Silver Celebrations of Velankanni Matha Novena in Vorkady

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Silver Celebrations of Velankanni Matha Novena in Vorkady

Vorkady: Completion of 25 years of Novena to Our Lady of Velankanni was solemnly celebrated in Sacred Heart Church Vorkady on 26th of February 2016. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, the Bishop of Mangalore presided over the Eucharistic celebration and led the Novena to Our Lady of Velankanni.

The Eucharist was preceded by honouring devotees and Velankanni matha procession. “The faithful who are gathered in the name of Mary need to inculcate the good virtues of Mary and build a community of love and service,” said the Bishop of Mangaluru on the occasion.

The Bishop was honoured by the parishioners of Vorkady on the occasion of Bishop’s triple jubilee of episcopacy, life and priesthood. Kasaragod district development committee chairman Harshad Vorkady, Vorkady Panchayat president Abdul majid, panchayat members and others were present on the occasion. Sarvajanika anna santharpanne was held on the occasion. The cultural evening was held on the same evening under the leadership of Catholic Sabha, Vorkady unit. Fr Peter Serrao, Fr Jaison Donald D’Souza, Sr Bibiyana Norhona, Parish Vice President Rony D’Souza and Fr Francis Rodrigues addressed the gathering.

The Parish Council secretary Jayaprakash D’Souza welcomed the gathering and Ivan D’Souza delivered the vote of thanks. Catholic Sabha Secretary Rita D’Souza enumerated the parish activities. Robin D’Souza and Lavita D’Souza compered the programme. Sr Jerosa Fernandes, Sr Prescilla D’Cunha and others were present on the occasion. Different educational institutes and parish association organisations presented the cultural show. Tulu-comedy drama ‘mujinedhaye Era? (who is the third one) a suspense comedy produced by Dayaravi was enacted by a professional team of actors ‘Vaishanvi Kalavidaru Manjeshwar. More than 3000 devotees participated in the celebrations.

Submitted by: Fr Francis Rodrigues, Photos by: Cyprian D’Souza

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