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St Aloysius ITI hosts Farewell Programme for Outgoing students

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St Aloysius ITI hosts Farewell Programme for Outgoing students

 Mangaluru : Farewell programme was organised for the outgoing students of St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute on 19th July, 2019. The programme commenced with a prayer song. Vincent Mendonsa, Principal of the institution accorded a cordial welcome. Two of the outgoing students Gyaral Lobo of MMV trade and Shameer of Electrician trade shared their experience in the institution and thanked the institution for providing excellent opportunities to shape the personality of the students in addition to providing technical training.

Fr Michael John SJ- Director of Asha Kiran was the Chief Guest of the programme. Addressing the students he said, ” You were not sure what to expect when you joined the institution. But, today you have clarity regarding the path of your life. You have become technically qualified and ready to build your own future. I congratulate you for the achievement. Your teachers and parents have contributed greatly to your formation. Goal is important in life. Never leave the goal to be out of sight. Be like sugar and sweeten every one’s life around you. Try to build your life around the four pillars- learn to learn, learn to do, learn to live together and learn to contribute”.

The outgoing students were felicitated and certificates were distributed to them. In his Presidential address Rev Fr Cyril Lobo SJ- Director of the institution said, ” As it is important to learn balancing skill to ride a bicycle, it is important to have balance in life. It is not enough to have qualification, money, etc. You should also have good values and soft skills. When there is balance in life, the life becomes meaningful and fruitful. As you work for yourself, you should also work for the betterment of others and society. I congratulate the faculty members for working selflessly in shaping your personality. It is not an easy job. Be grateful to your teachers and the institution. I wish you all the best. Reach greater heights in life”.

Mohammad- a student of MMV trade proposed vote of thanks. After the formal programme, cultural programme was presented by junior students

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