Home Agency News Spare an hour for reading book daily: Maha Guv’s advice to students

Spare an hour for reading book daily: Maha Guv’s advice to students

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Spare an hour for reading book daily: Maha Guv’s advice to students

Pune: Maharashtra Governor C.P. Radhakrishnan on Wednesday suggested the students to dedicate an hour daily to reading a printed book to refresh the mind and gaining new knowledge.

Radhakrishnan said this during his address to the students of COEP Tech University during the first convocation ceremony of the institution.

During the convocation, successful students of civil engineering, computational sciences, electrical and communications engineering, school of mechanical and materials engineering and transdisciplinary sciences and management were awarded with the degrees.

“It is a great day for the students who got the Degree Certificate today because their name has been recorded in the history for being the ones to get it in the first convocation of the University but now it is the time for the students to create a new history in the future. The discipline and enthusiasm of the students here has given me confidence that they will shine soon. I particularly liked the fact that a lady staff member who heads the board of examination was leading the convocation procession. This indicates the inclusiveness and the involvement of women power in functioning of the University,” said the Governor.

The Governor said that a Tribal University is being set up in the state.

“We need to give modern education to the Tribals who live in their own isolation to make them competent. Economic development is necessary, focus should be on the micro economy because it can create wealth. Everyone talks theoretically about poverty eradication but our Prime Minister Narendra Modi concentrates more on the implementation of the schemes for poverty eradication,” he said.

In his speech Pramod Chaudhari, Chairman of the Board of Governance, said: “COEP has collaborated with KPMG to shape up its positioning as a world class institute. COEP gets the top preference even among the students from other states when they think of engineering in Pune. All those who are passing out today must keep the legacy and values of COEP in mind in their future journey.”


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