classmates, whom they had missed for few weeks while on holidays.

The new academic year 2017-18 began with a prayer song led by a bevy of students. In her message to the students, school principal-Sr Melissa AC said, ” I am happy to see you all back with smiling faces, and bubbling with enthusiasm. Now that you are all back again at school after fun-filled holidays, there is a whole lake of things for you to learn and that you must work very hard to empty as much of that lake of knowledge into your brains as possible. Concentrate on your studies, don’t get distracted while learning, respect your teachers and learn good morals. Always look forward to be a good student and aim high in your studies, thereby bring laurels to your school. Wish you all a very successful academic year, and may God bless you all.”

Sr Carissima AC,the Administrator who in her message to the children said, ” I welcome you all to yet another academic year. Just like you listened and obeyed your parents at home during the holidays, it’s time for you now to learn, listen and obey your teachers. You need to excel in studies, develop good characters, and grow to be a good human being. I wish you all success in your studies, may you all come out in flying colors in your academics, and bring pride and glory to your institution”. The chief guest for the occasion, Sr Sylvette AC- Retd. Professor of Geography at st Agnes College, Mangaluru inaugurated the two new classrooms at the School, while Sr Carissima AC, inaugurated the other two classrooms.

Armed with new books and stationery, a VI std student said that she was happy to be back. “The first day of school is always exciting as we have new teachers. It is also great fun as they don’t teach lessons on day one,” said the chirpy 11-year-old. Yet another X std student said that he was excited to be back at school and be with his classmates whom he missed for nearly two months.” It will be fun all over again, I am happy to be back at school. School life rocks!” he said with excitement.

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