St Aloysius B. Ed College Hosted its 12th Annual Day in Glamour

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St Aloysius B. Ed College Hosted its 12th Annual Day in Glamour

Mangaluru: St Aloysius B. Ed College, a leading institute of teacher training of the city, conducted its 12th Annual Day here. It was an occasion of celebration and festivity when the students presented their wonderful performances. Narendra Nayak, President, Federation of Indian Rationalist Association, was the Chief Guest. In his address he said, Education must promote Scientific Temper in the students. ‘Scientific Temper’ means the attitude of the scientist emphasizing that nothing in the world should be taken for granted or accepted on the basis of blind faith without it being subjected to a test of reason. Scientific Temper thus stresses investigation, seeks proofs without any bias or prejudice. He said that we must cultivate a disposition of an attitude which relies on analysis, questioning and reasoning to arrive at a judgment or conclusion, or thought in relation to matters of everyday life. He also urged the students to uphold the ideals and values enshrined in the Constitution.

Rev. Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ, Rector, St Aloysius College Institutions, presided over the function. In his presidential address he applauded the holistic concept of Jesuit education implemented in the College in preparing the teacher trainees in view of the present trends. On this occasion Rev. Fr Eric Mathias SJ, Director of the College was felicitated in recognition of his service towards the College and to the marginalized. Mrs Delna Lob, Vice-Principal expressed appreciation on behalf of the staff and the students. In his message he spoke about developing a vision for the future and that education should instill fervour to commit oneself to the betterment of the society.

Dr Mrs Farita Viegas, Principal, presented the Annual Report through a Video highlighting the academic achievements, success and services to the society during the academic year 2017-18. Students who fetched credit to the College in the Annual Inter B. Ed College Athletic Competitions conducted by the Mangalore University were acknowledged with certificates. Mrs Sandhya, Lecturer, read the list of prize winners. The celebration began with the invocation of a prayer song led by Amit D Souza SJ followed by welcome dance by Shwetha and her team.

The cultural element of the celebration had consisted of a Kannada Skit titled ‘Parisaradolagina Mane-Mana’, highlighting the deterioration of the five elements of the nature by man’s constant exploitation in the environment, ‘Hamare Asthithw Ka Ek Darpan’-a theme based dance, a fusion dance and an eastern song. Amit SJ, President Students’ council, welcomed the gathering. Mrs Joshna B, Convenor, introduced the Chief Guest to the audience. Lehara BS rendered the vote of thanks. Nelson D Souza and Vanshika Mathias anchored the programme. Mrs Joshna B, Staff Coordinator organized the event.

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