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Showcase India’s culture around the world, PM Modi tells IFS officer trainees

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Showcase India’s culture around the world, PM Modi tells IFS officer trainees

New Delhi:  Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asked officer trainees of the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) to carry the country’s culture with “pride and dignity” and showcase it on their postings abroad, a PMO statement said.

The Prime Minister also urged them to expand their engagement with the Indian diaspora.

The PM made the remarks as the officer trainees of the 2023 IFS batch, comprising 36 officer trainees from 15 states and Union Territories, called on him at his official residence on 7, Lok Kalyan Marg.

As the trainee IFS officers praised the success of foreign policy under the leadership of the Prime Minister and sought suggestions and guidance from him on their upcoming assignments, PM Modi suggested that “they should always carry with them the culture of the country with pride and dignity and try to showcase it wherever they are posted”.

He also stressed the need to overcome the colonial mindset in all spheres of life, including personal conduct, and instead carry themselves as proud representatives of the country.

The Prime Minister also discussed how the perception of the country is changing on the global stage.

“Now we engage with the world on equal footing, with mutual respect and dignity,” he said, as per the statement.

The Prime Minister also cited how India handled the Covid pandemic in comparison to other nations, as he proudly mentioned the country’s onward march to become the third largest economy of in the world.

He also suggested the officer trainees to expand their engagement with the Indian diaspora when posted abroad, the statement added.


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