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Special School Kids Prove they Too are Best Scouts and Guides

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Special School Kids Prove they Too are Best Scouts and Guides

St Agnes Special School-Bendore Children prove that they Too are the Best Scouts-Guides-Bulbuls-Cubs

Mangaluru: If you’re like I was and have never been involved with scouting or Guides or Bulbul or Cubs, you probably have the impression that all these are about about camping and testosterone and that there is absolutely no place for differently-abled children. I’m here to tell you that this view is completely wrong, that scouts/Guides/Bulbul/Cubs lay much of the crucial groundwork for life skills and that in many respects, it’s probably far more important than school for kids with invisible differently-abled and general social difficulties.

The Principal and the group leaders are often your first contact with a scout or any other groups. They may be cautious about a new special need but they need to also be accepting. One of the most critical components of the scouting/Guides/Bulbuls/Cubs movement is the credo “do your best”. It’s all about doing your personal best. It recognizes that some people have more developed skills than others while simply encouraging everyone to try as hard as they can. These groups isn’t about trying and failing, it’s about supporting your peers as they do their very best.


As kids progress through scouts/Guides/Bulbuls/Cubs they are given greater and greater amounts of independence from the adult leaders while still retaining a leadership structure within the ranks. Through camps and other programmes which consists of cooking, general knowledge, safety skills. games etc. take the kids through in-depth life skills and other activities. Not just regular kids, even the children with disabilities can do better being in Scouts, Guides, Bulbuls and Cubs- and the children of St Agnes Special School, Bendore-Mangaluru proved through their various skills that they too can fair well like others.

St. Agnes Special School had their annual Scouts, Guides, Bul Buls and cubs camp on 4 November- The day began with the inauguration of the camp at 9 am by the District Commissioner for scouts-Ramashesha Shetty, District Guide commissioner Mrs.Irine D’Cunha, and District Organizer Bharath Raj K. After the flag-hoisting, these three distinguished guests were all very much appreciative of the way the students responded and the dedicated services of the staff in giving opportunity to the Differently-abled children to excel in everything. They said that Differently-abled kids are just like regular kids, and they too can excel in academics and co-curricular activities if proper guidance and training. And they praised the management and teaching faculty of St Agnes Special School for transforming these differently-abled kids to do better like normal kids.

The camp had activities such as cooking without fire, Adventurous games, Traffic rules, Kit preparation and treasure hunt. The Circle inspector Kadri, Suresh deputed R.K Gavara (SI) and Dayanada to explain the traffic rules and uses of Interceptor assisted by Shrishaila and Imthiyaz. The Scouts, Guides, Bul Buls and Cubs took part in every activity with great enthusiasm. Apart from learning how to cook without fire, practice of cleanliness, creating flower Rangoli, the children also involved in various games and adventure activities.

After a two-day hectic activities, fun and frolic, the camp came to an end at 3.00 pm with lowering of the flag by the Principal of St Agnes special school-Sr. Maria Shruthi. It was indeed a fruitful day for all of the Staff and students of this prestigious School, which has brought laurels in various co-curricular activities.

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