St Aloysius B. Ed College observes Harmony Day

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St Aloysius B. Ed College observes Harmony Day

Mangaluru: St Aloysius B. Ed College, a premier institute of teacher education celebrated Harmony Day with the objective of developing harmony within the self and with nature around. Brahma Kumari Vishweshwari, a member of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Urwa, Mangaluru, was the chief guest of the programme. On this occasion she said, one of the most essential conditions for people in today’s context is the need for harmony within oneself and to be transformed into radiant lights which in turn enkindle others. When a person has harmony within he would be able to radiate it in the family and society. Such a person will also establish a harmonious relationship with nature. God is the supreme power. One should connect to the supreme power to attain harmony-she added.

In the presidential address, Rev. Fr Dr Leo D Souza SJ, Director, Laboratory of Applied Biology, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), stressed upon the need for harmonious relationship among human beings and with nature. The way we humans are using nature is tremendously destructive. As a result of this natural calamities occur. The economic development has made people selfish which have lead to a lack in harmony among one another. He applauded their inherent goodness in people that was evident when people all irrespective of religion and political alliance got together and sought to help the victims of the floods in Kerala and kodagu. He said the question to ponder is why one waits for a calamity to express goodness that is within us

Students enacted a skit on the theme ‘everyone belongs.’ Dr Mrs Farita Viegas, Principal, administered an oat pledging harmony. Benica BS and group invoked God’s blessings, Wilma rendered the welcome address, Usha introduced the chief guest, Priyanka proposed the vote of thanks and Anam compered the programme.

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Jovita Dsouza
6 years ago

Really a wonderful programme to spread d message among the people to lead a life based on Harmony ….and apply the same to protect our nature….A good initiative taken by the lectures n students of St Aloysius B.ed college..

Haleema Tanveera
6 years ago

Good job! Congratulations my dear lecturers and juniors….keep the spirit of harmony glowing throughout your life.