St Aloysius ITI pays Homage to the Departed Souls of 2 ‘Respectful, Helpful and Cheerful’ Students

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St Aloysius ITI pays Homage to the Departed Souls of 2 ‘Respectful, Helpful and Cheerful’ Students

St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute (SAITI) pays Homage to the Departed Souls of 2 ‘Respectful, Helpful and Cheerful’ Students- Charan Shreyan (18) and Mohammed Noushar (also 18), both 2nd Year Motor Mechanic Course classmates, who died in a tragic bike accident on Sunday 7 October.

Mangaluru: The family members of both the youngsters are devastated; the Director, Principal, Teachers, staff and students, especially their classmates at St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute are also totally devastated, at the tragic death of two young boys, Charan Shreyan and Mohammed Noushar, who were dreaming big to have a better Career and Better Future after their Technical Course- but all in vain. Their dreams were shattered when they met with a deadly accident between a KSRTC bus and their motor-bike near Jakribettu in Bantwal on Sunday, 7 October.

Mohammed Noushar and Charan Shreyan 

Charan Shreyan hails from Kudupu and Mohammed Noushar from Dandegoli in Vamadapadav. As per police reports, the accident occurred when the duo were heading towards historical Karinja temple from B C Road when a KSRTC bus hit their bike from the wrong side. Immediately the locals shifted the duo trapped under the bus with serious injuries to a private hospital in Mangaluru. The locals who rushed to help had a hard time to pull both the youth trapped under the bus. But they both succumbed to injuries failing to respond to treatment. As soon as the news reached the Institute, many teachers and students rushed to the hospital.

A condolence meeting to pay homage to the departed souls of these two young boys was held at St Aloysius ITI Terrace Hall on Tuesday, 9 October, where the Director, Principal, Teachers, Staff and students gathered to pay their respect to their “Two Family Members”-because at SAITI everyone considers themselves as Family Members, a tradition and gesture adopted and initiated by Fr Eric Mathais SJ, the Director of SAITI. The Condolence gathering began with a thoughtful prayer led by Wilson, one of the faculty at SAITI, and everyone gathered repeated the verses after him. Principal od SAITI Vincent Mendonsa gave a brief profile and the characters of both the students while they were at the Institute.

One of their classmate Garrell Lobo expressing his thoughts on Charan and Noushar said, “Both were fun loving, helpful and friendly persons, and always ready to help someone in need. Both of them were always in time for the classes, and “Nousha”whom we used to call fondly is sadly missed. Charan was anxiously waiting for better future after his training here, but all his dreams are destroyed after his tragic death. All I can say is that even though our classmates are not more with us, but they are still in our hearts, and we will always remember them. May their soul Rest In Peace”.

One of their teacher Robin Vas expressing his sympathies and sentiments said, “Even though I started training both of them few months ago, but I found both Charan and Noushar very dedicated, committed and very enthusiastic in learning something new. They got along good with their teachers and other students, and always gave respect to the adults, which was their main character. Missing someone at such a tender age is very sad and heart wrenching, but it was all God’s wish to have them with Him. Both Charan and Noushar will be sadly missed by everyone who were associated with them. May their souls Rest In Peace”.

Also expressing his thoughts and condolences, Fr Eric Mathias SJ said, “When I was in Bengaluru I got the bad news that two of our students had met tragic deaths in a accident, and I was totally sad, since I knew these two students very closely. I am grateful to few of the teachers and students who visited the hospital soon after the accident news, and did their best to help out Charan’s and Noushar’s families. Three things I can say about Charan and Noushar is – both were respectful and always respected everyone, and never talked back; Both were helpful, always ready to help someone in need; and Both were friendly and mixed along with everyone. We all need to follow in their footsteps to become Respectful, Helpful and Friendly. “

“Jesus came into this world to give joy and spread happiness, similarly Charan and Noushar coming into this world have also spread joy and happiness through their friendliness. Even though Charan had great hopes and a dream to achieve big in his life, but God’s wish was different- He wanted him min his garden as a blooming flower. Let us not think they are dead, instead they are still alive among us. Let us all cherish the lives both of them lived. May their souls Rest In Peace” added Fr Eric.

Later everyone showered flower petals at the portrait of Charan and Noushar, and prayed for their souls. Following the condolence meeting, two buses full of students decided to go to the homes of Charan and Noushar, to express their condolences to the bereaved family members. It is learnt that Charan was the only son, and his parents had arranged for a house warming ceremony of their new house in the nearest future, and Charan was looking forward to move into that new house. Noushar is one among the three children, who had great liking towards bikes and bike riding- and his love for bike ended in a bike accident-that’s sad!

While this article is dedicated to the departed souls of Charan and Noushar, it is also published to bring awareness among the motorists NOT to drive rash, recklessly and Carelessly, thereby putting citizens life in danger. Now that these two youth are dead, I am not sure how the bus driver feels driving on a wrong way and taking away the lives of these youngsters who had so much planned for their future. This tragedy shouldn’t have stuck these boys at this tender age. The family members of these two boys are heart broken and devastated.

While continuing further with this column, I only wish that all the motorists reading this column take it serious, and be careful while driving or riding. There are way too many accidents in Mangaluru, and all because negligence, carelessness and rash driving and riding. While I speak about rash and carelessness, I too was knocked down off my two-wheeler by speeding rider on his scooter-the impact was so hard, I was thrown to the concrete road, resulting in bleeding injuries. Was it my fault for being a careful rider for the last three years-definitely not. It was these two youngsters with no helmets, no licence plates on the vehicle and riding rash is whom to blame.

When you look at the news in the media, the number of accidents due to rash driving in the city has nearly doubled in the last couple of years. The number of cases booked for rash driving too has doubled, as per police source. Young riders with high-speed motorbikes are among the major offenders in these cases. Most cases booked against college students are for drunk driving, speeding and rash driving. When a two-wheeler goes out of control, it generally crashes into the median or pavement. And that’s true- and I experienced it, when I was knocked down by these rash young bike riders.

The place where Charan and Noushar used to sit was Replaced with Flowers Today

When we see or hear two-wheeler riders being killed in an accident, the first thing that comes to our mind “Bet the rider was speeding or reckless: and that’s true, when we witness the way some of the two-wheeler riders move on city roads. The loss of human lives in accidents has led to a blame game, which needs to be stopped. In conclusion, once again I want to stress is that in spite of the observance of Road Safety Week or the conduct of road safety awareness campaigns, accidents are still on the rise, and no one cares about it either. Carelessness stemming from unnecessary haste and lack of patience is the root cause of all accidents. Drivers are required to concentrate thoroughly during the whole journey. Places of public importance such as schools, hospitals, markets are areas where the speed of vehicles is to be controlled.

Now the ONLY WAY to stop accidents from happening, is to strict laws, or seize the license…and fine up 10 K…then see the difference. That’s the Only way to stop this idiotic driving. Many motorists don’t fear police, simply because there is a way to escape. The reason strict laws wont be implemented is because many of the police cannot be bribed. And that’s the problem we are facing here- Corrupt cops and strict laws not being implemented. Strict enforcement of traffic rules is needed. How often do we see people riding with mobile phones glued to their ears? What about the reckless overtaking by private buses which race against each other? Yet another main cause of accidents here is over-speeding, overtaking from the wrong side, and drivers not taking into account our road conditions before speeding.

I truly believe that Charan and Noushar are at peace! May their Souls Rest In Peace!

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