Home Mangalorean News Local News St Aloysius Gonzaga Schools hosts VII Annual Sports Meet 2018-19

St Aloysius Gonzaga Schools hosts VII Annual Sports Meet 2018-19

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St Aloysius Gonzaga Schools hosts VII Annual Sports Meet 2018-19


Mangaluru: The Seventh Annual Sports Day of St Aloysius Gonzaga School was celebrated on 17th November 2018 amidst great gaiety, verve and camaraderie. Mr Manju M K, National level Athlete was the Chief Guest. Rev.Fr Melwin Mendonca S J, Manager of the school, Mrs. Grace Noronha, Principal, Rev. Fr Leo D’souza SJ, Director of Bio-Technology Department of St Aloysius College, Press and Parents were the dignitaries present on the occasion.

As the dignitaries arrived, the four houses – Red House dedicated to Rani Abbakka, Queen of Ullal, Blue House named after Swami Vivekananda, most influential figure and youth Icon of India, Green House, representing Jagadish Chandra Bose, a renowned scientist of our country, Yellow House in the name of Rabindranath Tagore who was a great poet, educationist, philosopher novelist and composer, marched proudly to the beat of the school band. This was entailed by the unfurling of the school flag by the Chief Guest. The Principal, Physical Education Teachers along with the sport prefects accompanied the Chief Guest to receive the guard of honour.

The programme commenced with the rendition of a prayer song by the school choir. The Principal welcomed the guests and gathering formally. It was followed by the lighting of the flame by the school’s Sports prefects. The Chief Guest was introduced by Mrs Shailaja to the gathering. Addressing the students, the Chief Guest shared his experiences of childhood in sports and advised the students to participate in sports, than spending time on mobile games.

The manager of our school Rev. Fr Melwin Mendonca S J in his presidential address opined that sports is a very important part of education because it makes students disciplined. He urged students to participate in sports with sincerity. Next was the declaration of the Meet open by the Chief Guest, marking the commencement of the ceremony, by releasing colourful balloons, to mark the expression of joy and rejoicement. Thereafter, the Sports prefect Sachin Santhosh of class X administered the oath to the students. Ms Vidya Esther proposed the Vote of thanks.

The track events commenced including 100m, 200m 400m and 800m races, discuss throw, shot put and long jump. The spectators encouraged the students with a huge round of applause. The most intriguing aspect, embellishing the events, was the relay races, involving team of athletes from each house which was admired by everyone with a loud cheer. After the events was the Closing Ceremony with Rev Fr Melwin Pinto, the acting Rector of St Aloysius Institutions and the Director of Radio Saarang, as the Chief Guest. In his speech he expressed his feelings that losing has also a purpose. Participation is more important than winning. The school flag was lowered by the Chief Guest and was handed over to the Physical Education teacher after a slow march by the sports prefects, then to the Principal and the Chief Guest.

The Red House was adjudged the Best House, in the March Past and the Green House the second. The overall championship was bagged by the Red House. The zealous parents, who gathered in large numbers, constantly applauded the participants of the Field track displays. The programme was compered by Mrs. Jacintha D’Costa and Fr Amit D Souza.

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