Home Mangalorean News Local News St Aloysius College Hr Pry school Karangalpady celebrates Kannada Rajyotsava

St Aloysius College Hr Pry school Karangalpady celebrates Kannada Rajyotsava

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St Aloysius College Hr Pry school Karangalpady celebrates Kannada Rajyotsava


Mangaluru: St Aloysius College Hr Pry school Karangalpady celebrated Kannada Rajyotsava on Thursday 1st November in the school hall.

Dayananda Rai a well-known advocate in the city was the chief guest. He was escorted with the school band by the Headmistress Philomena Lewis, the PTA Vice President Rekha Fernandes to the auditorium. Since it is one of the biggest celebrations in the state, we celebrated it with great pomp and show. A spectacular programme was staged by the tiny tots of std 3. The state Anthem was sung with great respect and pride.

In his message, the chief guest placed before the audience a brief history of our state. He requested the gathering to love and to respect the state, its language and its culture. He appreciated all the school activities and felt happy to be a part of the programme. The programme concluded by singing “Jai Bharatha Jananiya Thanujathe”. Sweets were distributed to everyone present.

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